There was one problem with the mesh cage approach; how do you copy the weight paint of the head to the cage? Sounds like a complicated problem with no apparent solution, or?

40 lines of python and the result:

dragon-v1.52-deform.jpg960540 111 KB

One evening I drew a layout for the scales to the head of the dragon.

dragon.jpg1024576 46.6 KB

After half a year since I worked on this project I dug it up and compared the drawing with the actual model:

The similarities are striking considering the fact that this was drawn with a only a half year old memory as a reference.

Download Oil Dey My Head By Skales


Firstly sorry about the crappy picture quality! One of my female Platies (the yellowish one) seems to have some sort of injury or disease on the scales in between her eyes on the top of her head. It looks like the scales are turning white/lightening. I don't see this on any of my other fish or on any other parts of her body. The orange, male Platty also seen in the picture chases her around a lot, so it's possible she scraped herself on something.

This could just be an injury from a knock, bite, or scrape that will repair itself in short order. Or it might be hole-in-head disease. I typically do a 25% water change, lower / mute the lights for a few days, and cut feedings in 1/2 for a couple days as well. Let the tank and fish settle. Keep an eye on her and see if this seems to change at all.

Certain primitive snakes such as boas, pythons and certain advanced snakes such as vipers have small scales arranged irregularly on the head. Other more advanced snakes have special large symmetrical scales on the head called shields or plates.[8]

Moulting is repeated periodically throughout a snake's life. Before a moult, the snake stops eating and often hides or moves to a safe place. Just before shedding, the skin becomes dull and dry looking and the eyes become cloudy or blue-colored. The inner surface of the old outer skin liquefies. This causes the old outer skin to separate from the new inner skin. After a few days, the eyes clear and the snake "crawls" out of its old skin. The old skin breaks near the mouth and the snake wriggles out aided by rubbing against rough surfaces. In many cases the cast skin peels backward over the body from head to tail, in one piece like an old sock. A new, larger, and brighter layer of skin has formed underneath.[9][18]

Scale arrangements are important, not only for taxonomic utility, but also for forensic reasons and conservation of snake species.[19]Excluding the head, snakes have imbricate scales, overlapping like the tiles on a roof.[20] Snakes have rows of scales along the whole or part of their length and also many other specialised scales, either singly or in pairs, occurring on the head and other regions of the body.

The number of rows range from ten in Tiger Ratsnake Spilotes pullatus; thirteen in Dryocalamus, Liopeltis, Calamaria and Asian coral snakes of genus Calliophis; 65 to 75 in pythons; 74 to 93 in Kolpophis and 130 to 150 in Acrochordus. The majority of the largest family of snakes, the Colubridae have 15, 17 or 19 rows of scales.[8][21] The maximum number of rows are in mid-body and they reduce in count towards the head and on the tail.

The various scales on a snake's head and body are indicated in the following paragraphs with annotated photographs of Buff-striped Keelback Amphiesma stolata, a common grass-snake of South Asia and a member of Colubridae, the largest snake family.

Identification of cephalic scales is most conveniently begun with reference to the nostril, which is easily identified on a snake. There are two scales enclosing the nostril which are called the nasals. In colubrids, the nostril lies between the nasals, while in vipers it lies in the centre of a single nasal scale.[22] The outer nasal (near the snout) is called the prenasal while the inner nasal (near the eye) is called the postnasal. Along the top of the snout connecting the nasals on both sides of the head are scales called internasals. Between the two prenasals is a scale at the tip of the snout called the rostral scale.[22]

The scales along the lips of the snake are called labials. Those on the upper lip are called supralabials or upper labials, while those on the lower lip are called infralabials or lower labials. On top of the head, between the eyes, adjacent to the supraoculars is the frontal scale. The prefrontal scales are the scales connected to the frontal towards the tip of the snout which are in contact with the internasals. They may have a scale in between them.[22] The back of the top of the head has scales connected to the frontal scale called the parietal scales. At the sides of the back of the head between the parietals above and the supralabials below are scales called temporal scales.[22]

On the underside of the head, a snake has an anterior scale called the mental[a] scale. Connected to the mental scale and all along the lower lips are the infralabials or lower labials. Along the chin connected to the infralabials is a pair of shields called the anterior chin shields. Next to the anterior chin shields, further back along the chin is another pair of shields called the posterior chin shields. In some texts the chinshields are referred to as submaxillary scales.[22]

Scales in the central or throat region, which are in contact with the first ventral scales of a snake's body and are flanked by the chin shields, are called gular scales. The mental groove is a longitudinal groove on the underside of the head between the large, paired chin shields and continuing between the smaller gular scales.

In certain regions, presence or absence of certain scales may be a quick way to distinguish non-venomous and venomous snakes, but used with care and knowledge of exceptions. For example, in Myanmar, the presence or absence of loreal scales can be used to distinguish between relatively harmless Colubrids and lethally venomous Elapids.[29] The rule of hand for this region is that the absence of a loreal scale between the nasal scale and pre-ocular scale indicates that the snake is an Elapid and hence lethal.[29] This rule-of-thumb cannot be used without care as it cannot be applied to vipers, which have a large number of small scales on the head. A careful check would also be needed to exclude known poisonous members of the Colubrid family such as Rhabdophis.[29]

To find out, they took multiple high resolution photographs of the heads of 15 young crocodiles from every angle possible then used computer software to create 3D models made up of just the lines that formed the divisions between the scales. The lines were then analyzed using pattern recognition software and the results showed that the polygons that were created by the lines mimicked patterns seen in natural cracking, such as when mud dries or a pot is broken.

Panel A shows the spatial distribution of head scales of the corn snake. The red and yellow lines represent scale edges on the left and right side of the head. The bottom panel shows that the scale pattern is symmetrical across the head.

Panel B shows the spatial distribution of head scales of the Nile crocodile. As shown in the bottom panel, the scale patterns on the left and right side of the crocodile head are not symmetrical to each other, in contrast to pattern of the corn snake.

Panel C also shows the spatial distribution of the crocodile head scales. In this panel, the scale patterns of two individual crocodile heads are shown. By overlaying the scale patterns, the authors show that the scale size and location are not consistent between individuals. The exact scale pattern of an individual is unique and could be used, as fingerprints are in humans, to identify individuals.

By marking and analyzing various features directly on 3D models of multiple Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) individuals (Fig. 1 and movie S1), we show that spatial distribution of head scales is largely random.

Although stochastic patterns generated by these processes share some universal mathematical properties (see supplementary materials), foams and crack patterns are generated by very different physical phenomena that may be identified on the basis of other statistical features. First, crocodile head scales do not show a good fit to the area distribution function expected for foams (fig. S3). Second, a fundamental difference between foams and crack patterns is that the latter can exhibit incomplete edges (15), of which many are observed on the head of crocodiles (Fig. 2A).

Panel F is a histological stain of the epidermis from a crocodile embryo. The dome pressure receptors, i.e., integumentary sensory organs found on the crocodile head and jaw, appear as brown spots. White arrows indicate nerves branching below the dome pressure receptor.

The archetypal cracking process in physics is due to shrinkage [through removal of a diffusing quantity, either heat or a liquid (20)] of a material layer adherent to a nonshrinking substrate (15, 17), such that a stress field builds up and causes fractures when the stress exceeds a threshold characteristic of the material. Crocodiles have a particularly thick and rigid skin due to the presence of a highly collagenous dermis and an epidermis rich in -keratins (24). The skin covering their head shows a yet thicker (about 2) and more keratinized epidermis. We suggest that the rapid growth of the crocodile embryonic facial and jaw skeleton (relative to the size of the neurocranium), combined with the development of a very keratinized skin, generates the mechanical stress that causes cracking. Here, it is not the cracking layer that shrinks but the underlying substrate layer that grows. It explains that first-order cracks (fig. S6) tend to traverse the width of the face because the head is growing longitudinally faster than in other directions. ff782bc1db

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