The strategy of implanting webshells in vulnerable servers is not a new tactic for malicious actors. However, the relative sophistication of the code compared to routine webshell malware is surprising. Furthermore, the furor of the attacks against SolarWinds further amplifies interest in novel techniques such as those used in SUPERNOVA.

I was richly rewarded in that basement. Laura Broadbent read an early draft of Interviews, which included long passages from The Hour Of The Star, the final and most famous novel by Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector. I was electrified. I ran out and bought a copy the next day, tearing through the novel in one afternoon.

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Reading The Hour Of The Star felt like unlocking the door to a gilded room. Like I\u2019d learned a new language, fluently and all at once. The story, told by a journalist, follows the obscure and difficult life of Macab\u00E9a, an economic migrant living in Rio de Janeiro after leaving Brazil\u2019s rural northeast. Unlike books about poor characters I\u2019d read up to this point, Macab\u00E9a was no plucky hero. She didn\u2019t \u201Covercome\u201D poverty through her smarts and work ethic. Nor was she the romantic waif of a Victorian novel, whose poverty cannot conceal her fragile beauty and spotless moral character. No, Macab\u00E9a was dull-witted and unremarkable. Her struggles were in vain. Her life stayed poor and precarious.

This is a novel that definitely gives us the real and gritty insight into celebrity culture. I was so intrigued by this that I approached Emma Jones with a few questions, which resulted in some brilliant and thought-provoking answers. Thanks so much Emma!

Q. Essentially Supernova Hangover is a novel about celebrity culture and moral integrity. Do you feel that celebrity culture of the late 90s is very different to the celebrity culture of today, and if so, how?

Q. I was captivated when the novel refers to how celebrities borrow outfits for an eve, then the next day the outfit is picked up for another celebrity to wear. When we see images in the media of different celebrities wearing the same dress, is there a good chance that it is actually the SAME DRESS? Does this happen all the time in the celebrity world?

This novel portrays a luminous stellar explosion releasing powerful electromagnetic radiation and high-energy particles into the universe as far as the solar system, eight light-years away. Around the world, the chromosomes in human cells are damaged by high-energy rays. Only children under thirteen can repair the damage, while other age groups have only about a year left to survive. The world becomes strange at this moment.

On a seemingly ordinary summer night, a catastrophe brewing for hundreds of millions of years reaches the Earth from deep space. The radiation from the supernova explosion irreversibly irradiates everyone over the age of 13, leaving them with only a few months to live. Children under 13 years old can recover. That means that all humans over thirteen in the world will die, and the Earth will become a world with only children.

It is a society the world has never seen before; adults are supposed to teach their children life skills in the shortest possible time, such as running a country, commanding an army, etc. The adults also leave their children the best gift, the Chinese Quantum, a super quantum computer, which will help the children go through a dark age that follows. In the early days of the supernova era, the world of children becomes the last continuation of the world of adults. After several months of seemingly smooth operation, it finally gets out of control.

Liu constructs a series of successively alarming struggles for Huahua and his generation to overcome, beyond the most profound trauma of being orphaned and left alone in a world without grownups, their know-how, and their discipline. The children succumb, for example, to rampant alcoholism and stage Olympian war games, even as they assume the roles of presidents and premieres in their attempt to right the sinking ship. Their astral backdrop is a constant reminder: The sky has been forever altered by the supernova, a constant reminder that they must view life in a radically different light if they are to persevere.

We present a new solution to the problem of classifying Type Ia supernovae from their light curves alone given a spectroscopically confirmed but biased training set, circumventing the need to obtain an observationally expensive unbiased training set. We use Gaussian processes (GPs) to model the supernovae's (SN's) light curves, and demonstrate that the choice of covariance function has only a small influence on the GPs ability to accurately classify SNe. We extend and improve the approach of Richards et al. - a diffusion map combined with a random forest classifier - to deal specifically with the case of biased training sets. We propose a novel method called Synthetically Augmented Light Curve Classification (STACCATO) that synthetically augments a biased training set by generating additional training data from the fitted GPs. Key to the success of the method is the partitioning of the observations into subgroups based on their propensity score of being included in the training set. Using simulated light curve data, we show that STACCATO increases performance, as measured by the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC), from 0.93 to 0.96, close to the AUC of 0.977 obtained using the 'gold standard' of an unbiased training set and significantly improving on the previous best result of 0.88. STACCATO also increases the true positive rate for SNIa classification by up to a factor of 50 for high-redshift/low-brightness SNe.

This is the eighth volume in the Amulet graphic novel series. The illustration remains amazing and the story makes some good progress too. I continue to be impressed with how well done this graphic novel series is.

Core-collapse supernovae are the explosive death of massive stars. The explosion that follows the gravitational collapse of these stars, is an energetic event which we can observe with telescopes. These supernovae are also an important site for the synthesis of a range of chemical elements and they play an important role in the evolution of galaxies.

The numerical modeling of core-collapse supernovae is challenging. On the one hand, the full problem in 3D is an exascale problem, allowing for only a handful of simulations of short duration (0.5-1 sec after the explosion) - not nearly enough to predict observables such as nucleosynthesis, light curves, and spectra. On the other hand, the computationally cheaper simulations assuming spherical symmetry do not explode self-consistently, leaving researchers with a dilemma how to tackle open questions that require many exploding, long-term simulations. To fill this gap, JINA-CEE researcher Carla Frohlich (NCSU) and her collaborators have developed an effective core-collapse supernova model called "PUSH" [1,2,3,4], which allows for consistent predictions of all observables within the model. The PUSH model mimics in spherical symmetry the increased net neutrino-heating seen in multi-dimensional simulations, via an additional heating term which is coupled to the heavy neutrinos.

Recently, PhD candidate Sanjana Curtis (NCSU/LANL) with undergraduate student Noah Wolfe (NCSU) and collaborators have developed a novel pipeline to take core-collapse supernova models from PUSH to bolometric light curves, broadband light curves, and spectra. Processing 64 models at three different metallicities and a wide range of initial masses with this pipeline has revealed interesting trends and categories. For example, the bolometric light curves fall into four categories that are characterized by the stellar radius at collapse and the mass of the hydrogen envelope at collapse (Fig 2). The sample of models is large enough to perform a quantitative sensitive-variable analysis for the first time. The spectra cover the time from photospheric to nebular phase, and show characteristic line blanketing. With this work, a large sample of theoretical predictions for core-collapse supernova observables is available for the first time without any hand-tuning beyond the initial calibration of the PUSH method. This opens an exciting perspective for analysis of collective observables from core-collapse supernova models that can be directly compared to observations.

Using the smoothed particle inference (SPI) technique, astronomers have investigated the supernova remnant (SNR) DEM L71, mainly analyzing the X-ray emission from this source. Results of the study, presented in a paper published January 28 on, shed more light on the nature of this SNR.

Supernova remnants are diffuse, expanding structures resulting from a supernova explosion. They contain ejected material expanding from the explosion and other interstellar material that has been swept up by the passage of the shock wave from the exploded star.

A team of astronomers led by Jared Siegel of the University of Chicago, Illinois, has employed SPI to characterize the X-ray emission from the supernova remnant DEM L71, which was observed by ESA's XMM-Newton spacecraft. DEM L71 is classified as a Type Ia SNR in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), about 4,000 years old, showcasing a more or less regular shape. The new study is complementary to the one conducted by Siegel's team last year, providing chemical abundance analysis of the material ejected from the SNR and comparing it to supernova explosion models.

"Here, we extend the analysis of the SPI t by calculating the composition of the swept-up material and the ejecta of DEM L71, and comparing those to a large set of supernova explosion models," the astronomers wrote in the paper. e24fc04721

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