The last time I had a similar crash in my app that pointed to ntdll.dll as the faulting module, the reality was that my own code had a memory leak. I did a strcpy on a string that was not allocated memory. Something like,

If you are experiencing an app crash with Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, there are a few steps you can take to try and fix the issue. First, try running a System File Checker scan to repair any corrupted system files. You can also try running an antivirus scan to check for any malicious software that may be causing the issue. Additionally, try updating your drivers and any applications that are related to the issue. If these steps do not help, you may need to reinstall the application or contact the software developer for additional support.

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Hi, I have a very similar problem and want to make sure one thing to not ruin my Windows 11 installation.In my case ntdll.dll 10.0.22621.1485 causes an error on my personal PC whan I run an .exe, program, which I re-installed and runed in different ways in different compatibility modes with no success: same error occurs. If I downgrade ntdll.dll to a 10.0.19041.423 Version, is that fatal? ntdll.dll is an essensial file to run Windows properly. I have just to manually give the "Trustinstaller" the rights back to run it properly after rebooting my PC, after replacing it in the System32 folder, right?

Well this is my third post on trying to solve the same issue, now I found out what the problem was, ntdll.dll file. Now, I've looked it up online and apparently it's either a compatibility issue or a plugin related issue, I've done anything to be done for solving compatibility issues so it has to be plugin related. So is there a way to determine which plugin causes reaper to crash? turning them on an off manually doesn't seem to work bc the projects don't crash immediately after the plugin is on, it usually takes some time and after it crashes it's impossible to open them unless it is using recovery mode. Please if anyone's had a ntdll related problem and found a solution let me know.

Errors related to ntdll.dll can arise for a few different different reasons. For instance, a faulty application, ntdll.dll has been deleted or misplaced, corrupted by malicious software present on your PC or a damaged Windows registry.

In the vast majority of cases, the solution is to properly reinstall ntdll.dll on your PC, to the Windows system folder. Alternatively, some programs, notably PC games, require that the DLL file is placed in the game/application installation folder.

The ntdll.dll file is one of the most important file in the "Microsoft Windows NT" OS family. Ntdll.dll is mostly concerned with system tasks and it includes a number of kernel-mode functions which enables the "Windows Application Programming Interface (API)". The ntdll.dll is also responsible for messages, timing, threading and synchronization in the operating system.

So I got creative, and pasted in the entries from the old dll.xml into the new one. I felt like it wouldn't help much, and surely enough, FSX was still crashing. BUT -- it was a different kind of CTD: rather than an ntdll.dll fatal error in the same geographical location (as described in the earlier posts to this thread), the sim started hanging as soon as I engaged time compression (after I had reached cruising altitude, etc.). And when I checked the System Viewer, the reason was that the application had stopped communicating with Windows (I'm typing this up on a different computer, so I do not have the log offhand).

Then, due to timing constraints, I had to take a few days away and got back to it tonight. I started by deactivating MTX in the Scenery Library, and surely enough, the flight went off without a hitch. But then, I figured I would check, for comprehensiveness' sake, what would happen when I turned MTX back on. And much to my surprise, everything worked! Traffic was on, no ntdll.dll crash, no hanging, and time compression worked!

I too am having this issue on multiple PCs, one Windows 11 the other Windows 10 as well as other colleagues having this exact same problem Photoshop v24.0. This tells me it's not our setups as it happens with my home PC which has similar specs. I literally cannot use Photoshop. It opens, allows me to do a couple of things, then closes, no warning, nothing, just crashes to the desktop without any error messages except in Event Viewer. I literally cannot do a thing.

Photoshop is becoming so buggy, more than ever. With every major release I have to reassociate all of my file extensions as it loses the icons. Opening images takes 5-10 mins, simple tasks are also taking an age.

I have not been able to use Photoshop at all since the latest update and I've had to use another PC with an older version of Photoshop as we are busy, and I don't have time to keep installing older versions.

I'm using PCs with 64gb Ram, both have duel nVidia 2080Ti's and are i9 processors. Yet Photoshop has been slow since 2019 and on different PCs. It's become so bloated. It shouldn't be slow with these specs, even if I was using 16gb ram, I'd expect good performange.

The error I get is as follows:

Faulting application name: Photoshop.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x634899c1

Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.22621.746, time stamp: 0x8a328c67

Exception code: 0xc0000409

Fault offset: 0x000000000008eadf

Faulting process ID: 0x0x6AB0

Faulting application start time: 0x0x1D8EA98890651D5

Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2023\Photoshop.exe

Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll

Report ID: 6c0b3a78-627d-4b8e-bb09-c7142132bd75

Faulting package full name:

Faulting package-relative application ID:

Also, asking people to install a previous version is not helpful whatsoever. So please stop that mentality of brushing over the issues at hand by applying a band aid on what is a major issue for many people. If you work for adobe or know the dev side of Photoshop, please concentrate on that and a real fix instead of patronising us by trying a last resort fix because you really don't know how to fix the issue. I understand this may tub people the wrong way, but these poor workarounds are just pointless and we all know we can install a previous version, which defeats the object of progress and having the latest versions.

I just checked the event viewer again and ntdll.dll has been causing problems with not only explorer but "DllHost.exe", "Fuel.Service.exe"(AMD Graphics related) and "HPSFUpdater.exe" Other than that I've been having this error about my Bluetooth adapter that could be related

or, more worryingly, a "silent crash", faulting in ntdll.dll module, I will paste the event log trace below. If I understand correctly, and I'm still gathering precise information, the procedure seems to be:

Hi Brenton,

Sorry to bother you, but can you put down some more details about exact power settings that you tweaked on your Windows 10 clients to get rid of this issue?

Also, has this also resolved for you the "silent crash" (error in ntdll.dll) or just Fatal Disk Error? I'd be very surprised, but also very glad.

So everything from my original post how this mostly happens when clicking back on the application which is not presently active on the task bar to bring it back as active application should be ignored. The problem is completely intermittent, it will sometimes happen once a day, and sometimes it will happen 10-15 times a day. 

However, it can happen at absolutely any time, our application active or just made active back again, on the windows retrieval or not, and yesterday it happened quite literally when clicking on one menu of the main menu bar without any other windows within the application open. 

The application screen simply disappears. There is no error message of any kind, not even a generic "X.exe has stopped working...", the crash is completely silent, and the application just goes away. Event log trace does state an error in ntdll.dll file as stated above, but apart from that - nothing. 

I tried including the /pbdebug option when I started the application once, but it proved unreasonably slow. I'm not sure I can ask clients to run that in runtime environment when they're working in the system, as it takes over 60 seconds to open one screen. And only after opening 2-3 windows, the debug file was almost 40 megabytes large. Seeing that the problem can only manifest itself perhaps once in a day, I'd hate to think how large the debug file may be after 5-6 hours of system use. And I think our client would simply find system usage at that terribly speed unbearable.

I am trying to get the base address of ntdll.dll over the PEB. So, what I did was to dump the PEB (d fs:[30]). Then, I tried to get to PEB_LDR_DATA over the offset 0xC. Over the offset 0x1C of PEB_LDR_DATA I found the the pointer of InInitializationOrderModuleList and I was told that I can find the ntdll.dll address there. And that I should first find the address of kernel32.dll (which is always the second entry). So, I was able to find the address of kernel32.dll but it seems like I can't find the address of ntdll.dll.

Based on your question above, it seems like you understand everything through the MOV EAX, DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+1C] instruction. Since ntdll.dll is the first module loaded, it's the first LDR_MODULE entry in InInitializationOrderModuleList. So with EAX pointing to PEB->Ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink, [EAX+0] points to the list entry's Flink, [EAX+4] points to the list entry's Blink, and [EAX+8] is the BaseAddress value of the first LDR_MODULE entry (ntdll.dll's LDR_MODULE). 006ab0faaa

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