In this article, you learn how to install .NET on Windows. .NET is made up of the runtime and the SDK. The runtime is used to run a .NET app and might be included with the app. The SDK is used to create .NET apps and libraries. The .NET runtime is always installed with the SDK.

There are three different .NET runtimes you can install, however, you should install both the .NET Desktop Runtime and the ASP.NET Core Runtime for maximum compatibility with all types of .NET apps. The following table describes what is included with each runtime:

Download .net Core Runtime

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This runtime supports Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Windows Forms apps that are built with .NET. This isn't the same as .NET Framework, which comes with Windows. This runtime includes .NET Runtime, but doesn't include ASP.NET Core Runtime, which must be installed separately.

This runtime runs web server apps and provides many web-related APIs. ASP.NET Core Runtime allows you to run apps that were made with .NET that didn't provide the runtime. You must install .NET Runtime in addition to this runtime. The following commands install ASP.NET Core Runtime, In your terminal, run the following commands:

The script defaults to installing the latest long term support (LTS) version, which is .NET 8. You can choose a specific release by specifying the Channel switch. Include the Runtime switch to install a runtime. Otherwise, the script installs the SDK.

The runtime is used to run apps created with .NET. When an app author publishes an app, they can include the runtime with their app. If they don't include the runtime, it's up to the user to install the runtime.

The .NET Core SDK 3.1.105 includes .NET Core 3.1 Runtime so downloading the runtime packages separately is not needed when installing the SDK. After installing the .NET Core SDK 3.1.105, the following command will show that you're running version 3.1.105 of the tools.

Basically, we are moving to .NET Core (we have been using .NET framework 4.0 for many years - so big shift as you can guess). I am kind of nervous to install .NET core on the production server (Windows Server 2012). Is it safe to install .NET Core on a server running .NET framework 4.0? If no, is there any way I can get the .NET Core runtime on to the server without installing them (kind of copying portal libraries) so that I can start with the beta testing of the app. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

With .NET Core you can do framework dependent deployments (FDD) and self-contained deployments (SCD). FDD requires any shared assemblies to be present on the server i.e. System.* assemblies etc. but an SCD only requires the basic runtime/native dependencies. For an SCD your app deployment would include any .NET Core shared assemblies in it's deployment package.

Well, not exactly, one problem is that System.Console lives in dotnet/corefx, in there you can see the different files that make up the implementation, such as Console.cs, ConsolePal.Unix.cs, ConsolePal.Windows.cs, etc.

However, only a small amount of managed code (i.e. C#) actually exists in the CoreCLR, to show this, the directory tree for /dotnet/coreclr/src/System.Private.CoreLib is available here and the tree with all ~1280 .cs files included is here.

Runtime-specific library code (mscorlib) lives in the CoreCLR repo. It needs to be built and versioned in tandem with the runtime. The rest of CoreFX is agnostic of runtime-implementation and can be run on any compatible .NET runtime (e.g. CoreRT).

By itself, the Microsoft.NETCore.Runtime.CoreCLR package is actually not enough to do much. One reason for this is that the CoreCLR package tries to minimize the amount of the class library that it implements. Only types that have a strong dependency on the internal workings of the runtime are included (e.g, System.Object, System.String, System.Threading.Thread, System.Threading.Tasks.Task and most foundational interfaces).

Instead most of the class library is implemented as independent NuGet packages that simply use the .NET Core runtime as a dependency. Many of the most familiar classes (System.Collections, System.IO, System.Xml and so on), live in packages defined in the dotnet/corefx repository.

Again, fortunately those clever runtime engineers have thought of this exact scenario and they built the very helpful corerun application. You can read more about in Using corerun To Run .NET Core Application, but the td;dr is that it will only look for dependencies in the same folder as your .exe.

When I try uninstall .net core runtime 3.1.20 and .net runtime 6.0.12 it says the following applications using these files: Veeam AWS Service/Veeam Azure Service/Veeam GCP Service/Veeam Kubernetes Service

Applications using the Framework Dependent Deployment model will benefit from .NET Core updates delivered by Microsoft update. There is no change to apps that use the Self-Contained Deployment model, these apps are still responsible for keeping the runtime updated.

Updates with both security and non-security fixes for all supported versions of .NET Core (currently .NET Core 2.1, .NET Core 3.1 and .NET 5.0) will be available on MU. These updates will target the .NET Core SDK, .NET Core Runtime, ASP.NET Core Runtime, and the .NET Core Desktop Runtime installers deployed either independently or as part of another application. .NET Core runtime binaries included with an application built as a self-contained deployment will not be updated by MU.

We do not want our software to become a vector of attacks. So we need the followings:

1) We also need some service to identify updates, for our software packed with .net core. Service API from Microsoft Update.

2) Recommendation and some source code of the updater service for updating our .net core app (without rebooting application when possible)

Developers use the .NET Framework to create Windows desktop and server-based applications. This includes ASP.NET web applications. On the other hand, .NET Core is used to create server applications that run on Windows, Linux and Mac. It does not currently support creating desktop applications with a user interface. Developers can write applications and libraries in VB.NET, C# and F# in both runtimes.

I find it useful especially these days with SDKs and runtimes switching so frequently that I can quickly determine what versions the application actually runs under and where it's hosted (Window/Linux/container) without having to actually look at the source code.

You would think it would be easy to get runtime version information - after all the runtime is... well... it's running. But nooooo... Microsoft has never made it easy to get proper runtime version information that's suitable for display in an application. Hell, in full framework you had to resort to checking the registry and then translating magic partial version numbers to an official release version number (like 4.7.1). You know you're doing it wrong when you can't tell what version of a runtime you have installed without looking in the registry and looking at an obscure lookup table to resolve the actual version everyone expects to look at.

There are lots of APIs that you might think would work but they either don't return anything or return some unrelated version number like the system installed full framework version - but not the one of the actual running runtime.

OK, so now you can get the version number, but you should be wary of using it for anything other than displaying it for reference information. Version numbers are not really meant to be used for feature detection or other application critical comparisons, so use this version number only in cases where you absolutely have no other way. I suspect this is one of the reasons the .NET teams refuse to build runtime version numbers directly into the frameworks.

I have two Ubuntu 22.04 systems with Dotnet 6.0. The one that has been continuously upgraded from older versions of Ubuntu runs my Dotnet Core 3.1 app without any trouble -- because it still has the old runtime (and libssl1.1) that are no longer available for 22.04.

It turns out the Ubuntu choices for SDK and runtime location are incompatible with Microsoft's. So, it's nice to have the dotnet6 package to pull in all the packages, but the ones you want are actually Microsoft's! The key is to first create an apt preferences file:

(which my working system already had based on instructions for making Dotnet 6.0 work, at Why don't any of these methods work for installing .Net Core SDK & runtime on 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish)?. I actually didn't have a problem getting Dotnet 6 to work on this WSL installation, I just couldn't make it find the 3.1 runtime)

If I create a .net core library and set the architecture to something other than anycpu what does it do ? Also if I set publish to true, I get a runtimes folder. Does the architecture influence that ?

I suppose I could look at limiting this, yeah. But again, Architecture is probably the wrong thing to use here, rather than the runtime (else, if you set x86_64, would you expect win-x86_64 and linux-x86_64 and osx-x86_64, but not win-i386? that seems counter-intuitive).

This took out the 2.1.513 SDK alright, but 2.1.17 still shows up in the list of Runtimes when I invoke dotnet --list-runtimes, but isn't listed as something that can be uninstalled anymore if I use dotnet-core-uninstall list instead (which just has a blank space where Runtimes might otherwise be). 2351a5e196

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