I have two de-googled Android devices, both with new installations. Joplin 1.7.2 on an Android 8.1 phone works perfectly. Joplin 1.75 on an Android 7.0 tablet always returns the sync error "Network request failed." The Nextcloud WebDAV URL, username and password are identical in both instances (checked a gazillion times).

Right sorry, I read the first and last post and missed the ones in between. These Network Request Failed errors are very hard to debug and are usually due to some low level issue. I have no idea what to suggest to be honest. Even if you look at the device network log, it's unlikely you'll find any additional info.

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Each item listed is a request for a file from some server somewhere. The one on the top is the initial HTML file, and then the link tags in your HTML prompt network requests for the stylesheets and JavaScript files necessary. Cool!

Every request we make, successful or not, will receive a response. When looking at the Network tab in the dev tools, you might have noticed some requests had different response codes. The HTTP protocol lays a series of Response Codes to give more information on the status of a request.

Asynchronous operations refer to things that can happen outside the normal order of execution. Network requests can be synchronous or asynchronous, but most modern applications do them asynchronously to improve performance / the user experience.

Note that there are a few ways to make a request. One way you might see is through a process called AJAX, or Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. AJAX was a huge advancement for the web, as it allowed developers to update part of a webpage without reloading the entire thing.

Traditionally, AJAX requests have been made via the XMLHttpRequest object. However, the process is a little clunky, with developers transitioning over to a more streamlined way using the fetch API. This is much more commonly used by developers nowadays and will be the primary way we make network requests at Turing.

I'm running into a strange problem with my Cordova Project that uses Firebase. It works perfectly in browser, but when I run my app on an emulator or phone (Android), (at least) the first login attempt per load always results in an "Auth/network-request-failed" error. Here is my relevant Firebase code:

I arrived at this answer with the help of Firebase support. It turns out that my button which was calling the login function was of type "submit," which was causing my page to refresh every time it was pressed. This would interrupt the authentication process, resulting in the "network-request-failed" error. To fix this get rid of type="submit" in the button.

Hi, I'm having problem with using Stremio. I m getting "Network Request Failed" message after a couple of minutes after trying to open a video, but only on my home network, on mobile network or job network the app works perfectly even on the same device. Never had any problem with torrents at all, so I don't know what can be happening. Anyone have this problem, or knows how to solve?

I get an error on my android device of "Network request failed". Has anyone experiences this problem before? I have seen other have experienced similar problems but I could not find a solution online. Thanks

You cannot execute a network request during an applicationSuspend or applicationExit event. When your application suspends, no callbacks will fire. You can work around this by saving the request you wish to make to a file upon suspension. Then, on an applicationResume event, check if there is a pending request saved and, if so, execute it.

If the response body is directed to a file by using params.response and the response was successfully written to the file, event.response will contain a table indicating the filename and baseDirectory for the output file. If the request completes, but produces an error response, then any error response body will be provided as a string in event.response instead. This behavior prevents the destination file from being written/overwritten with an error response instead of the desired payload.

I try to build an eCommerce app with Expo and react native but I face a network error, the google service is active on the device (simulator for android and real iPhone for IOS) and I'm connected to my Google account.

Hi. I actually don't know about this Netwrok Requests on Upwork. I received a request yesterday, where afreelancer wanted me to join his netwrok. So I want to know that whther should I join it or not. And what are the advanatges and disadvantges of doing that. thanks.

The iOS Agent detects network requests when the underlying implementation is handled by the NSURLConnection or NSURLSession classes. 

The Android Agent detects network requests when the underlying implementation is handled by the HttpURLConnection, HttpsURLConnection, HttpClient, OkHttp, or ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib classes.

Network Request Health: Displays the number of network requests evaluated as normal, critical, or warning based on default or configured health rules. Clicking on the widget opens the Network Requests list.

Network Requests Time Distribution: Displays a bar graph showing the number of requests made at different network request times. In addition, the graph gives the percentage rank of the number of network requests in its frequency distribution of network request time. For example, the 95th percentile (5,419 ms) indicates that 95% of the network requests had a network request time of 5,419 ms or less. Clicking on the widget opens the Charts tab of Network Request Analyze.

The Controller processes a maximum of 2000 network requests per mobile app group and 500 network requests per mobile application. See Network Request Limits for suggestions on how to configure network request detection to stay under this limit.

Cypress helps you test the entire lifecycle of HTTP requests within yourapplication. Cypress provides you access to the objects with information aboutthe request, enabling you to make assertions about its properties. Additionallyyou can even stub and mock a request's response.

Within Cypress, you have the ability to choose whether to stub responses orallow them to actually hit your server. You can also mix and match within thesame test by choosing to stub certain requests, while allowing others to hityour server.

Stubbing responses enables you to control every aspect of the response,including the response body, the status, headers, and even networkdelay. Stubbing is extremely fast, most responses will be returned in lessthan 20ms.

The Cypress Real World App (RWA) end-to-endtests predominately rely on server responses, and only stub network responseson a few occasionsto conveniently create edge-case or hard-to-create application states.

One advantage of declaratively waiting for responses is that it decreases testflake. You can think of cy.wait() as a guard thatindicates to Cypress when you expect a request to be made that matches aspecific routing alias. This prevents the next commands from running untilresponses come back and it guards against situations where your requests areinitially delayed.

What makes this example below so powerful is that Cypress will automaticallywait for a request that matches the getSearch alias. Instead of forcingCypress to test the side effect of a successful request (the display of theBook results), you can test the actual cause of the results.

The Cypress Real World App (RWA) has varioustests for testing an auto-complete field within a large user journey test thatproperly await requests triggered upon auto-complete input changes. Check outthe example:

In this example, there are many possible sources of failure. In most testingtools, if our request failed to go out, we would normally only ever get an erroronce we attempt to find the results in the DOM and see that there is no matchingelement. This is problematic because it's unknown why the results failed to bedisplayed. Was there a problem with our rendering code? Did we modify or changean attribute such as an id or class on an element? Perhaps our server sentus different Book items.

In our example above we can assert about the request object to verify that itsent data as a query string in the URL. Although we're mocking the response, wecan still verify that our application sends the correct request.

The circular indicator on the left side indicates if the request went to thedestination server or not. If the circle is solid, the request went to thedestination server; if it is outlined, the response was stubbed bycy.intercept() and not sent outbound.

The fetch request now has an open circle, to indicate that it has beenstubbed. Also, note that the alias for the cy.intercept() is now displayed onthe right-hand side of the Command Log. If you mouse over the alias, you can seemore information about how the request was handled:

As you can see, "req modified" is displayed in the badge, to indicate therequest object was modified. "res modified" and "req + res modified" can also bedisplayed, depending on if res was modified inside of a req.continue()callback.

As with all command logs, logs for network requests can be clicked to displayadditional information in the Console. For example, after clicking the previousrequest for /users?limit=100 and opening Developer Tools, we can see thefollowing:

Use the Network request blocking tool to check how a webpage looks and behaves when some resources are unavailable, such as image files, JavaScript files, fonts, or CSS stylesheets. Use this tool to test blocking network requests to a specified URL pattern and see how a webpage behaves.

Go to the webpage for which you want to block network requests. For example, open the accessibility-testing demo page in a new tab or window. This webpage contains images that you'll block using the Network request blocking tool. ff782bc1db

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