Here's how my workflow would be adapted to your filename specifics... My workflow and requires that each month's sheet has the same schema - if that's not the case the workflow requires a different approach at the end.

@apathetichell - You don't need all the Sheets to be in the same schema. You only need the same schema, if you want to stack multiple sheets on top of each other using one Input Data or one Dynamic Input. However, in this scenario you need to read the latest Sheet only. Excel will allow only one Sheet in a file with the same name. That means you can have anything there. I added the following to the sample file:

Download Only One Sheet Excel

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

@ArtApa- yup - I see you added a step I didn't have which gets around my potential problem (ie... I was running off of sheet name and the original file name) whereas you have intelligently created a full path with a specific sheet which gets around that silliness. IRL I'd probably use a batch macro but I was more concerned with replicating a date compatable syntax for the worksheets than making a batch macro on this one...

I have 19 Excel files with with 2 to 5 useful sheets in them and each file has one "junk" sheet that I do not need imported into Alteryx. When I run the workflow, it goes through the files in order, 1 through 19, imported information in Sheet 1 and then goes back to file 1 and starts importing Sheet 2. When it gets to file 14 and tries to import Sheet 3, the workflow errors because file 14 does not have a Sheet 3. I am new to Alteryx within the last month so I have am not sure what tools would be best for this. I have an Input Data function with a Wildcard to get the sheet names and then a Dynamic Input tool to pull them all in.

I am seeing a lot of similar posts with macros being the solution but I am not sure how to modify these to help me out. I tried deleting the "junk" tabs from the source data and still ran into the same error. The best I can gather with my limited experience is that I need Alteryx to recognized not all files will have a Sheet 3, 4, or 5 and continue to import the data. As it stands now, it stops running when it hits the first file without a Sheet 3 so I end up importing 85% of the total population of data. If there is someway to build a workflow that ignore the "junk" sheets as well that would great.

I have an excel sheet that became very slow.For some reason, wherever I am in the document, if I set Calculation to manual and refresh the current sheet after any change, it is fast enough and serves my purpose.

Another method uses the worksheet.enablecalculation property. When this property is changed all the formulae on the worksheet are flagged as uncalculated, so toggling the property to false and then back to true for all sheets in all open workbooks will cause the next calculation to be a full calculation.

Now when we change values in several cells in a short amount on time, autorefresh will only work on the first change, avoiding previously mentioned loops of hell. If you like to live dangerously set A6 to 0.

You can discover the worksheet names (the 'tab names') using the function Get Excel Worksheets. This will return a list - so the first item in the list will be the first worksheet that appears in the file.

Or unless I'm missing something use the Excel Import Wizard in JMP and you can see the list of worksheets in the Worksheet List window in the upper right corner of the Wizard window. The list is in the order of worksheets in the workbook. From there just pick the first sheet. One advantage of using the Wizard is the flexible import settings in case your worksheet isn't in a form which is 'ready to go' in JMP. For example, maybe you have multiple rows in the worksheet that you'd like combine into JMP column names. Easy to combine within the context of the Wizard. Here's the link to the JMP online documentation associated with the JMP Excel Import Wizard:

Thanks Peter, I wanted to loop through several different workbooks where the name of the first sheet may be different in each workbook so I needed a solution to grab just the first sheet from each file. Once I do that, I can slice and dice out the data I need from each sheet.

I want to make one of the worksheets in an Excel 2010 workbook read-only, but I don't want to use a password. I just want to make it so that I can't accidentally edit the sheet, and I don't want to have to deal with a password--not even a blank one. In essence, I want to do the same thing as setting the read-only bit for a file, but I want to do it for an Excel 2010 worksheet.

If it's to prevent yourself from accidentally editing the sheet, one solution is to draw giant rectangle that covers all your data and set it's transparency to 100%. This will allow you to see everything but prevent you from clicking on any of the cells. However, it would still be possible to use the keyboard to navigate around and edit the cells under the shapes. This idea serves mostly as a reminder since it's easy to simply delete the shape and use the sheet normally. It's not very robust and it's annoying to apply but quick to remove.

You've already stated that protecting the sheet with a blank password is not the approach you want but it's certainly the simplest. I'm curious why you don't like it. There are a few annoyance like having to deal with a dialog box when you turn it on and dealing with a popup box whenever you try to edit a cell.

You could write some VBA to automatically protect and unprotect the sheet with a blank password. It would be easy enough to use but you'd have to put a button on your toolbar somewhere to call that macro. The popup boxes when you try to edit a cell will still occur. I.E., it doesn't save you very much time. I would recommend, though, not checking all the boxes when you protect it because doing so would allow you to add / delete rows & columns - among other things - which you probably don't want to do.

Here's the VBA to toggle sheet protection. You can use this to make a single button that turns it on and off. This article can offer all the details of how to add custom macros to the ribbon or quick-access toolbar. In brief, though: Right-click in an open space on the ribbon and click "Customize the Quick Access Toolbar" or "Customize the Ribbon" to open a new window. Set drop-down in the top left labeled "Choose commands from:" to be "Macros" and then find the macro in the list. Once you add it, you can edit the icon and name.


I have converted messi data into a readable data structure and saved it in test_final.

In the worksheet R-Data, I have then written the final data and saved it as xlsx.

Now I am missing the possibility to save only updated R-Data in the xlsx file, without changing existing other (Pivot) worksheets.

I need to share my multi-tab tracking spreadsheet (created and constantly updated by me with my desktop version of Excel. Now, though, the team needs to "view only" rather than wait or ask for a report or screenshot from me.

In the past, I've found sharing MS files with non-MS account holders kind of awful. *(It's not clear to me who has Microsoft accounts, so I'm looking for the simplest way to share ("view only") without anyone having to create any kind of new account. But I still need/want to edit it using my desktop Excel.

I wrote a Power BI query to process data contained in small Excel workbooks. The workbooks generally have three worksheets in them -- the actual request, and two examples one showing a "good" request and one a "bad" request. These workbooks are e-mailed.

Unfortunately, some of the workbooks have acquired a maximally-sized $Print_Area on all three sheets. The program is slow to run as it 'reads' in these maximally sized tables even though they are not used.

where ExtractQueryToAdviceTable is a function I wrote to parse the table holding the request to extract certain parameters. It expects to be sent a table. [Data] is a table created from the request worksheet.

Thank you for your prompt reply and your suggestion. Your suggestion has helped me better understand how the code works, and importantly helped me find a file oddity - an Excel attached sheet that had type "null"!

Your suggestion did seem to make the code run faster within the Query editor, but unfortunately when I launched "Apply query changes", the dialogue box showed that it still went off to read in the unused sheets and unused named ranges.

So, I hunted down which line caused the sheets and ranges to be read in. On my system it's the code that invokes Excel.Workbook. Bugger. Reads in everything so it can be available and THEN I can filter it. I was hoping for PowerBI in "lazy" mode rather than "prepared" mode. I can live with this because the intention is to run the program automatically in the early hours of the day. I was hoping to make it quicker, especially while I refine it. I'm still exploring the ways people can alter a pro-forma

hmmm... i don't know which table your query is referring, but why it should read from unused sheets when your are them filtering out? Or you applied the filter wrongly or you are bypassing the filter step. Maybe the query is also slowly because of multiple reading of the file itself or you didn't disable the power query background refresh

I have a workbook that has around 40 worksheets, each is only around 2 pages in size, but all contain a reasonable number of calculations...

This is becoming very taxing on my 1.6Ghz CPU, running it at 100% for extended periods, and sometimes locking up Excel (not responding)... it is not using very much memory however, ~20% (it has 512mb)...

The number of these sheets needed depends on the job at hand... for the most part, it will only be 11 or 12, but in extreme circumstances it will be all of them...

30 of the sheets will be hidden and will only become visible if they're needed...

When not in use, I want to disable the calculations on each of these sheets to ease the processor load... 2351a5e196

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