One of my biggest DMCA concerns is having to delete an entire VOD because of a few minutes of music. Is Twitch working on a way to cut out specific parts of VODs so that we don't have to sacrifice the entire stream?

This is actually something Youtube offers creators, they mute specific parts of the VOD and give you the option of cutting out the specific part that got claimed. Unfortunately, the highlighter doesn't give you this ability, because it sometimes means you have to cut out parts of gameplay that don't contain the music if you use it. Why not add a separate feature similar to the highlighter that will let you listen for the music that got cut (which will be highlighted by red on the timeline) so you can cut it out until the point where the music stops? This way you can cut out the copyrighted music but keep the rest, because if you try using the highlighter it will corrupt the video if you try doing the same.

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They've been muting at risk (of dmca) parts of VODs for a long time. Its just not able to get 100% of songs. 

But I would like to see the plans for improving it or offering more options like you suggested with cutting out specific parts of vods.

By: Jeff Gong, Software Engineer, Sahil Dhanju, Software Engineer Intern Chih-Chiang Lu, Senior Software Engineer, Yueshi Shen, Principal Research Engineer,

Since H.264 is a lossy compression standard, transcoding will inevitably trigger video quality degradation. Moreover, encoding is a very computationally expensive process, particularly for high resolution and high frame rate video. Due to these two constraints, we would ideally like to transmux rather than transcode the highest variant from the source RTMP to save the computational power and preserve the video quality.

Initially, the frontend was also part of the standard Rails app, rendering HTML on the server side, and using some jQuery for JavaScript interactions. Over time, it evolved into a full Ember.js single-page application rendering on the client side. This allowed for a clear separation between our frontend client and backend API.

Wild Data is part of an ongoing project led by Libby Heaney proposing new ways of speaking about data collection, stewardship and usage in relation to her research into how rewilding practices can be applied within the UK and Europe.

If you still haven't, you can read the previously published Part1 and then continuereading this post. Otherwise, you can use the already implementedbackend.In this part, you are going to create React application and visualize generalstatistics and some interesting insights from the Twitch dataset. Allimplementation that will be mentioned in this part of the blog you can find inthefrontendfolder of the project.

Now you can hit docker-compose build from your root project folder anddocker-compose up after that. First memgraph-mage will run and thentwitch-app. After that react-app will be run. Now you can make requests fromyour frontend.

And that's it for now! I hope you got everything right, but if you have anyquestions or want to give some feedback, feel free to join ourDiscord Community Server. Make sure to follow upon the last part of this blog, where you can learn how to tackle your streamingdata with Kafka and analyze it with Memgraph in real-time.

The distal part of the vastus medialis (VM) (VM obliquus: VMO) muscle acts as the medial stabilizer of the patella. However, it has been known to facilitate VMO contraction during training of the quadriceps femoris muscle in knee joint rehabilitation. This study aimed to examine the contribution degree of VMO as a knee joint extension torque generator. Sixteen healthy male volunteers participated in this study. Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) was performed on VMO at 60 knee angle for 20 min to induce muscle fatigue. Knee extension twitch torques (TT) at 90 and 30 knee angle evoked by femoral nerve stimulation were measured before and after EMS. Although each TT at 90 and 30 knee angle significantly decreased after EMS, the decreased TT rate in both joint angles showed no significant difference. Our results show that VMO might contribute to the generation of the knee joint torque at the same level in the range from flexion to extension. Therefore, it was suggested that the facilitating the neural drive for VMO is important during the quadriceps femoris muscle strengthening exercise.

1) WebView : Using a WebView is the proper way to show a user videos. It will allow our application show a twitch stream directly . We can tackle this problem through XML or Compose.

Once you have a user access token, we can move on to implementing a Websocket and connecting to the twitch IRC servers. We need to create a new class and have it implement the WebSocketListener class.

Twitch Rivals is multiplayer competitive entertainment - and the best part? It's all available for co-streaming!

Co-streaming is a great way to connect with your community around Twitch Rivals competition and create content different from what you normally stream. When you co-stream, you can put your unique spin on our broadcast and add whatever you would like to make the experience special for your audience.

The module, `twitchextensioncsp` can be found over on NPM and on GitHub and essentially just wraps Helmet for you and passes in the CSP Configuration with much less copy/paste between extensions if you are working on multiples.

If you refer to the README for twitchextensioncsp there are a handful of quick start examples for the CSP setup. As you do need to explicitly declare the Twitch CDN and Twitch API if you wish to use those in your Extension frontend!

Some bad business is going down in Midgar and we'll have to eventually deal with it, but there's no particular rush. Chat now has access to just about everything left in the game and there's significant cleanup to do. First on the list is Vincent's ultimate weapon and final limit break. This is pretty painless and since Vince's limits have been carrying the run for ages, kitting him out makes a lot of sense. We hop in the sub and heads towards Lucrecia's cave for a bit of lore. While Vincent is an optional character this sidequest actually has a lot of potent implications for the main storyline, highlighting the tragic connections between Vince's beloved, Hojo's twisted experiments, and the Turks. It's a lot to dig into and unpack, so we won't. The event itself is simple, after talking to Lucrecia you fight ten or so battles then return. Vincent's weapon and skill will be waiting.

Vincent is powered up now, but rather surprisingly his ultimate weapon is not. His final weapon's damage is based on the number of kills he's gotten over the game. Given how long Vince has been in the party and carrying fights, chat figures it would do decent damage by now, but his previous weapon still outclasses it. Regardless, his fourth limit is worth the trip by itself anyway. Chat stays aboard the hard earned submarine and proceeds to the next aquatic destination, one eye out for the terrifying jade monster lurking the seas.

Gelnika is an endgame mini dungeon, it isn't required to come here at all but the loot is fantastic. Also, by doing this now we get to have an optional showdown with the Turks, which becomes unavailable after the raid on Midgar. The boys are here and chat is gonna wail on them a bit for old time's sake. Their boss music has rightfully been restored and they aren't complete pushovers this time around, but the party still faces little difficulty with this fight. Vince does his usual carry and despite the worst intentions of malicious inputters, this fight is not a particular threat and the Turks suffer humiliating defeat yet again.

There is a moment of panic about halfway through the smash and grab. Death Gigas Vince is still doing most of the heavy lifting when it is revealed one of his attacks has an element absorbed by Unknown 3, one of the creatively named enemies in the area. Similar to Materia Keeper and Red Dragon, this became an extreme liability, as he was healing the mob for more than his regular attack did in damage. This forced chat into a long loop where the party essentially had to out DPS their berserker partner. His final limit Chaos was assigned immediately after the fight, to prevent this terrible and lengthy scenario from ever happening again.

Chat receives the mostly useless shiny red rock along with a bit of Yuffie story, but the true prize is being treated to a repeat of her criminally underused theme song. Before leaving, we finally overwrite all the former disc backup saves, a task left incomplete for far too long. One exception is made, card 2 slot 2 has a save from just before Temple of the Ancients and the last time Aeris was in the party, so it's decided to maintain it as a sort of memorial. It's highly unlikely even with determined maliciousness it could get loaded anyway. We're now done with Wutai forever and have handled much of the busywork on the world map. Chat needs a break and there's still an old foe we have yet to properly conquer.

We make a brief stop along the way to pick up Cid's ultimate weapon from Rocket Town. The old man who used to enjoy staring at the rusty boosters is understandably bummed that Shinra blew it all up, and simply talking to him a few times will relinquish the prize. While Cid is never really used, this is along the path so we might as well grab it anyway. Chat is starting to properly consider the superbosses, and we want to keep all strategy options open. Beating Emerald and Ruby was truly considered impossible by almost everyone, but I was among the few pushing hard to at least try. After all, there were few expectations left to defy, and in our current state the party could already finish the game handily. We needed more challenges.

Chat attempts to resume the journey when a particularly obnoxious troll arrives. Someone claiming to hold the world record speedrun in the PC version of FF7 has decided to represent his community by being a disgusting excuse for a human, stalling progress for quite some time. Their game knowledge would have certainly been valuable to chat, but this one had instead decided to simply be a selfish jerk for his own petty amusement. As someone who follows and watches many speedrunners of this game and others, it was a particularly disheartening episode. I've said all along I want to generally avoid giving trolls spotlights and while I think someone like this deserves a harsh one, I absolutely do not encourage any sort of retaliation or further consequences. It's not hard to find out who this person is, but leave them alone. I told them exactly how I feel already, and they can live with the knowledge they had no redeeming qualities to bring to this experience. Enough of all that, it's time to GAMBLE. ff782bc1db

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