I'm not kidding. It does that. On a clean arch with gnome install, after I installed wine, opening text files really uses notepad.exe! That must be a practical joke of the wine developers, right? How can I fix this? I'm going to build my own wine package w/o notepad (just kidding. but why are they allowed to ship it in the first place?)

i'm using notepad and notepad++ as my main text editing to take notes and write down ideas. I used them cause they are fast and lightweight, and also portable since it's saved as a .txt file. However, one thing they don't seem to support is text highlighting with color. The only way for me to get that is to use a word processor like MS word or wordpad, but the problem is that these are not as portable as slower to open.

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So i run the program from cmd the program is in python 3.7.4 so i type in cmd to run the program and it says that it doesnt find options.json and i think thats because it is a notepad now and not a (white note) icon ( i guess i dont know how to convert it back to a json. If u want exacly what cmd says i can sent it.

Notepad++ is a free, open-source text and source code editor. Written in the C++ programming language, Notepad++ prides itself in paring down on unnecessary features and streamlining processes to create a light and efficient text notepad program. In practical terms, this means high speed and an accessible, user-friendly interface.

XML Notepad is the result of a promise Chris Lovett made to a friend at Microsoft. The original XMLNotepad shipped in back in 1998, written by Murray Low in C++. Later on it fell behind in supportfor XML standards and, because we didn't have time to fix it, we pulled the downloader. But Murrayapparently did such a nice job that MSDN was inundated with requests to put the notepad back up, sothey asked for a replacement.

Hi there, I have this macro I've been working on for some time, that converted itself to an app workflow when I borrowed some code from another team @ my work. Now, whenever I try to open the file, Alteryx crashes. I'm aware you can edit Alteryx files in notepad, is it possible to convert it to a macro workflow from there? Thanks so much for the help.

I tend to edit from within SWIPL shell. You can use edit(predicate). to open the location of the chosen predicate within your editor. It looks like notepad++ allows you to specify the linenumber to begin at by passing the -n flag to the editor. So you could add a line to your .swiplrc similar to the untested:

Download ncl.el file (the same forEmacs) and put it on the system.David Reiter's suggestion: /YOUR-HOME-DIRECTORY/Library/ApplicationSupport/Aquamacs EmacsAdd the following piece of code in/YOUR-HOME-DIRECTORY/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/Preferences.el;======================= (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\.ncl$" . ncl-mode) auto-mode-alist)) ; This line associates ncl-mode with the lisp package that defines it. (autoload 'ncl-mode "/YOUR-HOME-DIRECTORY/Library/Application Support/Aquamacs Emacs/ncl.el") ; Preferences -> Auto-CompletionCheck the "Enable auto-completion on each input", "Function andword completion", "Function parameters hint on input", "()",""Restart notepad++The contributors have stated you can contact them directly with questions,worldwindmxy@gmail.com.[Click on images for larger view.]

Syntax highlightingBrian Vanderwende, a PhD student at the University of ColoradoBoulder, contributed syntax highlighting files for two of the includedcolor schemes (Default and Obsidian).To add the schemes to Notepad++, the user simply needs to download thenpp_ncl_default.xml andnpp_ncl_obsidian.xml totheir hard drive, and then import them in N++. Be sure to save thefiles without the ".txt" extension.Follow these steps to import these schemes in N++:From the menu bar select Language -> Define Your LanguageClick the Import... buttonSelect the XML file you'd like to use on the diskRestart Notepad++From this point, any .ncl file you open should have the highlightingenabled. It recognizes NCL 6.2.0 keywords and all functions includedin the nclscripts folder. Note that the formatting uses UDL2, which isonly available in versions 6.2 and up of Notepad++.Below is a screenshot of the dark Obsidian theme.[Click on image for larger view.]

AtomRyan Pavlick (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) and Ben Schroeter(University of Tasmania) have contributed different NCL packagesfor Atom.Package #1 - Ryan PavlickThis package is based on Li Dong's SublimeText's enhancement package and provides syntax highlighting,autocompletion, and some useful code snippets for NCL. -nclInstallation is straightforward for Atom users, either:Enter `apm install language-ncl` at the command line. ORSearch for `language-ncl` in the Atom package manager and click theinstall button.Package #2 - Ryan PavlickThis package allows users to run an NCL script or a selectionfrom an NCL script directly from their Atom editor.Instructions for installing and using the package are here: -scriptTo use it with NCL scripts, you need to:make sure you have language-ncl package installed: -nclstart atom from the terminal (mostly likely you will want to be inthe directory where your NCL script resides)It should work for MacOS X, Linux, and potentially Windows.Package #3 - Ben SchroeterThis package autocompletes NCL: -autocomplete-nclThere are two ways to install the package:Via the Atom Editor itselfAtom > Preferences > Install > Search "atom-autocomplete-ncl" > InstallVia the APM command line utilityapm install atom-autocomplete-nclCompletions are automatically generated from the NCL documentationwebsite, so as new major NCL releases come out, Ben said he wouldupdate the package. ff782bc1db

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