Hi all,

I'm confronted to a strange problem that I don't understand.

When I start Netbeans 7.0 for the first time everything is fine but after a logout I can't start it again, no window appears. I can start it again if I delete ~/.netbeans which is annoying.

I use OpenJDK and Gnome 3.

I provided a copy of ~/.netbeans/7.0/var/log/messages.log:

My netbeans didn't start, even after I installed libungif (which is now giflib) or starting it with "netbeans --nosplash".

Solution: After reading the log files I recognized that the libxtst was missing.

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indicates that only classes (and resources) in the packageorg.netbeans.api.foo should be available to clientmodules. Attempts to use classes from other packages will fail,for example with a NoClassDefFoundError.

Eager modules are often used for "bridges" between otherwise independent pieces of functionality, represented as regular modules. If both of those modules are enabled, the eager bridge will be as well, integrating them using some optional service. They may also be used as add-ons to regular modules distributed via other channels; or as platform-specific modules that will be enabled only according to operating system tokens.

First of all, when NetBeans starts up, all previously-installedmodules are restored, calling the restored methods ontheir install classes if present. (Sections are installed beforethis method is called.) If multiple modules are being restored(which is normally the case), NetBeans installs them in anarbitrary order. However, if some of them specifydependencies on other modules, the order may be adjusted so as tomake sure that the one specifying the dependency is installed afterthe one it depends on.Now, when NetBeans is running, modules may be installed into it,possibly a cluster of them at once. In such a case, NetBeans firstchecks to make sure that all the prospective modules satisfy theirdependencies, either on system or Java features; already-installedmodules; or other modules in the prospective cluster. If anymodules fail their dependencies (or had syntactical errors in theirmanifest files, etc.), they are removed from the list and the useris given an explanation of what is missing. The remainder are thenordered according to dependencies as above, and then installed inthat order.Caution: it is forbidden to install modules which havecyclic dependencies on one another, as NetBeans would be unable todetermine which order to install them in! In fact, it will signalan error and not install such modules. Generally such a situationmeans that you should "factor out" the common requiredfunctionality into a new module which the original ones will thenspecify legal dependencies on.List of all modulesThough a module should not generally need to know or care what othermodules are installed - anything it needs should be a dependency, andanything which can use it, it should not know about - in a few cases itis desirable to obtain the list of all modules in the system. This canbe easily accomplished as follows:Collection modules = Lookup.getDefault().lookupAll(ModuleInfo.class);The resulting ModuleInfo objects give basic informationabout known modules (both enabled and disabled), such as their namesand versioning information, and current enablement status. This API isstrictly read-only and informational.A limited ability to modify the installation status of modules isprovided by the APIs as of version 1.31. In the folderModules/ on the system filesystem, there will be XMLfiles corresponding to all known modules. In each case the name of theXML file is derived from the code name base of the module with. replaced by -, and followed by.xml; for example,org-netbeans-modules-properties.xml. The contents of theXML file are given by a fixedDTD.For purposes of the API, only parts of these files are defined. Theroot element must be and itsname attribute must be the code name base of the module.Inside the root element are various elements, each with a name and some textual contents. The APIs defineonly one parameter, enabled, which if present must beeither true or false. Autoload (and eager) modules do not use the enabled parameter, since their enablement status can never be specified directly. Rather, they are marked with a parameter named autoload (resp. eager) with the value true.

Code which creates new classloaders and loads other code indirectlyshould, however, be aware that the created classloaders are generallysubject to regular security restrictions, unless code is loaded fromwithin the NetBeans installation, or certain forms of NbClassLoaderare used. When in doubt, explicitly define the protection domains forclassloaders you create.NetBeans currently loads each module in its own classloader,which means illegal dependencies between modules will result in errors.The Update Center supports certificate-based signing ofdownloaded modules, so that the user can be sure that the contentshave not been tampered with or accidentally corrupted since theircreation.JNIIt is possible to run modules making use of JNI native implementations insideNetBeans. You may place the native libraries (DLL or shared-object) beneatha modules/lib directory (i.e. a subdirectory lib/beneath the directory where the module JAR resides). If your native library filenames for different architectures or operating systems clash, you may createsubdirectories under modules/lib for each supported platform andnested subdirectories for each supported operating system. The directory namesmust match System.getProperty("os.arch") andSystem.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) respectively.The System.loadLibrary call originating from the module codewill try to locate the library file in the following order of directories:

Many operating systems nowadays, such as Linux and Solaris, come witha JDK pre-installed. Even so, you may want to obtain a later versionof the JDK. At the web site java.sun.com ( ) you can obtain free ofcharge the JDK for the following operating environments:

You will need JDK 1.3 or above to run NetBeans. Consult the NetBeans JVMFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ( )for more information about obtaining the JDK and setting it up inyour particular operating environment. You will also find pertinentinformation in the NetBeans HowTo ( ).

Okay, you did the build. Now, where did the build go? It was built inthe netbeans-src/nbbuild/netbeans directory. Youcan run the newly built IDE fromnetbeans-src/nbbuild/netbeans/bin in the mannerdescribed in the sidebar Installing and Configuring Ant.

At the end of the build process, a .zip distribution archive wascreated analogous to the ones you download from the NetBeans webpages when you download a prebuilt version. This .zip file is foundafter a successful build in thenetbeans-src/nbbuild directory and is called:

On Windows, the first time NetBeans is run, NetBeans prompts the userfor the name of a directory in which settings should be stored (seeFigure 1-1). The directory chosen by the user isstored in a Windows Registry keyHKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/netbeans.org/NetBeansIDE/ $VERSION, which is howNetBeans finds the user settings directory each time it runs. Somepoints:

If the specified directory does not exist, it will be created. As ofthe current writing, NetBeans creates its user settings directorystructure specifically in the directory you specify rather thanautomatically creating a netbeans subdirectoryof the specified directory.

This section applies only to those running NetBeans under the X Window System on a Unix-likeoperating system. There are primarily two problems relating to the XWindow System that can prevent NetBeans from coming up on your localdisplay:

Developed by Oracle Corporation using Java, NetBeans IDE can be used on different platforms such as Windows, Linux, Solaris and OS X. So no matter what operating system it is you are using, you can always rely on NetBeans IDE. In fact, it supports the latest and the best Java technologies, including JDK 8, JDK 7, Java EE 7 with HTML5 and JavaFX 2.

Lastly, you would love just how comprehensive NetBeans IDE is, with its support for a wide range of programming languages and operating systems. If that is not enough, it is very extensible with a very active community providing you with plug-ins to help extend its functionality! So if you are looking for a particular feature, all you have to do is search for a plug-in or create it for your own use!

Download NetBeans from the NetBeans website and install it. NetBeans 6.9 requires the Java Development Kit (JDK) version 6. On Mac OS X, you may need to configure your operating system to use Java 6.1. Create a project for CTAT tutorsIn this step you will create a new NetBeans project that will act as a container for all of your CTAT tutors including the examples.

When using remoting/cloud for JRebel, select the Run on a remote server radio button in the Startup tab. Select your desired Java, application server and operating system. Follow the instructions to download JRebel onto the remote server and generate the startup script.

Since the documentation of OutputStream.flush() mentions that the behavior of flush is operating system dependent, this is not really a bug, but it would be really nice if it flushed to the output window the same way it flushes to the command line window.

You can install the JDK software and NetBeans IDE in directories of your choice. You do not have to be a root user to use this installer unless you choose to install this bundle in a system-wide location.

Note: This installer does not displace the system version of the Java platform that is supplied by the operating system.

Before you install

1. Verify that your system meets or exceeds the recommended minimum hardware requirements:

Pentium III workstation, 800 MHz

512 MB of RAM

700 MB of free space

Note: The installer uses the /tmp or the /var/tmp directory for temporary files.

2. Download the installer file and save it on your system.

For the 32-bit Linux operating system, the installer file name is jdk-8u131-nb-8_2-linux-i586.sh

For the 64-bit Linux operating system, the installer file name is jdk-8u131-nb-8_2-linux-x64.sh

3. Navigate to the directory into which you downloaded the installer file and type:

chmod +x to change the installer file's permissions so it can be executed.

Or you can just navigate to the download and click mouse right button any empty space and then choose open in terminal then follow the following e24fc04721

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