I upgraded to the newest version of Wordpress today, and now all of my pages that use the Nectar Slider are showing all of my slides, instead of the slides i want to show on that individual page. Please help me to figure out what is going on so i can get the site displaying properly. thank you! You can see my homepage displaying all my slides instead of the 3 i chose.

I'm having the same problem more or less: ALL slides are showing up in ALL of my nectar slider instances, instead of slides showing only where they are assigned. My problem is that my client's theme has been highly customized, so when I try updating to the latest version of salient (7.0.6)---the whole site breaks in several aspects.

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-OR, if not the above, can you provide me with an older version of salient that won't break my client's site (at least not as much as the latest version of sailent)? They are on 5.5.3, so a version closer to that.

I\'m actually having almost exactly the same issue, been trying to resolve it for some time now but the slider seems buggy across several project pages. I can\'t seem to customise my sliders at all - just seems to display all the published slides despite what slider location is or isn\'t assigned to each of them. Rearranging the slide ordering has no effect either but at least this does seem to register which slides i\'ve assigned to which location. It\'s really quite frustrating - it\'s as if my sliders have been locked on an old revision of my page builds.

Even when I edit the visual composer of my page and I try to drag/move my nectar slider row element from the top of the row order to a different position - let\'s say, the bottom of the page; The row appears to have been move but is in fact still locked at the top of the page when I press update and view the front end changes. The only choice I have is to delete the slider completely, which I\'ve had to do on some pages to avoid duplicates.

I have the same problem which started with the upgrade to Wordpress 4.4.2.

My Salient version is older so am now going through an update. Likewise there are a number of customisations.

The fixed suggested unfortunately doesn\'t work, my version of functions.php is quite different, hopefully after the update this then works.

An Update - a full update to the latest version of the theme (and visual editor) fixed this. The widgets were lost after the update and had to be rebuilt, likewise customisations in the code and also in the CSS.

So yeah, i'm absolutly doing things right, if you check this link -page/ you'll notice that i can easily get the nectar slider working but for whetever reason it won't work on this page , need it to work on this page.

Can you supply me with a log in so I can take a look at what's different on your shop page? When you post back just leave a comment on the theme page with the ticket ID in regards so I can check back on this for you asap :)

yesterday it worked like a charm, but today it just started crashing Cubase every time I tried to open a project with Nectar on some of the tracks.

Im on

Sierra 10.12.6

Cubase 10.0.10

Martin, I respect what you deal with here, however, this is a well used plugin by a very well known vendor, and I frankly have no idea which version I end up using. Logic Pro X works perfectly with it, as does Studio One, and LUNA. Only stand out is Cubase, and it only started happening with 10.4.x onward I think from memory. I have sent the report to apple each time it crashes. I only just saw it was Nectar causing it, so reporting from 10.5.20 is at least clear about it now, which is nice .

Not slagging it, just seriously curious why the sudden issues for me at least. Only thing I do not run current versions of, for reasons smart people know, is latest OSX, Mojave will be in residence for some time to come .

Hi. I had troubles with nectar 3 too, and all the other new plugin izotope like neutron, ozone ( I downloaded all of them as trials). After a long research, I think I have solved the situation changing the graphic card, from nvidia to intel. I hope this help. best.

One of the most significant actions you can take to support monarch populations is providing nectar-rich flowers and milkweed host plants. Adult monarchs depend on diverse nectar sources for food during all stages of the year, from spring and summer breeding to fall migration and overwintering. Caterpillars, on the other hand, are completely dependent on their milkweed host plants. Inadequate milkweed or nectar plant food sources at any point may impact the number of monarchs that successfully arrive at overwintering sites in the fall.

Monarchs are in decline across their range in North America. Loss of milkweed host plants due to extensive herbicide use has been identified as a major contributing factor, and habitat loss and degradation from other causes, natural disease and predation, climate change, and widespread insecticide use are probably also contributing to declines.

While many guidelines are available regarding which species of native milkweeds are best for your region, monarch-specific nectar plant guides have not been available for large regions of the U.S. To address this need, the Xerces Society, in partnership with the Monarch Joint Venture and National Wildlife Federation, developed 15 regional lists for the continental U.S. These lists are geared toward gardeners and landscape designers but will also be useful for land managers who are implementing large-scale monarch restoration projects.

These nectar plant lists were compiled based on best available data and are considered working documents. You can help us improve them by submitting additional monarch nectaring observations submitted via our online survey. Note that not all species will work for a given site; we encourage you to use additional references when making final species determinations for your location.

While I love this expansion and the state of the game right now, the iOS version needs some work. There is still no controller support despite Wingspan being available on consoles. If we assume this was built for touch screens only, it still has some issues there as well like not being able to tap anywhere on the screen to progress dialogue during tutorials, or touch targets being a bit too small for certain menus.

I've got a couple of iZotope plugins, like RX Standard, Vocal Doubler, and Ozone Standard. All of their major plugins is very very very CPU hungry. They really bog down the computer! For that reason, I don't plan to invest any more into their software.

I won't gaslight you. There are so many variables across PCs that can contribute to bogging down computer. Ozone and RX are powerhouse programs that are more CPU hungry than average. I have not had noticed them to be any more CPU hungry than similar type products. Do you use suites similar to Ozone or RX that are more efficient?

I have yet to find a comparable replacement for Ozone. I used to use Sonible Smart Limiter, Sonible Smart Balance, and HorNet Total EQ as a mastering chain, but Ozone's Assistant does a better job at mastering than myself. I had Ozone remaster a song for me and it glued it together very nicely. I just wish it wasn't such a hog. I'm still searching for a replacement for Ozone that doesn't use so much CPU processing power.

It's a laptop. It's not an option to upgrade the CPU. When I felt my i7-7700HQ getting slow, I replaced it with a Ryzen 9 system. That is the only option. The only time you can just bolt a major component on, is if the machine support Thunderbolt and you have an eGPU to put a better dGPU in.

This is why getting a laptop as an ONLY machine for creative work is [generally] a bad idea. It's better to have a stationary desktop that is more economical to keep current technologically than go for a laptop and be stuck with a machine that performs increasingly poorly as it ages without the ability to mitigate it apart from replacing the entire thing.

Ozone will stress an old CPU when used in a Mixing Scenario at low latencies. They add a lot of plug-in latency. RX is for Post and Restoration and restoration algorithms are pretty much de facto CPU intensive.

Generally, when mixing you'd want to use Neutron over Ozone, and use Ozone only as a last resort. There is a lot of overlap between them, in terms of what modules and discrete plug-ins they offer... this causes a lot of people to "go Ozone" because they think they are killing two birds with one stone. But they aren't. They just end up using Ozone in an inoptimal scenario and then running into problems as a result of that workflow.

NeoVerb basically runs multiple Reverbs in parallel and mixes them based on settings in the plug-in. It also has other effects under the hood, so it isn't surprising that it uses a decent amount of CPU. 152ee80cbc

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