Vector tiles are a way to deliver geographic data in small chunks to a browser or other client application. Vector tiles are similar to raster tiles, but instead of raster images, the data returned is a vector representation of the features in the tile. Some vector tile sources are clipped so that all geometry is bounded in the tiles, potentially chopping features in half. Other vector tile sources serve unclipped geometry so that a whole lake may be returned even if only a small part of it intersects the tile.

A simple vector tiles map with Mapzen vector tiles. This example uses the TopoJSON format's layerName option to determine the layer ("water", "roads", "buildings") for styling. Note: [ol/format/MVT] is an even more efficient format for vector tiles.

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The thing is that I am looking for road data including road types, so that I can know precisely what is a highway, what is a road, what is a building, and if possible what vectors are single-way roads. I would also like to be able to download larger polygons compared with what is possible with OpenStreetLayers, so that I can cover whole urban areas.

Concerning the completeness of the data, it is true that osm still has to catch up in some regions of the world, sorry. We do believe that osm is the best way to fill the gaps, and invite you to join in. Remember that there is no such thing as a 100% complete map of a country. I wish you good luck in finding free vector data of brazilian roads that is more complete than osm; tell us if you do :)

We have prepared a set of beautiful Open Map Styles for our vector tiles. The styles are free and open-source, and you can adapt the design and code for your project or commercial product however you like. Either use one of our map styles directly as your base map or as a starting point for your own map design. You can also use an open-source visual map style editor.Open Map Styles compatible with OpenMapTiles Vector Tiles

The whole project is open-source, documented and comes with a license which is friendly even for business use (BSD + CC-BY). The project reuses existing many open-source components, map designs and open standards from the OSM & FOSS community and Mapbox Inc. The work on the new open vector tile schema was done in cooperation with Paul Norman and Wikimedia Foundation and was initially modelled after the cartography of the Positron base map from Carto (former CartoDB), with their permission.

For many years, Esri has included OpenStreetMap as one of the default basemaps in ArcGIS, which has been quite popular. The basemap references a raster tile service hosted by the OSM Foundation that is updated frequently as contributors make edits to OSM. Over the past couple years, Esri has introduced basemap options using vector tile layers, which offer several advantages such as the ability to customize the map. Until now, there has not been an option to access all of OpenStreetMap as a vector basemap in ArcGIS Online.

This summer, Esri is introducing a new OpenStreetMap Vector Basemap. The map will be built using OSM data exclusively. It will be hosted by Esri and updated frequently over time. Best of all, it will be freely available to all ArcGIS Users. In fact, it will be freely available to any user or developer that would like to use an OSM vector basemap in their map or app!

I imported the OSM tile layer and can see it visually. But how do I access the actual data of the layer? It's vector data, made of points, lines, and polygons, right? How can I access the feature data for some part of the map, like as json?

Create the vector tiles on your home machine or using cloud CPU. Upload the file to your site or app. And that's it. No database to maintain; no contract to pay; no restriction on commercial use.

tilemaker is a single executable that takes OpenStreetMap data and makes it into vector tiles. It's supremely customisable, but if you just want off-the-shelf tiles in a standard style, tilemaker comes bundled with the files to do that too.

The tiles are in the industry-standard Mapbox Vector Tiles format, but you don't need a Mapbox contract. Use the open-source MapLibre GL library to render your tiles in-browser, in iOS apps or on Android. Get the codeYour tiles, your wayWith tilemaker, you can pull out any facet of OpenStreetMap's rich data. Make a walking map, a city map, a National Park map, a cycling map. Use the Lua scripting language to select OSM tags and encode them into vector tile values. Or just use the pre-prepared scripts shipped with tilemaker.

I'm looking into a solution that will allow to use OpenStreetMap data to render a 2D top-view vector-based map in iOS, instead of using pre-rendered tiles from a server. Similar to Apple and Google Maps in iOS6+.

The first 2 apps work similar to Apple and Google Maps. The map is drawn in real time whenever the zoom changes.

The last one appears to be using a slightly different approach. It renders the vector data at specific zoom levels and creates tiles which are then used as normal tiles downloaded from a tile server. So the rendering engine could actually be a tile source for the Route-Me library, but instead of downloading the tiles it renders them on the fly.

Mapbox stated they are working on vector tiles and they'll probably provide an iOS solution for rendering, however it may use Mapnik so I am not sure how efficient will that be. And there's no ETA on since mid 2013.

They render the map using OpenGL and "vector data tiles". This vector data tiles contain information regarding road geometry (so you can have routing), POI data & other map features. (eg. boundary limits).

In both cases, the Browser helps you navigate in your file systemand manage geodata, regardless the type of layer (raster, vector, table),or the datasource format (plain or compressed files, databases, web services).

Once a file is loaded, you can zoom around it using the map navigation tools.To change the style of a layer, open the Layer Properties dialogby double-clicking on the layer name or by right-clicking on the name in thelegend and choosing Properties from the context menu. Seesection Symbology Properties for more information on setting symbology forvector layers.

For loading vector and raster files the GDAL driver offers to define openactions. These will be shown when a file is selected. Options are describedin detail on , if a file is selected in QGIS, a text with hyperlink will directlylead to the documentation of the selected file type.

Check layers to show: Each selected layer is added to an ad hoc group whichcontains vector layers for the point, line, label and area features of thedrawing layer.The style of the layers will resemble the look they originally hadin *CAD.

a Style URL: a URL to a MapBox GL JSON style configuration.If provided, then that style will be applied whenever the layersfrom the connection are added to QGIS.In the case of Arcgis vector tile service connections, the URL overridesthe default style configuration specified in the server configuration.

Generally speaking, Natural Earth is used at low-zooms, and OpenStreetMap is relied on in mid- and high-zooms. Data from is used at the same zooms as the raw OSM data, and is derived from the OSM data. Who's On First neighbourhood labels generally come in at high-zooms.

We include coastline-derived water polygons from at mid- and high-zooms. This service, now run by FOSSGIS e.V., replaces - it's the same service, but a different hosting arrangement. The service was created by Jochen Topf and Christoph Hormann for the OpenStreetMap community and the general public and it rocks!

Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales suitable for zooms 0 to 8. Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data, with Natural Earth you can make a variety of visually pleasing, well-crafted maps with cartography or GIS software.

The UN Vector Tile Toolkit ( -vector-tile-toolkit/) is a package of open source tools designed under the UN Open GIS Initiative to enable public basemap providers, such as the UN geospatial information services or mapping organizations of governments, among others, to deliver their basemap vector tiles leveraging the latest web map technologies. The toolkit provides a set of Node.js open source scripts designed for developers to use with existing and proven open-source software such as Tippecanoe, Maputnik and Vector Tile optimizer. The toolkit will help organizations to produce, host, style, and optimize fast and interoperable basemap vector tiles, making them available with various application frameworks. The talk will cover automatic and continuous updates of basemap vector tiles using a continuously updated PostGIS database which stores both the UN mission-specific basemap data and global OpenStreetMap data. The talk also focuses on how the project ensured interoperability with different existing enterprise geospatial software frameworks that use less-advanced web map libraries. The project aims to build a sustainable community of developers that support the provision of fast and interoperable basemap vector tiles.

Find and download geospatial vector (point, line, or polygon) data using resources such as the ones in these tables. For information about supported file formats, see Supported Geospatial File Formats for Import and Export. ff782bc1db

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