Safety Score Beta is intended to provide drivers transparency and feedback of their driving behaviors to encourage safer driving and potentially pay less for their insurance. Safety Scores are a value between 0 and 100, where a higher score indicates safer driving. Most drivers are expected to have a Safety Score of 80 or above.

Forward Collision Warnings are audible and visual alerts provided to the driver in events where a possible collision due to an object in front of the vehicle is considered likely without driver intervention. Events are captured based on the 'medium' Forward Collision Warning sensitivity setting regardless of user's setting in the vehicle. Forward Collision Warnings are incorporated into the Safety Score Beta formula as a rate per 1,000 non-Autopilot miles. The value is capped at 135.4 per 1,000 non-Autopilot miles in the Safety Score Beta formula.

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Excessive Speeding is defined as the proportion of time spent driving in excess of 85 mph, as a percentage of the total time driving. The value shown in the Tesla app is the proportion of time driven at a speed over 85 mph versus all driving time. The value is capped at 7.1% in the Safety Score Beta formula.

The Autopilot system disengages for the remainder of a trip after the driver has received three audio and visual warnings. These warnings occur when your Tesla vehicle has determined that the driver has not applied sufficient resistance to the steering wheel or has become inattentive. Forced Autopilot Disengagement is introduced into the Safety Score Beta formula as a 1 or 0 indicator. The value is 1 if the Autopilot system is forcibly disengaged during a trip, and 0 otherwise.

In order to calculate your daily Safety Score, we use the Predicted Collision Frequency (PCF) formula below to predict how many collisions may occur per 1 million miles driven, based on driving behaviors measured by your Tesla vehicle. Driving on Autopilot (including 5 seconds after Autopilot is disengaged) will not be factored into the Safety Score Beta formula, but the miles driven while on Autopilot are included in the total.

The current formula was derived based on statistical modeling using over 30 billion miles of fleet data. We expect to make further changes to the formula in the future as we gain more customer and data insights.

Note: Since Tesla vehicles with hardware older than Autopilot computer 2.0 do not measure following distance, Forward Collisions Warnings per 1,000 non-Autopilot miles and Unsafe Following Time is replaced by default values of 15.6 and 21.6% in the PCF formula, respectively. For these vehicles, the value of 113.96245249 is replaced by 108.43874088 in the Safety Score Beta formula.

Maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front to give you enough time to react to slower or stationary vehicles. Pay attention to the other vehicles on the road and reduce speed in traffic congested areas.

Engage the brake pedal early when slowing down, coming to a stop or reacting to a change in your environment. Use regenerative braking whenever possible and safe to do so. Maintaining a safe following distance reduces the instances where the brake pedal needs to be applied with extreme force.

Do not tailgate or drive close to the vehicle in front. Maintain a following distance of several car-lengths to the vehicle in front to have sufficient time to react to its speed. Remember that driving at higher speeds in inclement weather or on slick road surfaces requires a greater following distance to allow sufficient time to react safely.

Plan a little extra time when commuting so you can arrive on time without driving over 85 mph. Traveling at high speed adds additional risk when driving, so paying close attention to your speed and following the speed limit can help reduce potential risk and raise your Safety Score.

If your Tesla vehicle does not have cellular connectivity while on a trip, you may not receive immediate feedback upon the end of your trip. You will receive your updated driving information and Safety Score once your vehicle has connectivity. Premium Connectivity is not required to receive a Safety Score.

In the event that you do not have cellular connectivity, you may not receive immediate feedback upon the end of your trip. You will receive your updated driving information once you have connectivity.

Changes to your current insurance policy relating to your Safety Score are only permitted at renewal. If you are being upgraded, we will send you a notice approximately two months before your next renewal date. Review your policy documents in the Tesla app to determine your next renewal date and compare your next renewal date with the renewal effective date for the latest version of Safety Score Beta listed for your state. If your next renewal date is on or after the renewal date listed for your state, then you will be moved to the newest version of Safety Score Beta at renewal.

Tesla captures driving over all trips, where a trip consists of any driving (including reversing and Autopilot usage) occurring between the time the Tesla vehicle is powered on and able to be driven to the time the vehicle is powered off. Any driving and accrued mileage occurring while in service mode is excluded. Trips less than 0.1 miles will be excluded from scoring calculations. Driving on Autopilot (including 5 seconds after Autopilot is disengaged) will not be factored into the Safety Score Beta formula, but the miles driven while on Autopilot are included in the total.

The Safety Score Beta formula ignores any events that occur while Autopilot is engaged (including 5 seconds after the Autopilot is disengaged). This does not include Forced Autopilot Disengagements or Late-Night Driving, which will impact your Safety Score. Any events that occur while a driver is manually engaging the acceleration pedal while on Traffic Aware Cruise Control will count towards the Safety Score.

Miles driven while Autopilot is engaged are not used to determine the Forward Collision Warnings per 1,000 Miles. Miles driven on Autopilot are not considered when calculating the mileage-weighted Safety Score.

Times on trips are based on the time zone of the vehicle at the end of the trip. When a Daylight Savings time change occurs during your trip, the amount of Late-Night Driving time is the amount of time you drove during the hours of 11 PM and 4 AM. This means that during the Spring and Fall time changes, we do not count the addition of an extra hour or removal of an hour due to Daylight Savings time.

Your Tesla vehicle relies on its cameras and firmware to detect yellow traffic lights. It may not detect all yellow traffic lights. Examples of situations that could lead to undetected yellow traffic lights include when the cameras are obscured or do not have line of sight of the traffic signals, inclement weather, or low light environments.

Safety Score Beta version 2.0 features several updates including two new Safety Factors and updates to how driving behavior is measured and Safety Score is calculated. Here are the key changes from version 1.2 to version 2.0:

Forward Collision Warnings are audible and visual alerts provided to the driver in events where a possible collision due to an object in front of the vehicle is considered likely without driver intervention. Events are captured based on the 'medium' Forward Collision Warning sensitivity setting regardless of user's setting in the vehicle. Forward Collision Warnings are incorporated into the Safety Score Beta formula as a rate per 1,000 non-Autopilot miles. The value is capped at 130.7 per 1,000 non-Autopilot miles in the Safety Score Beta formula.

Excessive Speeding is defined as the proportion of time spent driving in excess of 85 mph, as a percentage of the total time driving. The value shown in the Tesla app is the proportion of time driven at a speed over 85 mph versus all driving time. The value is capped at 7.6% in the Safety Score Beta formula.

The current formula was derived based on statistical modeling using 8 billion miles of fleet data. We expect to make further changes to the formula in the future as we gain more customer and data insights. 152ee80cbc

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