OpenPose is the first real-time multi-person system to jointly detect human body, hand, facial, and foot key-points (in total 135 key-points) on single images. It was proposed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University. They have released in the form of Python code, C++ implementation and Unity Plugin. These resources can be downloaded from OpenPose repository.

The part affinity field is required especially in multi person pose detection we are required to map the correct body parts to its body. Because for multiple persons, there are multiple heads, hands, shoulders etc. Thus it becomes difficult to distinguish sometimes when they closely grouped together. PAF provides a connection between different part of the body that belongs to the same person. A stronger PAF link between body parts represents that high chances that those body parts belong to the same person.

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For someone who is familiar with python programming in Blender it might be easy to take the 2D output from OpenPose to create joint movements in pose mode, with the same camera lens, distance and orientation with the subject as the original capture video. An OpenPose compatible rig is available for Blender from MakeHuman. This is an interesting approach to convert any character movement video into a Blender armature action that would make a great popular plugin. Anyone interested?

Background:  Open-source pose estimation is rapidly reducing the costs associated with motion capture, as machine learning partially eliminates the need for specialized cameras and equipment. This technology could be particularly valuable for clinical gait analysis, which is often performed qualitatively due to the prohibitive cost and setup required for conventional, marker-based motion capture.

Methods:  This analysis used an existing dataset that contained video and synchronous motion capture data from 32 able-bodied participants while walking. Sagittal plane videos were analyzed using pre-trained algorithms from four open-source pose estimation methods-OpenPose, Tensorflow MoveNet Lightning, Tensorflow MoveNet Thunder, and DeepLabCut-to extract keypoints (i.e., landmarks) and calculate hip and knee kinematics and spatiotemporal gait parameters. The absolute error when using each markerless pose estimation method was computed against conventional marker-based optical motion capture. Errors were compared between pose estimation methods using statistical parametric mapping.

Significance:  The results indicate that OpenPose significantly outperforms other existing platforms for pose-estimation of healthy gait kinematics and spatiotemporal gait parameters and could serve as an alternative to conventional motion capture systems in clinical and research settings when marker-based systems are not available.

All proposals must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in this funding opportunity and in the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) that is in effect for the relevant due date to which the proposal is being submitted. It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that the proposal meets these requirements. Submitting a proposal prior to a specified deadline does not negate this requirement.

The Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) program aims to harness the power of open-source development for the creation of new technology solutions to problems of national and societal importance. Many NSF-funded projects result in publicly accessible, modifiable, and distributable open-source products, including software, hardware, models, specifications, programming languages, or data platforms, that catalyze further innovation. In some cases, an open-source product that shows potential for wide adoption forms the basis for a self-sustaining open-source ecosystem (OSE) that comprises a leadership team; a managing organization with a well-defined governance structure and distributed development model; a cohesive community of external intellectual content developers; and a broad base of users across academia, industry, and government. The overarching vision of POSE is that proactive and intentional formation of managing organizations will ensure a broader and more diverse adoption of open-source products; increased coordination of external intellectual content developer contributions; and a more focused route to technologies with broad societal impact. Toward this end, the POSE program supports the formation of new OSE managing organizations based on an existing open-source product or class of products, whereby each organization is responsible for the creation and management of processes and infrastructure needed for the efficient and secure development and maintenance of an OSE.

Importantly, the POSE program is not intended to fund the development of open-source products, including tools and artifacts. The POSE program is also not intended to fund existing well-resourced, open-source communities or ecosystems. Instead, the program aims to support new managing organizations to catalyze distributed, community-driven development and growth of new OSEs. The expected outcomes of the POSE program are to grow the community of researchers and innovators who develop and contribute to OSE efforts, and to enable pathways for the safe and secure development of OSEs that have broad societal impacts. OSEs can stem from any areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) research and development.

This solicitation seeks two types of proposals, allowing teams to propose specific activities to scope and plan the establishment of an OSE (Phase I), and to establish a sustainable OSE based on a robust open-source product that shows promise in the ability to both meet an emergent societal or national need and build a community to help develop it (Phase II).

Phase I projects are for open-source research products with a small community of external users though the product may not necessarily have external content developers. The objectives of Phase I projects are to: (1) enable scoping activities that will inform the transition of promising research products that are already available in open-source formats into sustainable and robust OSEs that will have broad societal impacts, and (2) provide training to teams interested in building such an OSE.

Each Phase I proposal must describe the current context and, to the extent known at the time of the Phase I proposal, the long-term vision and potential impact of the proposed OSE. The proposals should also include specific scoping activities that will inform plans for ecosystem discovery; organizational and governance structure; continuous development, integration, and deployment of the open-source product(s); and community building for users and intellectual content developers. Phase I scoping activities are intended to help teams determine (a) whether their open-source product is suitable and ready to be transitioned into an OSE; (b) whether there is a user base that is ready to serve as early adopters; and (c) whether there is a distributed intellectual content developer community that can help develop and maintain the core product going forward.

Phase II projects are for open-source research products with a small community of external users and external content developers. The objective of Phase II projects is to support the transition of a promising open-source product into a sustainable and robust OSE. Phase II proposals are expected to have conducted the scoping activities (not necessarily via a Phase I award) needed to develop a detailed project plan to support the community-driven distributed development and deployment of successful open-source tools into operational environments. The proposals must include a community outreach plan that outlines activities to engage the intended intellectual content developer community that will further develop and maintain the technology and identifies user communities and/or organizations that will serve as early adopters of the technology.

Each Phase II proposal must describe the current context and the long-term vision and impact of the proposed OSE. The proposal should also include a well-developed, cohesive plan for building an OSE, including ecosystem establishment/growth, organizational and governance structure, a framework for continuous development, integration, and deployment of the technology, methods for evaluating the OSE's effectiveness, and activities to ensure security and privacy, build the community, and sustain the ecosystem.

Think of control nets like the guide strings on a puppet; they help decide where the puppet (or data) should move. There are several controlnets available for stable diffusion, but this guide is only focusing on the "openpose" control net.

The openpose model with the controlnet diffuses the image over the colored "limbs" in the pose graph. This allows you to use more of your prompt tokens on other aspects of the image, generating a more interesting final image.

In the realm of character animation, the ability to transfer poses seamlessly between different characters is a valuable asset. Traditionally, achieving this involved complex 3D software and time-consuming processes. However, with the advent of OpenPose and its integration with Stable Diffusion, a revolutionary solution has emerged. In this article, we delve into the remarkable capabilities of OpenPose and how it synergizes with Stable Diffusion, opening up new possibilities for character animation.

Now that you have the OpenPose Model & Open Pose Editor Extension installed, you can easily edit and pose stick figures. Within the OpenPose Editor tab, you'll find a dedicated box where all the manual editing takes place. The extension mimics the shapes and colors of the Open Pose model, ensuring consistency and ease of use. Adjust the stick figure's pose as desired within the designated box. 006ab0faaa

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