Quite a noob when it comes to backend / .NET core development. Did some research but still confused. I recently switched to an old 2018 macbook pro since I'm also developing for iOS and the step that I'm missing from my Windows workflow is using NSWag studio to generate Typescript code from the APIs that I'm adding to our .NET core backend. Is there a tutorial for OSX / Linux users that can be done via command line? I tried using Parallels but it's quite slow. Much slower when I also open Rider on OSX. I'll appreciate any guidance. Thanks!

@ismcagdasThanks for the info. I have drawn a blank in getting this to work.I can find the json url, I already had that, I add it to the tab for Swagger Specification.Then, in the tab for Web API Assembly (the one displayed below) I can not get the Load Assemblies button to load anything at all.I have tried to load the contents of service.config.nswag into the JSON Schema tab but I can still not get the Load Assemblies button to generate a list of controllers.Is this something you can help with or am I faced with hand-coding all Api calls from my Ionic project?

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@ismcagdasCan you point me to any reasonable documentation on how to generate the service proxies/dto's for angular using swashbuckle, nswag, nswag studio etc? I am looking for a tool where I can select the controllers/services for which I wish to generate the code. I have tried NSwag Studio but I can not get it to work with Zero, though I can get it to work with a standard .net core project.

@ismcagdas - thanks again, I seem to be always in your debt....Today I started afresh and instead of building my own config I opened the service.config.nswag file from the ProjectName\angular\nswag folder using NSwag Studio ([ ])).I changed the HTTP service client to HttpClient for compatibility with Ionic 3 and managed to generate a service proxies file into my Ionic project.It's a little bit verbose given the fact that my Ionic project is basically a data entry device for dynamic forms created in Zero but it allows me access to a lot of functionality I do need such as languages, organization units, security and the like.I would seriously suggest you take a look at Ionic as an alternative to Xamarin.Thanks again.

You can uncomment $(NSwagExe_Net70) new to generate a fresh nswag.json, the configuration file used for NSwag. After you have the config file, you still need to specify the runtime, the document, and the output location. Abbreviated the change to the file looks like this:

We have already seen that for the manual approach, making changes to the configuration can be done by modifying the nswag.json, a file we do not have when using OpenApiReference. So this section will go into making the same modification for this version.

Any value set by nswag.json can also be provided here in the format /propertyName:value. I like to point out that properties like namespace can not be set here, so the following snippet will not work.

In conclusion, I cannot deny that the OpenApiReference feels a lot easier than the manual approach. It has its issues. For example, the lack of documentation configuring the generated code is disappointing. I also think it is weird that the different approaches between Visual Studio and command-line are out of sync and that both templates are outdated. It makes me question if people are using it. Both reasons are not a hard no-go for me. The new approach does feel less like magic, but the trade-off for me is that the settings used are less transparent than a nswag.json file. As I showed in the previous version of this article, NSwag can also function without specifying all options and will apply the defaults themselves. I like things to be explicit, so that is a point in favour of the manual approach, that it gives me a choice to specify everything or omit the things I don't need. The abstraction might have been better if we could still provide a config file or if there were properties that Microsoft would map to NSwag stuff internally, decoupling my code generation from the implementation. What do you think about this? Which version do you prefer?

Fortunately, if you installed NSwagStudio (using chocolatey for instance), the nswag.exe command line tool is probably already installed and available in your PATH, so the only things we need to do is to make sure that our nswag definition is saved in a file called nswag.json for instance:

There are some great posts out there that show you how to generate the clients with NSwag using an nswag.json file directly from a .NET project. But, what if you want to use NSwag purely for its client generation capabilities? You may have an API written with another language/platform that exposes a Swagger endpoint that you simply wish to create a client for. How do you do that?

The NSwag target is configured to log the output of nswag.exe as MSBuild messages. If the exit code is anything but 0 and Error message will be logs. It took me a while to figure this out but this way you can see in your MSBuild output why nswag.exe is failing.

The easiest way to create a nswag.json config file is by using NSwagStudio which you can install on Windows using an MSI you can find here or you can take the nswag.json file from my example repository on github and make modifications in that.

NSwagStudio is stand alone UI tool for editing a .nswag specification file for generating code. This tool is optional to install and official installation instructions are available on the NSwag Wiki on Github. If NSwagStudio is not installed on the machine then the Visual Studio Extension will install the NSwag CLI via NPM as a global tool using the latest available version.

In the GenerateApiClientSourceCode build target we are passing additional values with /variables parameter to NSwag CLI. Those values can be accessed in nswag.json manifest using $() notation, as shown on the following excerpt:

Now, we let us generate the client using NSwagger studio. We need to specify the path to swagger.json and click Generate Outputs. Note the schema for PaymentType in OpenAPI specification. It is of an Enum type just like on the Swagger page.

I am already aware of some compatibility issues since NSwag studio is designed to work with an API built with NSwag, and as far as I am aware the Visma.net API is built using Swashbuckle (the 2 different flavours of Swagger for .net). As far as I know, there is no tool offered by the Swashbuckle framework to generate a client based on a specification.json.

NSwag studio interprets the specification as shown above as returning a non-nullable object (since the property: "nullable":"true" is not present). This means that the generated client, that is generated according to the specs as provided by the Visma.net API, will throw an exception if the object is null:

Note that some dependencies are necessary to use this tool. Depending on your preferred tool or language, it may be necessary to install NPM and the Java Runtime Environment. Alternate Java SDK implementations mesh well here. RestSharp, Jsonsubtypes, Newtonsoft.Json, or Microsoft.Rest.Client.Runtime are required to run specific custom tools within. The tool makes some assumptions, but the Settings menu lets you dive in and configure as needed to extract more from Client Code Generator. For example, you might dictate how NuGet packages are handled or how .nswag files are generated from various criteria. ff782bc1db

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