We're thrilled that our app has worked like magic for your Shopify store! Feel free to reach out if you need more help or have questions. Enjoy the fast loading, and best of luck with your business! - Kevin

IF your fastest monster IS a booster, you'll just have to enter his speed and the tool will calculate the perfect speed all your other monsters should have to be SURE to play after the booster.

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If you have no ATB booster, the tool still could calculate the speed instead of letting you "play" with runes speed values. This will caluclate speed of your mons 2 3 and 4 as monster 1 - 1 spd for each turn.

TL;DR : The tool has updated and now calculates speed you need to have to be SURE all your monsters will play once your first booster played. Speed Calculator. You can help me make this tool better by filling this poll and you'll have my eternal thankfulness. :)

A cache is a fast-retrieval, short-term storage space where copies of recently accessed data and resources are saved. A cache significantly speeds up page speed and performance by downloading these commonly accessed data from the source, creating a copy of these resources and temporarily keeping them in a more easily accessible storage space from where the data can be accessed faster once the visitor returns. This short-term space can be a browser or a web server or even the original web server which also keeps different format copies of your resources. When you update your website data, the saved copies are also revised and updated.

10Web Booster Pro employs backend or server caching, and through NGINX FastCGI Cache, caches a variety of resources from pages to feeds to 301-redirects on subdomains. This way you obtain page speed and retrieval at the fastest possible speed.

You can choose any of the following four levels and manage the levels for each page individually from the Custom rules tab in your 10Web dashboard to provide. We provide the best page speed optimizer to any WordPress website, based on need.

Yes. 10Web Booster is an all-in-one solution for optimizing websites. It implements dozens of speed optimization techniques from simple minification to JS delay and critical CSS generation for frontend optimization and super-fast hosting for backend optimization. There is no need to run another speed optimization plugin along with 10Web. The only major feature it does not have yet is CDN which is included in the roadmap.

Yes. 10Web Booster is an all-in-one solution for optimizing websites. It implements dozensof speed optimization techniques from simple minification to JS delay and critical CSS generation for frontendoptimization and Cloudflare Enterprise CDN for an even faster performance and security. There is no need to run anotherspeed optimization plugin along with 10Web.

Put simply, CDN caches a website in hundreds of different locations around the world. Thismeans that the requested content is delivered to your end user from the closest location and loads faster since it goesto the CDN server instead of your original hosting server.

After the module installation change all the required options to 'Yes'. Then the extension starts working automatically optimizing product images, minifying CSS and JS, which makes your pages faster. Besdies, you can edit the image commands depending on your server.

Every visit to your site will be faster with the Speed Optimizer plugin option for file-based caching. Our plugin will generate a static HTML version of your website and store it in the WordPress cache directory. The cached content will be served from the local browser cache, considerably boosting your load speed.

Some of our in-house solutions for ultrafast WordPress speed are tailored specifically to our platform. Such is the case with our unique caching technology, which features the Dynamic (full-page) Caching for up to 5-times faster sites and our exclusive Memcached functionality.

With Speed Optimizer you can improve the default way to load Google fonts in order to reduce the number of site requests to your site to make your site load faster. Our plugin also lets you preload the fonts that are required immediately to speed up your website performance and helps you save some precious loading time by easily disabling the emojis option as well.

Let a browser deliver a web pages content faster with fever bytes to download. Image optimization helps to enhance the user experience and attract new customers by improving seo-positioning and performance of Magento 2 store.

The Premium solution goes further on the way to extra-fast loading speed and a positive shopping experience on the customer side. Apart from additional optimization options, the pack includes the features for unique UX and UI to finalize lazy load effect and offer a smooth purchasing process.

One way you can boost your Windows PC performance is by scanning your drives for any unwanted data or unnecessary software, and cleaning up storage space. Additionally you can manually uninstall unnecessary software, limit your programs at startup, clean your internal drive, and reboot your computer. To simplify this process, consider using a PC Optimization software to start automating these performing enhancing tasks.

Free PC optimizers can offer basic, limited functions. They are helpful in cleaning up your PC and performing minor tweaks to speed your system. However, only free PC optimizers from legitimate and licensed software companies are safe, so exercise caution when downloading a free application online.

Speed is becoming more and more important for online stores as more people switch to online shopping. A page that loads in over 2 seconds can end up losing you a lot of customers! With the WeltPixel Speed Optimization extension for Magento 2, you gain access to an easy method of implementing Magento's Advanced JS Bundling, reducing page size and loading times. The extension also helps boost your Google Page Speed Insights (Core Web Vitals) score, which will help with your overall ranking and SEO!

By loading your CSS files before your JS files you will be able to show the content of your page faster, and assure optimum surfing experience for the end user. First Paint Score of your page will increase significantly, and the end users will feel that your website is fast and responsive, without endless spinning wheel waiting time while browsing trough your site. Not only will site visitors have a great surfing experience but also search engines will rank your store with a higher speed score, and boost your SEO index.

This feature will also give you an additional speed boost. Stylesheets included in the head section will be downloaded asynchronously, preventing them from blocking the page render and decreasing load times.

Optional - JS files are optimized by default via Uglify. In this RequireJS Bundle Generation section, you have the option to change the method via which the JS files are optimized, so you can use a custom optimizer such as Terser. For more details about how to use Terser, you can check the Terser JS Optimization section.

There are some additional steps that you can take in order to squeeze even more speed out of your Magento 2 store. On Apache Servers, you can edit the .htaccess file found in the root of your project by adding the following for an even greater speed boost, courtesy of the Nexcess Docs.

When you use a CDN, every time a user visits your website they are served those static files from whichever server is closest to them. Your own web hosting server will also be faster since the CDN is doing a lot of the work.

Will this app also boost my site ranking? 

 Page Speed Optimizer is made and design to help boost the speed of your site in terms of clicks by pre-loading links. Unfortunately, it has no bearing on your site ranking when it comes to SEO.

Writing additional content, rich with keyword phrases, on your departmental news blog can also boost your search engine rankings. Blog posts can even be shorter updates about the specific topics you are targeting. Interlink your related CMS webpages and blog posts when it helps give the reader a better picture or additional information about the topic.

Ensure your website is mobile-responsive and offers a seamless user experience on smartphones and tablets. Remember to optimize images and other media for faster loading on mobile devices. You can test your website's mobile-friendliness using tools like Google's Lighthouse testing tool.

Work with a strong web development to implement best practices for technical search engine optimization. This includes providing a fast, seamless user experience that is intuitive and high-performing. Compress images, minimizing HTTP requests, and enabling browser caching. Use a clean and organized URL structure that is easy for both users and search engines to navigate. Implement schema markup to enhance rich snippets and improve the visibility of your content in search results.

Furthermore, faster-loading websites have a higher likelihood of ranking higher in search results, resulting in increased visibility and traffic. In a highly competitive digital landscape where every second matters, optimizing your Adobe Commerce site for mobile page speed can provide you with a significant advantage.

AMPs are a Google-backed project designed to make mobile pages load faster. They are lightweight versions of standard web pages that load quickly on mobile devices. By implementing AMPs, you can significantly improve your mobile page speed. There are extensions available for Adobe Commerce that can help you implement AMPs.

After the Adobe Commerce speed optimization process, there were significant boosts in speed scores on both mobile and desktop. The Google PageSpeed Insight Score for the home page increased for mobile and desktop.

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