Hi, I am also interested in extracting a TH1 histogram from a canvas and also in my case the primitive is a RooHist. I have considered the corrected macro you posted here some months ago, but at the end I need to draw the TH1 histogram not the canvas. If I put h->Draw(); instead of canvas->Draw(); , I get only the x/y axes drawn but not the points. is there a way to plot h? Thanks a lot

It appears that the important and simple task of accessing histograms from canvas causes trouble from time to time. Some easy to follow and fail-safe rules are needed, because otherwise it becomes difficult to work with the data that are on a canvas.

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I am exploring options for my district to move from Canvas to Moodle. I have exported several courses from Canvas as imscc files but cannot import them into Moodle using the restore course feature- it says the file is not a Moodle compatible file. I have tried changing the file extension to a zip file and that does not work either. I have tried a variety of courses- some that are very small and just contain text and resources to full courses with a robust range of files.

I suggest starting from scratch, creating the course components, and learning Moodle along the way. One thing that I should mention is that I think you can import Canvas Testbanks into Moodle! I forget if you will need a plugin for this.

(I once tried moving my Moodle courses to Canvas, because Canvas said this was possible. Well, it was possible, but for the time it took me to clean up the import, I would have been ahead timewise to had created the courses from scratch.)

All these different systems have slightly (or very) different views of the world. I would also accept that you will be creating your courses from scratch if you want the end result to be satisfactory.

Hi Dan, I agree with your statement about quiz questions. Moodle's question bank is an enormous plus compared to the other LMSs, so it is not odd that importing directly from other LMSs into Moodle can be troublesome.

You might notice that I have suggested to Troy to seek the questions from the original source - the textbook publisher. Most (good) textbook publishers have their quiz questions in some form of format, even MS Word as a minimum. Maybe Troy will find a more direct way, Canvas into Moodle. But short of this, it might not be that hard to get these questions from the publishers.

We too are suffering in trying to move courses from Canvas into Moodle. We had pretty good success going from Moodle to Canvas...but it appears to be a one way road. Issues coming from Canvas to Moodle include:

Troy, the real question (if you don't mind my pun) is "Where did your question banks originally come from?" Were they created from scratch within Canvas? If, by chance, they came from a textbook publisher, maybe you have the original questions in a format that can be easily imported into Moodle?

Canvas was trying to attract schools to migrate from other systems, so this is where they tried to invest some of their programming time. They do not care at all about schools that want to go from Canvas to some other product, so it would really surprise me if they would provide "export" facilities.

Additionally, as far as I have learned, Canvas does not support a quiz database, as Moodle does. When my school was moving from D2L to Canvas, I spoke with our internal "Canvas Quiz" expert, who actually was hired from a school using Moodle. He said, "If you are used to Moodle's quizzing engine, you will be very disappointed by what Canvas offers." He was correct. (And I still use Moodle.)

What I earlier reported was only in regards to the Exporting of a Course Content from Canvas and trying to import back into iLearn. Those error messages pop up about the quizzes and stop the entire process.

Of course, Canvas has no incentive in making it easy to leave their LMS. But there are a lot of reasons for Moodle to make it easy to import from Canvas back to Moodle. Canvas is a strong competitor that has succeeded in moving all of the California Community Colleges into its LMS and away from Moodle. Many of those instructors also teach at our California State University, and for those of us still clinging to and defending Moodle as the better LMS, it would be very helpful if were able to easily import courses made in Canvas back into Moodle.

Don't totally give up on Respondus yet. You might need to make two (or even three) steps. See if your Respondus can export to Blackboard, for example, or any of the other formats that Moodle can import from.

Tangentially related,

We are using Respondus lock down browser and had a painful experience.

As R lockdown was imported from the original course to others, it brought with it legacy files from the original course.

As it propagated, Moodle's file DB grew from 1 MB to 4.

Well Respondus is a one trick pony...but it has saved many of our faculty when we needed to move their quizzes out of Blackboard at their old campus and into Moodle on our campus. And Respondus' ability to create quizzes with embedded images from a Word doc is pretty slick.

The situation we faced was in capturing the instructor's quizzes from his former College's Blackboard system. As you noted, Moodle is not good at restoring quizzes (or course materials) from Blackboard. And his quizzes were extensive and included unique items he had created, and items culled from publishers quiz banks. Once an instructor has gone to the effort to select from, re-write and delete unwanted items from the often 1000's of quiz items from a publishers quiz bank...they get very dour at the thought of having to start over again! In any case, Respondus works like a charm to move quizzes and quiz banks from Blackboard to Moodle. Only Canvas blocks Respondus from being able to retrieve quizzes...and I am sure that is by design. Canvas does not want to make it possible to every leave their LMS.

I have had situations where the publisher has given me a "Blackboard" question bank, and it doesn't import into Moodle. So instead, I import into Blackboard first, then export it from Blackboard, and it is this file that DOES import into Moodle. So I have sometimes had to use Blackboard in the middle.

I have also worked with Word files, had to do some search/replace to get it into the proper format, imported this into Examview (an old copy), then exported it from Examview as xml, and imported this file into Moodle.

None the less...as we constantly have new instructors being hired, many who are teaching in Community Colleges and have built their courses in Canvas, we had hoped that by now Moodle would have a method for easily importing at least the content and the quiz banks from Canvas. Alas...we can land a rover on Mars, but migrating from Canvas to Moodle seems to be beyond known technology!

However, following your advice not to give up on Respondus, I did just locate this information, which stated that exporting the quizzes one at a time from Canvas, would allow Respondus to import them one at a time. -a-quiz-to-word

(Hmmm, I just went to my free Blackboard account and I see that Blackboard is soon to change it. I wonder what this all means? You might only have the month of December to use Blackboard 9. Ah, this is interesting... the "new coursesites is now Ultra from what I can see. When I picked "new" I was taken to my free Ultra account! Wow, is Blackboard finally getting rid of its Blackboard 9 product? Actually, since Ultra is a weaker sibling to Blackboard9, I wouldn't be surprised if Blackboard decided that they could compete better again Canvas with its Ultra product? The weaker Canvas product seems to be attracting many schools, like your own. My experience with Ultra is 1 1/2 years old, so maybe Blackboard finally improved Ultra! ha-ha)

canvas.toDataURL is not working if the original image URL (either relative or absolute) does not belong to the same domain as the web page. Tested from a bookmarklet and a simple javascript in the web page containing the images.Have a look to David Walsh working example. Put the html and images on your own web server, switch original image to relative or absolute URL, change to an external image URL. Only the first two cases are working.

I have had some success using Purell hand sanitizer (without Aloe). I lay the canvas down and pour a generous amount onto the affected area and let it sit. Occasionally test for softening. Wipe with a damp cloth. I also use this to remove dried acrylic paint from brushes.

To use GradeSync in a Canvas course that is generated from CAESAR, instructors must first add or create their own grading scheme. Once this has been updated, GradeSync can be enabled from the course Settings area under Navigation. Once enabled, only instructors will see the GradeSync tab.

Canvas current score and Canvas current grade - Current grade/score is calculated from the course activities that have been graded (2). Students are not penalized for any graded activity that have not yet been submitted or that the instructor has not yet graded. SIS mid-semester grades are preloaded in this form based on Canvas current grades.

Canvas final score and Canvas final grade - Final grade/score is calculated from all activities that can be graded, even if they have not been submitted or graded (3). Any items that do not have a grade are treated as having a zero grade. SIS final grades are preloaded in this form based on Canvas final grades.

Once the process of uploading grades from Canvas to SIS is complete, final grades must be approved in the SIS. This process will submit the students' grades to the University Registrar. Final grades can be seen in SIS by students after an overnight process.

At the end of each semester, instructors are required to submit their final grades into PeopleSoft. You are now able to import your final grades from Canvas into PeopleSoft. Please view our instruction document below to follow the steps to import your grades.

Canvas Commons provides instructors at Indiana University access to many different valuable resources that can be imported directly into a Canvas course, to supplement existing course content. The process for importing resources from Canvas Commons is straightforward, but knowing where to start is tricky. The following steps will walk you through the process of importing content from Canvas Commons into your Canvas course. For this example, we'll walk through the process of importing Creating Research Posters into a Canvas course. ff782bc1db

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