Requests for permission and APIs that access sensitive information should make sense to users. You may only request permissions and APIs that access sensitive information that are necessary to implement current features or services in your app that are promoted in your Google Play listing. You may not use permissions or APIs that access sensitive information that give access to user or device data for undisclosed, unimplemented, or disallowed features or purposes. Personal or sensitive data accessed through permissions or APIs that access sensitive information may never be sold nor shared for a purpose facilitating sale.

Request permissions and APIs that access sensitive information to access data in context (via incremental requests), so that users understand why your app is requesting the permission. Use the data only for purposes that the user has consented to. If you later wish to use the data for other purposes, you must ask users and make sure they affirmatively agree to the additional uses.

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In addition to the above, restricted permissions are permissions that are designated as Dangerous, Special, Signature, or as documented below. These permissions are subject to the following additional requirements and restrictions:

Requests to access data through Health Connect must be clear and understandable. Health Connect may only be used in accordance with the applicable policies, terms and conditions, and for approved use cases as set forth in this policy. This means you may only request access to permissions when your application or service meets one of the approved use cases.

If you request permissions using this key, then the browser may inform the user at install time that the extension is requesting certain privileges, and ask them to confirm that they are happy to grant these privileges. The browser may also allow the user to inspect an extension's privileges after installation. As the request to grant privileges may impact on users' willingness to install your extension, requesting privileges is worth careful consideration. For example, you want to avoid requesting unnecessary permissions and may want to provide information about why you are requesting permissions in your extension's store description. More information on the issues you should consider is provided in the article Request the right permissions.

Host permissions are specified as match patterns, and each pattern identifies a group of URLs for which the extension is requesting extra privileges. For example, a host permission could be "*://*".

The intention of this permission is to enable extensions to fulfill a common use case, without having to give them very powerful permissions. Many extensions want to "do something to the current page when the user asks".

The activeTab permission enables scripting access to the top level tab's page and same origin frames. Running scripts or modifying styles inside cross-origin frames may require additional host permissions. Of course, restrictions and limitations related to particular sites and URI schemes are applied as well.

Host permissions are specified as match patterns, and each pattern identifies a group of URLs for which the extension is requesting extra privileges. For example, a host permission could be \"*://*\".

The intention of this permission is to enable extensions to fulfill a common use case, without having to give them very powerful permissions. Many extensions want to \"do something to the current page when the user asks\".

DescriptionUse the chrome.permissions API to request declared optional permissions at run time rather than install time, so users understand why the permissions are needed and grant only those that are necessary.

For example, the optional permissions extension's core functionality is overriding the new tab page. One feature is displaying the user's goal of the day. This feature only requires the storage permission, which does not include a warning. The extension has an additional feature, that users can enable by clicking the following button:

If you want to request hosts that you only discover at runtime, include "https://*/*" in your extension's optional_host_permissions field. This lets you specify any origin in as long as it has a matchingscheme.

True if the extension has the specified permissions. If an origin is specified as both an optional permission and a content script match pattern, this will return false unless both permissions are granted.

The extension's active permissions. Note that the origins property will contain granted origins from those specified in the permissions and optional_permissions keys in the manifest and those associated with Content Scripts.

Requests access to the specified permissions, displaying a prompt to the user if necessary. These permissions must either be defined in the optional_permissions field of the manifest or be required permissions that were withheld by the user. Paths on origin patterns will be ignored. You can request subsets of optional origin permissions; for example, if you specify *://*\/* in the optional_permissions section of the manifest, you can request If there are any problems requesting the permissions, runtime.lastError will be set.

REST framework permissions also support object-level permissioning. Object level permissions are used to determine if a user should be allowed to act on a particular object, which will typically be a model instance.

Object level permissions are run by REST framework's generic views when .get_object() is called.As with view level permissions, an exceptions.PermissionDenied exception will be raised if the user is not allowed to act on the given object.

If you're writing your own views and want to enforce object level permissions,or if you override the get_object method on a generic view, then you'll need to explicitly call the .check_object_permissions(request, obj) method on the view at the point at which you've retrieved the object.

Note: With the exception of DjangoObjectPermissions, the providedpermission classes in rest_framework.permissions do not implement themethods necessary to check object permissions.

If you wish to use the provided permission classes in order to check objectpermissions, you must subclass them and implement thehas_object_permission() method described in the Custompermissions section (below).

Because the get_object() method is not called, object level permissions from the has_object_permission() method are not applied when creating objects. In order to restrict object creation you need to implement the permission check either in your Serializer class or override the perform_create() method of your ViewSet class.

This permission is not strictly required, since you can achieve the same result by using an empty list or tuple for the permissions setting, but you may find it useful to specify this class because it makes the intention explicit.

This permission class ties into Django's standard django.contrib.auth model permissions. This permission must only be applied to views that have a .queryset property or get_queryset() method. Authorization will only be granted if the user is authenticated and has the relevant model permissions assigned. The appropriate model is determined by checking get_queryset().model or queryset.model.

This permission class ties into Django's standard object permissions framework that allows per-object permissions on models. In order to use this permission class, you'll also need to add a permission backend that supports object-level permissions, such as django-guardian.

As with DjangoModelPermissions, this permission must only be applied to views that have a .queryset property or .get_queryset() method. Authorization will only be granted if the user is authenticated and has the relevant per-object permissions and relevant model permissions assigned.

Note: If you need object level view permissions for GET, HEAD and OPTIONS requests and are using django-guardian for your object-level permissions backend, you'll want to consider using the DjangoObjectPermissionsFilter class provided by the djangorestframework-guardian2 package. It ensures that list endpoints only return results including objects for which the user has appropriate view permissions.

Note: The instance-level has_object_permission method will only be called if the view-level has_permission checks have already passed. Also note that in order for the instance-level checks to run, the view code should explicitly call .check_object_permissions(request, obj). If you are using the generic views then this will be handled for you by default. (Function-based views will need to check object permissions explicitly, raising PermissionDenied on failure.)

Custom permissions will raise a PermissionDenied exception if the test fails. To change the error message associated with the exception, implement a message attribute directly on your custom permission. Otherwise the default_detail attribute from PermissionDenied will be used. Similarly, to change the code identifier associated with the exception, implement a code attribute directly on your custom permission - otherwise the default_code attribute from PermissionDenied will be used. 006ab0faaa

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