The Object.fromEntries() method takes a list of key-value pairs and returns a new object whose properties are given by those entries. The iterable argument is expected to be an object that implements an @@iterator method. The method returns an iterator object that produces two-element array-like objects. The first element is a value that will be used as a property key, and the second element is the value to associate with that property key.

Sure. Open the group for editing, select the object and use Edit>Cut to cut it out. Exit editing the group and use Edit>Paste in place to paste the object in the same location but outside the group. If the object is a group or component you could do this in Outliner, too.

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I am trying to extrude a rectangular area that is grouped. I have to get into the group to push pull. After push pull, I want to offset the area and then push pull the resulting larger area. In order to create the larger rectangular area, if I delete off the inner rectangular area. It removes the push pulled surfaces. What is a proper method to do this?

Google translated from Portuguese:

The option to use the structure is very easy, just select the grouping or Component and drag it into the group where you want to place it or just drop it inside the model.


Best practice is to exercise a bit of self-defense when downloading from the 3DWH.

Always download models from the 3DWH into a new file and have a good look first.

Never download into your existing model.

It kind of depends on the window component. Some are dyanamic components and they can be resized via the Component Options window accessed from its button on the Dynamic Components toolbar. They might also be adjustable using Scale. The author might have set up the window so it can be resized in standard steps to suit what the manufacturer offers.

I created a football type shape by drawing a 3 point arc, closing the shape with a single line, then using the form -> revolve tool to make it a body. When I finish the form, I can create a box around half of it, which will allow me to cut half the football away, but it won't allow me to do it inversely and leave the box with a football shape cut out of it.

PS, back in the 3dsmax days like 15 years ago you would use the boolean tool and "select operand B" to choose which object you are using as the cutting shape. My searches for fusion360 boolean didn't look like it was what I was talking about. Maybe I was just impatient and would rather ask those who may just know and spare myself 4 hours of googling and messing around.

My guess is that you're trying to do the boolean while making the box. Instead make the box as a separate body and then use the modify>combine tool to subtract either one from the other. Here's a video showing it

The spacebar trick is finicky at best. Please allow us to disable this feature. Or, conversely, only activate dragging into a frame when the space bar is pressed. This actually slows me down on a regular basis.

+1 to making this opt-in. This decision has boggled my mind. When dragging you should hold a modifier key to place it into the frame not the other way around. figma such a frustrating application at times. Very counter-intuitive coming from any other tool, uniqueness to a fault.

If you try any other order, this does not work. The main issue for me is when you already dragged it inside an auto layout by accident and then press space, it does not jump back to the original layer.

Duplicating (option+drag) works in any order you want. You can press option before or after dragging to duplicate. And when you release option while dragging it stops duplicating. I would expect this interaction (prevent nesting) to work in the same way.

My only question is, why do you need to instance the flash for the flashlight in the player, does it not work to have the flash be always attached to the flashlight, but with the light intensity set to 0 unless the flashlight is turned on?

That is my mistake, I did not read the path very carefully. To my knowledge that will not work. The scene you want to instance should be saved as a scene. I will edit the post to have a hypothetical path as an example. I am also now confused about the question you are asking. Do you want to add a .tscn file as a child of a node while the game is running? Or do you want to change the properties of a node? If you can clarify exactly what you want to do by editing your post, I can update the answer.

i want to control the flashlight under the player scene in the flashlight model scene.Basically i want to turn on the flashlight attached to the player to turn on after you picked up the flashlight model from the ground

Ideally I would do this my holding shift and clicking the object to delete, or by adding the object to a group with shift + select and then deleting with a keyboard press (similar to the grouping here: three.js examples).

I would imagine the first way is easier to implement as I had a lot of trouble trying to group the OBJ models this way previously (I think due to their associated MTL files preventing their material being of type Lambert).

I have exactly the same problem on Windows 10 Pro with CC 2017: vector Smart Object from PS does not open in AI upon double-click. Reinstalling applications, deleting preferences does not help. Problem exists from months and I have not found any solution on the web or by myself.

I'm also on a Mac, upgraded to Mojave. This is exactly what is happening with me and the fix that worked. What's weird is it was only behaving this way on my iMac, but not on my Macbook which also has Mojave installed. Weird. Thank you for posting your fix!

Queridos amigos si no pueden abrir objetos inteligentes (archivos de illustrator) la salida es cerrar Phoshop, buscan un archivo de Illustrator click derecho y le dan OBTENER INFORMACIN.

Luego de ello: ABRIR CON y bingo: en mi caso adobe illustrator, me va a preguntar todos? YES.

Cierran ello y bueno cuando vayan a phoshop y tiene un logo colocado de forma inteligente y quiero editarlo directamente en Adobe Illustrator para poder cambiar un color o algo. Podran hacerlo de forma libre.

Saludos desde Chile.


After that: OPEN WITH and bingo: in my case adobe illustrator, is it going to ask me all? YES.

They close it and well when they go to phoshop and it has a cleverly placed logo and I want to edit it directly in Adobe Illustrator so I can change a color or something. They can do it for free.

I want to copy an object in one Rhino file to another Rhino file. I have both Rhino files open. I tried CopyToClipboard and then Paste in the file that I want to Paste it to but nothing happens. I also tried just copy and paste and nothing worked. How do I do this. Ps. I am new to Rhino

Thanks in advance

I thought I had this problem at times but it is usually due to having a running command waiting for a response or input in the file you are trying to copy to. A message will pop up in that case but be sure you have a active command line (flashing line).

While i was trying to create custom objects using spreadsheet (Object Manager -> Create Custom Objects from spreadsheet -> Takes you to, it always defaults to Google sheet automatically.

To fix this, I opened an incognito tab and logged in to SF from there, hoping that this would strip my Chrome browser of any extras (extensions, etc.) I have in my Chrome settings. It did the trick! Hoping the same works for you.

The best free tool to clean up your pictures and remove any object, person, or watermark in 3 seconds. Easily delete undesired elements online from your image by painting over them, and let the Magic Eraser do the rest. Just scroll down, upload your image, and remove unwanted objects and people. Or login on your desktop device to use Photoroom web.

Paint over the unwanted objects of your image and let Photoroom work its magic. Once you selected the object with the brush tool, it is automatically removed from the photo as if it was never there. Use it to erase any unwanted content, such as people, small objects, watermarks or text.

For example, when using images for various purposes like advertisements, presentations, or publications, it may be necessary to remove copyrighted watermarks, text overlays, or logos to comply with legal requirements or maintain a consistent visual theme.

Signing up to Photoroom is for free, and you are able to remove any object or person from your image for free. If you want to use other great features from Photoroom such as the AI Background Generator or want to delete the Photoroom watermark - then it is useful to become a Pro User.

One objective could be to enhance your visual aesthetics. Sometimes, certain objects or people in an image can distract from the main subject or overall composition. By removing them, you can create a cleaner and more visually pleasing image. The second use case to cleaning up a picture is photo retouching: In portrait photography, removing imperfections or distractions like blemishes, wrinkles, or stray hairs can help enhance the subject's appearance and create a more polished image. The last one to mention, is the object isolation: If you want to isolate a specific object or subject in an image, removing other elements can help draw attention solely to the intended focal point. This can be particularly useful in product photography or creating visual graphics.

However, what I want is to not just pick out a specific collection instance, but then also a specific object from it.

So in this example, let's say I want to apply the red material only to the sphere from the middle instance. 152ee80cbc

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