When you target a framework in an app or library, you're specifying the set of APIs that you'd like to make available to the app or library. You specify the target framework in your project file using a target framework moniker (TFM).

The following table defines the most common target frameworks, how they're referenced, and which version of .NET Standard they implement. These target framework versions are the latest stable versions. Prerelease versions aren't shown. A target framework moniker (TFM) is a standardized token format for specifying the target framework of a .NET app or library.

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A target framework is typically referenced by a TFM. The following table shows the target frameworks supported by the .NET SDK and the NuGet client. Equivalents are shown within brackets. For example, win81 is an equivalent TFM to netcore451.

The net5.0, net6.0, net7.0, and net8.0 TFMs include technologies that work across different platforms. Specifying an OS-specific TFM makes APIs that are specific to an operating system available to your app, for example, Windows Forms or iOS bindings. OS-specific TFMs also inherit every API available to their base TFM, for example, the net6.0 TFM.

.NET 5 introduced the net5.0-windows OS-specific TFM, which includes Windows-specific bindings for WinForms, WPF, and UWP APIs. .NET 6 and later versions have additional OS-specific TFMs, for example, net6.0-ios.

Target frameworks are specified in a project file. When a single target framework is specified, use the TargetFramework element. The following console app project file demonstrates how to target .NET 8:

When you specify multiple target frameworks, you may conditionally reference assemblies for each target framework. In your code, you can conditionally compile against those assemblies by using preprocessor symbols with if-then-else logic.

The following library project targets APIs of .NET Standard (netstandard1.4) and .NET Framework (net40 and net45). Use the plural TargetFrameworks element with multiple target frameworks. The Condition attributes include implementation-specific packages when the library is compiled for the two .NET Framework TFMs:

The build system is aware of preprocessor symbols representing the target frameworks shown in the Supported target framework versions table when you're using SDK-style projects. To convert a .NET Standard, .NET Core, or .NET 5+ TFM to a preprocessor symbol, replace dots and hyphens with an underscore, and change lowercase letters to uppercase (for example, the symbol for netstandard1.4 is NETSTANDARD1_4).

After changing the framework in the project file, VSCode is telling me the Newtonsoft namespace can not be found. This makes me think that the Nuget I have installed is not compatible with .NET Framework 4.8.

I am completely new to .Net development. I've been working with C++ on Linux all life long (math libraries and control algorithms) and although the transition to C# has been fairly simple, I've met quite a few obstacles with the migration from Ubuntu to Windows. Up to now I am working on a class library targeting net5.0, it has been developed completely on Ubuntu ( but without any OS fancy modeling ). Now I have been requested to use it on an existing software targeting .Net Framework v4.6.1 on Windows and this itegration is not as flawless as I thought.

I tried to build an existing plugin now that I've installed the new version of PDN that uses .NET 5.0. Naturally, I got the usual slew of errors that comes from building using a version of PDN that's different from the framework for the plugin project. I opened the project's Properties to change the target framework, but 5.0 was not among the choices. From the list, I selected "Install other frameworks" which semi-helpfully took me to a webpage of SDK and runtime downloads. Just to be safe, I installed all the 5.0 stuff. I again tried selecting 5.0 from the framework list, but it still wasn't there. I restarted Visual Studio, which didn't help. I was able to build a console app that used 5.0, so 5.0 must be installed.

I've installed new frameworks in the past, and though I don't recall the details, I don't remember it being especially difficult. The answer is probably easy and obvious, but this is the kind of obnoxious problem I hate like the plague have absolutely no patience for.

I tried try-convert, and though I'm sure it gave it the old college try, it failed. It hung after "Instance 10" (not sure what that means). I left it for about half an hour, in case it was just doing something lengthy, then exited with a Ctrl-C. Unsurprisingly, no 5.0 appeared in the Properties framework choices.

4#Compiler is installed via apt-get install dotnet-sdk-5.0

5#Trying to compile samples/CsBrxMgdCivil with dotnet msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release does not work out of the box

6#A fresh project is set up using dotnet new console --framework net5.0

7#It compiles smoothly using dotnet msbuild /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release

8#The sample from 5# contains reference includes for BrxMgd and TD_Mgd, which I am unable to resemble in the csproj file. I undergo the assumption that the dynamic library should reside in 1#, but I cannot find it. Variations of below syntax do not work.

The standardization allowed anyone to create their own implementation of the .NET runtime. And in fact, a few of them appeared on the horizon: Mono for Linux-based systems, Silverlight for browser-based applications, .NET Compact and Micro frameworks for mobile and resource-constrained devices, and so on. Then, Microsoft decided to write .NET Core from scratch with cross-platform compatibility in mind.

.NET 5 provides a common set of APIs that aligns the different runtime implementations. This set of APIs is identified by the net5.0 Target Framework Moniker (TFM), which is the token you set in your .NET project to specify the target framework. This enables your application to run on any runtime implementation supporting .NET 5. However, you can still build applications for a specific platform. For example, to build an application that uses Windows API, you need to specify the net5.0-windows TFM. This way, building a platform-specific application is your choice, not a choice depending on the runtime implementation you are using to develop your application.

As the third thing, you have to know that .NET 5 is bringing to you a new way to build cross-platform user interfaces. Thanks to the .NET Multi-platform App UI framework, also known as .NET MAUI), you will be able to build user interfaces for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows with a single project.

.NET MAUI can be considered an evolution of Xamarin.Forms, the open-source framework for building iOS and Android apps with a single .NET codebase. But this new framework proposes a universal model for building UIs on mobile and desktop platforms.

The last of the five things you are learning about .NET 5 concerns what is no longer supported. As said above, the architectural review and the attempt to make .NET 5 an actual cross-platform programming framework led to removing a few features supported in .NET Framework. Let's take a quick look at the removed features and the possible alternatives.

Even WCF, the traditional communication framework for Windows, is going to be deprecated. This may appear a bit shocking for the developers that have used it to build their service-oriented applications. However, it is pretty understandable if you realize that the primary goal of .NET 5 is becoming a cross-platform framework.

I have a playground game in Monogame using the DesktopGL template and after switching the target framework to .NET 5, it worked like a charm. Is it safe to assume that Monogame is compatible with net5.0, though?

Symptom: I was looking for the Microsoft.Activities.Extensions package on my personal computer because I needed to utilize some of the dictionary functions that are associated with it, but I was unable to locate it in the manage packages area (however, it would show up on my work laptop). The Windows version and the .NET framework were the same for both machines.

But, I can't use this projet (.Net 5) in my main projet (.Net 4.8). I have modified .csproj file to replace "net5.0-windows10.0.19041.0" by "net48" but I have this error when i affect ArcGISRuntimeEnvironment.ApiKey :

The template installer for WPF only comes with .NET 6 support and requires VS2022. This is because the We a few years ago removed the .NET Framework templates to be in line with the Microsoft recommendation to not use .NET Framework for new work.

To use .NET Framework, instead create a blank WPF .NET Framework application and add the Esri.ArcGISRuntime.WPF NuGet package (this should even work in VS2017, although we don't officially support/test it). Just changing the framework in the SDK-style project isn't fully supported with .NET Framework. It's possible but might cause a few headaches (you could try adding AnyCPU to the PropertyGroup, and it might resolve this specific issue but I'd still recommend starting with the blank wpf templates instead)

.NET 5.0 is the beginning of a single cross-platform .NET runtime and framework implementation that unifies .NET Core and the .NET Standard. It provides the same runtime behaviours and developer experiences across all platforms with a set of APIs, languages, and tools that target a broad set of application types, including: mobile, cloud, desktop, and IoT. ff782bc1db

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