What I am asking is which of the two sentence is better to use in that situation when you want to leave right now, as I am learning that "Would" is used in present tense and "Will" in future. But I think I have heard will in these types of sentences when would is grammatically more correct.

"I would leave" has a number of possible interpretations. The most likely is the condtional "I would leave (if something)" This implies that you are not leaving, because the condition hasn't been met.

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Because it's hard to talk about a collection of poetry with people who haven't read it yet, the next point I'd like to delve into is less about the poems themselves and more about another point Halsey made during her livestream for the book release. She talked about being able to say these things in poetry more than music because a book is faceless. Notably, she doesn't include an author photo, and her bio is only a single line in the standard edition. She talks about the freedom of having these poems span from weeks ago all the way back to when she was 18. There's no album cycle or era around it, gossip magazines to contextualize, or a specific look to match the album. It's just words and feelings and emotions. Music is so dependent on the look, the visuals, and everything else happening in an artist's life besides the music, it's interesting to think about how freeing it is to release a collection of work that is literally just the work. We all have the context of her life. We can make theories all day long. But, at the end of the day, it's her words before anything else. For once, everyone has to shut up and listen. I have to imagine that's why this book is so raw and straightforward. There's no bending her words here, like she's encountered in so many print interviews she's given, and there's no giant media wave like with music. Sure, anyone can read it, but no one's going to casually stumble into the book like they would a song. Mostly, it's for the fans who she knows are waiting for her arms open.

Also, for the poems being from a mix of years and stages of life and relationships, there was still a narrative arc. She starts the book unsure. She starts the book full of self loathing. She loses herself in the people she writes about. But, in the final poems, she contemplates how far she's come. In the final poem, "I Wish I Were Manic All The Time", she finally admits to us that she has learned to love herself. That there are parts of herself she truly cherishes, and it's the best note to end the book on. It's one of the most marked up poems in my book. In some excerpts from the poem, she writes, "My mind is messy but it's beautiful... I don't say it often, but I'm proud of the woman that I turned out to be". Later in the poem, she discusses her true self, not the one that's been handed to her through the garbled media portrayal, "You might think I'm crazy/Wild and young and free/But really I'm just: careful, quiet, overthinking, analyzing like/It's logic over moving and emotion brought me nothing but disaster". And as a final set of lines to share, she contemplates the relatable line between who you are and who the book character version of yourself would be "Wish I were a wild child like I say I am/Wish I really meant it when I say that I don't give a damn/Wish that I were manic all the time/ Think I like me better when I'm outside the lines". Just like with her albums, the ordering is perfect, and she hits the perfect final note.

So recently on MUT I've run out of contracts and coins to buy more and I've tried to sell my excess elite players but it wont let me it comes up with "listing this player on the auction house will leave you with below the minimum requirement" when i have more than enough. Any suggestions?

I keep getting this problem when trying to sell my most feared khalil mack "posting this item would leave you below the minimum allowed items of this type" first I bought a few ROLB bronze so incase that was the problem, but it wasnt. So I bought a base elite, deandre levy and that wasnt the problem either. Restarted xbox and madden and it still says it, Someone told me to generate best lineup but I cant because I dont have contracts on all of my players, and aslo no coins because im broke. 113 coins 0 contracts. And now the problem is with my whole team I cant sell anyone, so does anyone know how to fix this?

In Madden 16 Ultimate team I have below 100 coins, and 0 contracts. Most of my players in my lineup have 0 contracts remaining. I am trying to quicksell any item in my binder but it wont let me. I then tried to auction 94 Marcus Mariota (or any other elite or gold or bronze or silver) for 39,000 coins but then I get the error, "Posting this item would leave you below the minimum allowed items of this type". I have no clue what to do, I can't buy more contracts because I only have 100 coins. I have tried restarting my game mutiple times, but that changes nothing.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- If they could, millions more Venezuelans would join the estimated 3 million of their fellow citizens who have already fled the political and economic chaos in Venezuela under embattled President Nicolas Maduro.

In Gallup surveys over the past three years, no fewer than one in three Venezuelans have said they wanted to leave their country permanently. That includes the 36% who said so late last year before the escalating political crisis and current international efforts to unseat Maduro. This percentage translates to about 8 million adults.

Venezuela's economic woes date back to the collapse of oil prices before Maduro. However, before Maduro's first full year as president in 2014, no more than 15% of Venezuelans expressed a desire to leave their country. In fact, before Maduro took office, the average saying they wanted to move was 13%. Since he took office, the average has more than doubled, to 28%.

On Maduro's watch, the country has spiraled deeper into economic and political trouble, and Venezuelans continue to face hyperinflation, shortages of food and medicine, and rising insecurity and violence. In this climate, citizens in record numbers have said they want to leave -- and millions have. The U.N. estimates that 3 million Venezuelans have left their country since 2015 (about 10% of the population), and that number could top 5 million by the end of this year.

Venezuela's youngest and most educated residents -- two groups that the country's future success depends on -- are the most likely to want to leave their country behind. A slim majority of Venezuelans aged 15 to 29 (51%) say they would like to leave their country. Although short of a majority, more than four in 10 Venezuelans with secondary (43%) or higher education (41%) say they would like to move to another country permanently.

Many of these same countries are among the top most desired destinations for Venezuelans who say they would like to move. Thirteen percent of Venezuelans who would like to move say they would like to go to neighboring Colombia, 12% say they would like to move to Peru, and 11% say they would like to move to Chile.

It's interesting to note that no Venezuelans would like to move to Cuba (the country the socialist government of Venezuela has portrayed to its people for two decades as a model of society to follow), while the greatest percentage of those who want to move would like to move to the U.S., the country that has been portrayed as the opposite.

The revised Republican bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will leave 23 million more people uninsured in 2026 than if that act, also known as Obamacare, were to remain in place. The GOP bill would also reduce the deficit by $119 billion over 10 years.

That's what the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported Wednesday in its latest score of the American Health Care Act. The CBO's assessment shows that the deficit would fall and premiums would fall for some Americans, but the report also raises potential concerns about the bill. The agency reports that the bill could destabilize individual insurance markets in some states, leaving unhealthy Americans unable to buy insurance.

The $119 billion deficit reduction represents a decline from previous versions. When the CBO first scored the AHCA, it said the plan would save $337 billion over 10 years. Later revisions reduced those savings to $150 billion.

By far the biggest savings would come from Medicaid, which serves low-income Americans. That program would face $834 billion in cuts. Cutbacks in subsidies for individual health insurance would likewise help cut $276 billion. But those are offset in large part by bigger costs, including the repeal of many of Obamacare's taxes.

The CBO also notes that the AHCA could mean some Americans would buy policies that don't cover "major medical risks." Because of those policies' skimpy coverage, the CBO doesn't count those people as insured in this report.

The CBO did indeed far overestimate the number of people who would sign up for the Obamacare exchanges, as FactCheck.org's Brooks Jackson wrote in March. Likewise, it undershot on the number of Medicaid enrollees. (That said, Jackson added, the CBO predicted the uninsured rate relatively closely.)

One challenge the CBO faced in creating these estimates was figuring out how many states would get those waivers, and the report acknowledges that this creates some uncertainty in the estimates. In the end, it estimated that around one-sixth of the population lives in states that would seek both of those waivers. Around half of Americans live in states that would seek no waivers, meanwhile, and the remainder live in states that would make "moderate" changes.

In states that obtained both of those waivers, it would mean lower premiums for people buying individual insurance. But less healthy Americans in those states could face "extremely high premiums," the report said.

"Over time, it would become more difficult for less healthy people (including people with preexisting medical conditions) in those states to purchase insurance because their premiums would continue to increase rapidly," the CBO wrote. e24fc04721

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