To clone a Git repository, choose between cloning with HTTPS or SSH. In most cases, the best optionis HTTPS. However, choose SSH to contribute to Odoo source code or when following the GettingStarted developer tutorial.

The Enterprise git repository does not contain the full Odoo source code. It is only acollection of extra add-ons. The main server code is in the Community edition. Running theEnterprise version means running the server from the Community version with the addons-pathoption set to the folder with the Enterprise edition. It is required to clone both the Communityand Enterprise repositories to have a working Odoo Enterprise installation.

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After the server has started (the INFO log odoo.modules.loading: Modules loaded. is printed), open :8069 in a web browser and log into the Odoo database with the base administratoraccount: use admin as the email and, again, admin as the password.

For example, I want to display a calendar view and have the same button in the "time off" module that allows switching between tree and calendar.

After unsuccessful research about it on forums, youtube and chatGPT on my part, I decided to try and look directly into the module source-code to see how the button is handled, but I can't figure out where anything is linked to something else.

I'm trying to scrap my Odoo's inventory pages to be able to get all the pictures already in the DB, more than 9000, so i wrote a python script using selenium, it works like a charm but not on my Odoo's pages, the fact is that on Odoo's inventory pages i think the source code is genreated by AJAX or Js or something else. So when i try to scrap it i won't have the good source, so i cannot get the elements. I really don't want to have to download the 9000+ images and names by hand, if someone know how to capture the good source code could you please tell me ?

Side note: editing directly the source code of a module isn't a good idea. It's better create a new custom module that inherit a view or a function or for creating a completely new piece of code to suit your needs . Have a look here or directly here.

i'm trying to deploy ODOO without source code, but I can't and I don't know if it's possible. So, I need to know if it's possible to deploy ODOO without source code? By example, only with .pyc file instead .py

Longer answer: you may not have the right to do so. Odoo = 9 is under LGPL, and unless you host the code yourself, you have to give your customer access to the source code (note that your customer is different from end users)

This guide explains how to upgrade Odoo Community to the Enterprise Edition if the Odoo instance was originally installed using the source code (including the soladrive installer).

If you see an error such as "ExexStart /opt/odoo/odoo13-venv/bin/python3.6 - No such File or Directory", you need to change the odoo systemd configuration file accordingly. To do this, run the following command replacing "odoo13.service" with your correct service name.

I have set the Odoo docker container in my local machine and I am able to run the Odoo server. But I want to create custom modules. How do I access the Odoo source code inside the container image and make some changes?

I'm trying to access to the source code of Odoo in my project. The problem is that i need to go inside the docker container and edit the files there, this is ok but when i do a re-build of my container i lose all the contant i have edited.

This is my docker-compose service:

The soure code is located in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/odoo/ so my idea is to mount a volume in that folder but when i do that i get a lot of errors. I searched in the odoo forum and other forums but i didn't find any solution.

Any sugestion will help me! Thank you!

Every night, a new set of packages is generated for the branches listed below. This set consists of deb and rpm packages for Debian and RedHat distributions, an exe package for Windows and a source package.

At the end, Odoo should be ready to be used. The ~ symbol is a shortcut for your home directory (for example, /home/odoo). The git -b 8.0 option asks to explicitly download the 8.0 branch of Odoo. At the time of writing this book, this is redundant, since 8.0 is the default branch, but this may change, so it will make the script time resilient.

UVdesk Open Source Helpdesk Vs Odoo helpdesk support system, each are in a shining stage. Everyone enjoys the approach of open source available for everyone to apply and customize to fill their very own need.

Anyone can inspect, modify or make use of the source code of Symfony component-based Enterprise Open Source Helpdesk to deliver higher customer service or to construct modules on it.

Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 

 Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated.

To get back to what exactly Odoo is, Odoo is written in Python and can help a company manage a broad range of internal processes, including: human resources, accounting, finances, and sales, among other things.

For this tutorial, we will use the Odoo Community Edition. The installation steps are not that much different to the enterprise edition, and lucky for us we already have access to the source code of the Open source edition.

In this tutorial, we will choose to do the installation from the source code. We chose the source code install option because it will be more useful to better understand how Odoo works and later how you can customized its working.

With this command, we ask for an isolated Python3 environment that will be named odoo-env. If the command works as expected, your prompt should have changed to remind you that you are using an isolated environment.

Once all dependencies are set up, Odoo can be launched by running odoo-bin. You have to provide configurations for Odoo to run properly. Then, configurations can be provided either through command-line arguments or through a configuration file.

The Community version is libre software, licensed under the GNU LGPLv3. The Enterprise version has proprietary extra features and services. The source code for the framework and core ERP modules is curated by the Belgium-based Odoo S.A. Odoo is available for both on-premises and ready-to-use SaaS environments. The source code for the OpenObject framework and the core ERP modules are provided by Belgium-based Odoo S.A.

From inception, Odoo S.A (formerly OpenERP S.A) has released the core software as open source.[4] Since the V9.0 release, the company has transitioned to an open core model, which provides subscription-based proprietary enterprise software and cloud-hosted software as a service, in addition to the open source version. In 2013, the not-for-profit Odoo Community Association was formed to promote the widespread use of Odoo and to support the collaborative development of Odoo features.[5]

I have my own trick about how to read the odoo source code. In my experience, this method is quite effective and can make my job easier. So, I will share these tricks to you in a special thread, namely Read Odoo Source Code. In this thread, the content is more or less about the question: if there is an action on odoo, where is it written in their source code ? Hopefully useful.

As an example, I will discuss where the source code for the Mark Quotation as Sent button in the sales order above is written. You should know that this tutorial is written on odoo 14 enterprise edition. In other odoo versions the button may not exist, but I think the way to find where the sidebar button is written is same.

With google chrome open your odoo Sales menu. If you are opening List View you must select one or more records to make Action button appear. Then open google chrome developer tool, by right clicking on the window then select Inspect. Or press the F12 key on the keyboard.

At the terminal, navigate to the odoo addons directory. On my computer the directory is located at /odoo14/odoo14-server/addons then execute GREP command with keywords from the /web/action/load controller results which is called by the browser when we click the Mark Quotation as Sent button before. In this case I use the value of the key xml_id, which is model_sale_order_action_quotation_sent. The result is as shown below.

The picture above is the contents of the sale/views/sale_views.xml file, where the Mark Quotation as Sent sidebar button is written in the original odoo source code. Now you can copy it to your own code, if you want to add a new button in the Sidebar / Action Menu.

Sooner or later, your server will need upgrades and patches. A version control repository can be of great help when the time comes. We use git to get our code from a repository, just like we did when installing the development environment.

We will see how to install Odoo on Windows system by building or compiling the Odoo source code. This option will help you further to update the Odoo modules and you can see the changes reflected on Odoo system.

Where CommunityPath is the path of the Odoo Community installation, odoo is the PostgreSQL login, admin is the PostgreSQL password and mydb is the default database. You can add other directory paths separated by a comma to addons at the end of the addons-path option.

We will see how Odoo can be installed with Docker setup. Its very easy and quick compared to installing it from sources. But you will not be getting all the benefits of installing Odoo from sources as discussed above.

Hello everyone, i am looking for a way in which i can customize Odoo especially the menus, forms and labels. I tried activating the developer mode, customized the menus but once i restart the Odoo service all the changes(of which i had saved) are lost.Is there anyone who has an idea on how i can interact with the source code so that i can make the changes permanently. ff782bc1db

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