For the API Gateway to trust X.509 certificates issued by a specific Certificate Authority (CA), you must import that CA's certificate into the API Gateway's trusted certificate store. For example, if the API Gateway is to trust secure communications (SSL connections or XML Signature) from an external SAML Policy Decision Point (PDP), you must import the PDP's certificate, or the issuing CA's certificate into the API Gateway's certificate store.

In addition to importing CA certificates, you can also import and create server certificates and private keys in the certificate store. You can also import and create public-private key pairs. For example, these can be used with the Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).

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To view the lists of certificates and private keys stored in the certificate store, select Certificates and Keys -> Certificates in the tree on the left of the Policy Studio. The certificates and keys are listed on the following tabs in the Certificates screen on the right:

To create a certificate and private key, click the Create/Import button. The Configure Certificate and Private Key dialog is displayed. This section explains how to use the X.509 Certificate tab on this dialog.

This mandatory field enables you specify a friendly name (or alias) for the certificate. Alternatively, you can click Use Subject button to add the DName of the certificate in the text box instead of a certificate alias.

Select this setting if you wish to explicitly specify an issuer certificate for this certificate (for example, to avoid a potential clash or expiry issue with another certificate using the same intermediary certificate). You can then click the button on the right to select an issuer certificate. This setting is not selected by default.

Use the Private Key tab to configure details of the private key. By default, private keys are stored locally in the certificate store. They can also be stored on a Hardware Security Module (HSM), if required.

If the private key that corresponds to the public key stored in the certificate resides on a HSM, select the Private key stored on HSM radio button. Configure the following fields to associate a key stored on a HSM with the current certificate:

The value entered is used to uniquely identify a specific private key from all others that may be stored on the HSM. On completion of the dialog, this private key is associated with the certificate that you are currently editing. Private keys are identified by their key Id by default.

On the main Certificates screen, you can click the Edit button to edit an existing certificate. You can also click the View button to view the more detailed information on an existing certificate. Similarly, you can click the Remove button to remove a certificate from the certificate store.

You can also export a certificate to a Java keystore. You can do this by clicking the Keystore button on the main Certificates screen. Click the browse button at beside the Keystore field at the top right to open an existing keystore, or click New Keystore to create a new keystore. Choose the name and location of the keystore file, and enter a passphrase for this keystore when prompted. Click the Export to Keystore button and select a certificate to export.

Similarly, you can import certificates and keys from a Java keystore into the certificate store. To do this, click the Keystore button on the main Certificates screen. On the Keystore screen, browse to the location of the keystore by clicking the button beside the Keystore field. The certificates/keys in the keystore are listed in the table. To import any of these keys to the certificate store, select the box next to the certificate or key that you want to import, and click the Import to Trusted certificate store button. If the key is protected by a password, you are prompted for this password.

To configure public-private key pairs in the certificate store, select Certificates and Keys -> Key Pairs. The Key Pairs screen enables you to add, edit, or delete OpenSSH public-private key pairs, which are required for the Secure Shell (SSH) File Transfer Protocol (SFTP).

To configure Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) key pairs in the certificate store, select Certificates and Keys -> PGP Key Pairs. The PGP Key Pairs screen enables you to add, edit, or delete PGP public-private key pairs.

Oracle's Certified Professional Java SE Programmer (OCPJP)[9] exam is the fundamental exam required to demonstrate solid understanding of Java and some of its SE APIs and is a prerequisite to a number of the other Java certificates.

Purpose: This career studies certificate prepares the student to design and implement traditional/legacy stand-alone and client-server applications using procedural and object-oriented development techniques. Upon completion graduates are prepared to study for one of the following industry certifications: MCP - Programming and the Oracle Certified Associate.

Purpose: This career studies certificate prepares the student to design and implement traditional/legacy stand-alone and client-server applications using procedural and object-oriented development techniques. Upon completion graduates are prepared to study for one of the following industry certifications: MCP - Programming or the Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer.

if ORDS is running in STANDALONE mode on the same server as the database (with SSL) from which APEX is hosted (like in a DEV environment) why cant ORDS just reference the same xdb_wallet as the database? That is where the certificate and private key reside. All we would need to do is update the file and edit the new entry (hopefully) with the path to the xdb_wallet.

The first track, Introduction to Computer Science, is best suited to a high school setting. Students learn the basics of SQL and PL/SQL programming using web training and working with an instructor. Finally, successful students can get a certificate. Teachers complete a professional course and successfully complete it with certification.

As part of database training at AI, it is possible to obtain a certificate issued in cooperation with Oracle Czech Republic. This certificate both documents the completion of the database course and entitles you to a discount when obtaining commercial Oracle certificates. You can find their offer here. For more information, contact Mr. Milo Prokek. 006ab0faaa

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