To get started, navigate to the firmware selector server at Start typing Raspberry Pi 4 into the search field and select Raspberry Pi 4B/400/4CM (64bit). Now expand the Customize accordion.

I was thinking to buy a router on which I can install OpenWRT. But good routers are very expensive. So is it possible to use a raspberry pi as OpenWRT Router? will it provide all the functionalities?

Download Openwrt Raspberry Pi

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I have a fresh install of openwrt 21.02.1 on my pi0. I connected the pi0 via usb-Ethernet cable to my pc and for some reason I really cannot ssh into the pi.. ssh into just says no route to host.. can someone help?

Update: It might be that this specific version of the ethernet usb does not work so well with raspberry pi 0.

See bottom of the page: _USB_Ethernet_adapters

Will confirm this once I test this with a supported adapter

@mk24 / @lleachii: Can you guys help? Recent stock firmware for raspberry pi + Apple USB to ethernet adapter. Trying to connect the pi to my Ubuntu workstation. Ping works, openwrt device shows up on ifconfig. When I try to SSH, i get the connection refused message. Set a static IP for the Pi.

Follow the link in the previous paragraph to version 19.07.7 of the OpenWRT software for the Raspberry Pi 3 and download the rpi-3-ext4-factory.img.gz and rpi-3-ext4-sysupgrade.img.gz files. Save them on your laptop as openwrt-19.07.7-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-factory.img.gz and openwrt-19.07.7-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-sysupgrade.img.gz. If a newer stable version of OpenWRT is available when you read this article, use it instead. For a Raspberry Pi 4, download the corresponding files here.

Next, extract the OpenWRT image file from the openwrt-19.07.7-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-factory.img.gz file and copy it to a microSD card using your Linux laptop and the command: 

 sudo dd if=openwrt-19.07.7-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-factory.img of=/dev/sdc bs=4096 conv=notrunc,noerror 

 Be sure to substitute the correct location of your microSD card in your laptop in place of /dev/sdc, or you may corrupt one of your laptop's storage drives. If your laptop is running Windows, you can use Etcher to write the OpenWRT software to the microSD card.

In the OpenWRT menu, select System/Backup Flash Firmware. Click on the "Flash image..." button under "Flash new firmware image". In the "Uploading file..." window that pops up, browse to the openwrt-19.07.7-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-sysupgrade.img.gz that you saved onto your laptop. Hit the "Upload" button. Then hit the "Continue" button on the window that pops up. Do not power off the Raspberry Pi while the image file is being written, or your OpenWRT installation will be corrupted, and you will have to start the entire installation over from the beginning.

After the "sysupgrade" image has been installed and the Raspberry Pi has rebooted, the login page should come up automatically. Log in using the administrative (root) password you set previously. Under menu item Status/Overview, the firmware version should be listed as "OpenWrt 19.07.7 r11306-c4a6851c72 / LuCI openwrt-19.07 branch git-21.044.30835-34e0d65" if you installed the same version I did.

You should make a backup of your OpenWRT installation in case your microSD card dies or its contents are corrupted. Without a backup, you will have to go through the installation and configuration steps all over again. The easiest way to make a backup using Linux is to plug the OpenWRT microSD card into your laptop and type at the command line: 

 dd if=/dev/sdc of=raspberry_pi_openWRT_router.img bs=4095 conv=notrunc,noerror 

 Use the USB device designation of your microSD card in your laptop in place of /dev/sdc. Be very careful. Using the "dd" command incorrectly can overwrite your laptop's storage drive, rendering it inoperable. I use Gparted to determine the USB device designation of the microSD card, but "fdisk -l" also works.

To use your OpenWRT backup image to create another bootable OpenWRT microSD card, go to the directory that contains your image file and type: 

 dd if=raspberry_pi_openWRT_router.img of=/dev/sdc bs=4095 conv=notrunc,noerror 

 Substitute the actual location of your blank microSD card in your laptop in place of /dev/sdc. You do not have to format the blank microSD card first. Any pre-existing formatting will be overwritten by the "dd" command.

Seeing the opportunities offered with balenaCloud, I was wondering if I could execute an OpenWRT container (such as this one (wich mention balenaOS) : -openwrt/) beside some other containers running occasionally Kodi, steamLink, balena-sound or even a small container to control my projector with serial command over usb.

I use all my pi connected to a wired network so I hope that I will be able to configure the WirelessNetwork Adaptater through the openwrt running under balenaOS.

It should be fine to run an openwrt container on balenaOS. Firstly you will have to make sure that your docker-compose.yml has the openwrt service marked as privileged so that it can access the hardware directly. You should also be able to get a shell inside the service container from the device summary view in the balenaCloud dashboard, or by using the balena ssh command if you have balenaCLI installed.

Is anyone able to use an RPi 4 as a wireless router to connect to Losmandy Gemini 2? OpenWRT has a new beta version that is supposed to run on the RPi, but I have been unable to get it to work as a wireless router let alone connect it to Gemini. I have tried to follow the documentation provided by the raspberry pi organization as well as numerous third-party sites on the subject, but none of the configurations described therein seem to work.

What router did you use?

There are many different routers using openwrt. I cannot adapt all the devices. This script I test in GL-s1300 from GL-iNET. It works well.

It seems that your device lack some library. Try to install libffi before you run this script.

La introducs en la raspberry y arrancis. El sistema arranca con la IP As que si no estis en ese rango, tendris que colocaros o tener cuidado si vuestro router ya tiene esa ip. Lo mejor es aislarlos con el PC que vais a configurar el sistema para no tener problemas. ff782bc1db

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