Open Live Writer is an open source application enabling users to author, edit, and publish blog posts. It is based on a fork of the well-loved but not actively developed Windows Live Writer code.Open Live Writer is provided under a MIT license.

Open Live Writer (also known as OLW) is a free and open-source desktop blogging application released by .NET Foundation. It is a fork of Windows Live Writer 2012 by Microsoft. Open Live Writer features WYSIWYG authoring, photo-publishing and map-publishing functionality, and is currently compatible with, WordPress (hosted), and Blogger, with support for more platforms planned. The application's source code is available on GitHub under the MIT License.

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On June 12, 2014, Scott Hanselman announced the idea of making Windows Live Writer open-source.[4] Nearly a year later, it appeared that open-sourcing the program was approved by Microsoft.[5] Later that year, .NET Foundation announced an open-source fork of Windows Live Writer.[3]

On December 9, 2015, Scott Hanselman announced the forking of Microsoft's Windows Live Writer as an open-source project called Open Live Writer.[6] The announcement notes that the original Windows Live Writer 2012 application will remain a property of Microsoft and will continue to be offered as part of Windows Essentials while Open Live Writer will be developed independently as a separate project as part of .NET Foundation.[7] A downloadable preview version of the application was offered the same day[8] alongside the full source code on GitHub.[9]

Your post is now live on your WordPress blog. From now on, you can start blogging directly from Windows dashboard. However, I recommend you to safe the post as draft & add the SEO data using Yoast SEO plugin manually. By adding SEO meta data you will increase your chances of getting more views from search engine.

Today is the day. An independent group of volunteers within Microsoft has successfully open sourced and forked Windows Live Writer. The fork is called Open Live Writer (also known as OLW) and it is part of the .NET Foundation and managed by this group of volunteers. Read the fantastic announcement at the .NET Foundation Blog! Download Open Live Writer now!

NOTE: Open Live Writer is NOT a Microsoft product. It is an open source project under the .NET Foundation and is managed and coded by volunteers. Some of the volunteers work for Microsoft and are doing this work in their spare time.

We've got dozens of volunteers and a few dedicated core committers. Your Pull Requests and code ARE appreciated, but please talk to the team and comment on issues before submitting any major Pull Requests (PRs). Community is appreciated and we don't want to reject your hard work, so it's best you talk to the team in a GitHub Issue and get approved for large work items before you spend a lot of time on OLW. We welcome to open source as well! Help us with our docs, as well!

I know it felt like it took a long time to open source Open Live Writer. In fact, my buddy John Gallant found the first email where we started asking questions in April of 2013. There was a lot involved both legally and technically as we were breaking new ground for Microsoft. Consider this. We've successfully open sourced a previously completely proprietary piece of Windows software that shipped as part of Windows Live Essentials. This software was used by millions and contained code as old as a decade or more. Persistence pays off.

If you are a passionate blog writer, you probably heard about Windows Live Writer is a good tool to write blog post offline. You try to search and download from Microsoft website, and you will find it already reached the end of support on Jan 10, 2017.

In a remarkable effort some guys at Microsoft refactored Windows Live Writer and published it as an open source project under the name Open Live Writer. The project was released under the umbrella of the .NET Foundation ( ).

Windows Live Writer was a Microsoft tool that let you edit your blog content without having to access the CMS control panel. Although the project was cancelled in 2012, it's been brought back to life and can now be downloaded and used freely, as it's been converted to open-source.

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Once I could get the dll to load from the open source code, it then crashed because the WIndowsLive.Writer.Api is no longer available, the namespace was changed to OpenLiveWriter.Api. This effectively breaks all existing plug-in code. My initial knee-jerk reaction was to get .NET Reflect (version 6 was a free version if you can still find it on the internet) and have it extract the code from the existing dll. I then removed the outdated reference, referenced the new OpenLiveWriter.Api project, fixed minor compile issues (from Reflector) and Walla! I had a functional code snippet plug-in. I later found that there are numerous open source plug-ins for Windows Live Writer that can downloaded, retro-fitted with the new OpenLiveWriter.Api and dropped into the applicable folder without having to use Reflector. Note: as of this writing I only use the Code Snippet plug-in.

Microsoft shocked me when they recently released an interesting new blog authoring tool, Windows Live Writer (beta of course). The really interesting part is that, while geared for Windows Live Spaces users, Live Writer works with blog CMSs like WordPress, Movable Type, LiveJournal and Blogger. I have never been fond of using blogging tools and always stuck with the WordPress admin panel for two main reasons: live preview when you save a post and the ability to save drafts online instead of locally on the computer. Well ladies and gents, Windows Live Writer does, gasp, both of these things all within a Microsoft Word-like environment.

Most of the Windows Live tools that Microsoft released back in ancient times have either been killed off or replaced by other products, such as OneDrive and Skype. But there's one product from the Live portfolio that still retains a faithful following, despite falling into neglect - and it appears that it will soon get a new lease of life as open source software.

Windows Live Writer is a blogging tool that Microsoft originally released back in 2006, and even today, it remains popular among a small but vocal band of users. However, many of them are frustrated that the app is no longer being actively maintained, and that the company hasn't lined up a replacement for it either. Live Writer's last major update was in 2012, although it did receive a minor update in early 2014 - and this has led to growing calls for Microsoft to open source the software.

Officials feared a live telecast would be doomed by the threat of a picket line, which members of the creative community were expected to honor. Without big names, the telecast would have been awkward at best.

Joan Didion, one of the country's most revered writers, will appear in the Open VISIONS Forum on Wednesday, Oct. 11 at 8 p.m. Open VISIONS Forum is a program of University College at Fairfield University.

An important writer about American life, Didion's talent canvasses many forms. She is known as a novelist, essayist, playwright, screenwriter and journalist. Her new book is entitled, "We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live: Collected Nonfiction."

Philip Eliasoph, Ph. D., the director and moderator of Open VISIONS Forum, said that Ms. Didion is one of the great American writers of the 20th and 21st centuries. "Joan Didion is an important chronicler and acute observer of the people, politics and culture of our country. Her personal essays explore humanity with a keen eye. At the same time, she is not afraid to open her heart and share her own experiences."

The Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program supports writers whose work addresses contemporary visual art through project-based grants, ranging from 15,000 to 50,000 USD, issued directly to 20 individual authors a year. The program was founded in recognition of both the financially precarious situation of arts writers and their indispensable contribution to a vital artistic culture. The Arts Writers Grant Program aims to support the broad spectrum of writing on contemporary visual art, from general-audience criticism to academic scholarship. ff782bc1db

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