Do not give normal users read access to the tables in the mysql database. Passwords are stored encrypted in the mysql.user table in this database such that any user can read them and potentially unencrypt the passwords.

This will create a binary log file (for instance, heppc6-bin.001 above) containing all SQL commands that update data and a binary index file (for instance, heppc6- bin.index above) to be able to know which different binary log files have been used in the /var/lib/mysql directory. Whenever you restart the server, mysqld will append an extension to the binary log filename and all used binary log files will be stored in the binary index file.

Download Mysql For Linux Mint

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1 - sudo apt install apache2

2 - sudo apt install mysql-server

3 - sudo apt install php7.4 

4 - sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php7.4

5 - sudo apt install php7.4-mysql 

6 - sudo service apache2 restart

I have already executed the first two lines of the above am ready to do the remaining steps and install php but first... to double check...

My Questions:

a - Are the steps listed above correct?

b - Line two in the above instructions installs mysql-server so why is mysql listed again in line five?

c - What about php7.4-mysqli ?

c1 - Should I remove mysql-server and install mysqli-server?

c2 - Should I install php7.4-mysqli instead of php7.4-mysql?

If you already have the MySQL Yum repository as a software repository on your system but have configured the repository with the old release package mysql-community-release, it is easiest to install MySQL Shell by first reconfiguring the MySQL Yum repository with the new mysql80-community-release package. To do so, you need to remove your old release package first, with the following command :

Have you tried to install other way?

Install Cqrlog and after that update mysql to MariaDB.

That is the usual way users have done after finding out that Mysql does not work. You can see many threads about that way from this forum.

You can run Cqrlog with both database engines if you do not check "save log data to local machine'.

Then you just need to create mysql user with password and grant all privileges for databases starting cqr* .

Address is localhost and port 3306, so logs are actuality in local machine but not in ~/config/cqrlog/database folder. Then complete backup needs also mysqldump in addition of copying ~/config/cqrlog/

After upgrading mint I typed the following in the terminal :- sudo apt install mariadb-common mariadb-server mariadb-client

and cqrlog worked. since then I have found big squares in statistics does not work on 2 different machines.

john zl3aau

And the service won't start, at first the socket and var folders did not exist,I created the mysql user and mysql group as system accounts and gave ownership and full control to the directories specified in the conf file.

Are you sure it's not already started? Check ps -ef | grep mysql. You should be able to use most Debian or Ubuntu guides on MySQL, since Mint is based on Ubuntu. You probably don't need to start the server yourself. Try restarting and see if it doesn't start automatically then.

After following the above steps for installing and configuring MySQL, I can only login to the MySQL console using command sudo mysql -p. The indicated command sudo mysql returns an error 1045 and does not work anymore.

Note: The path in the example above is the default location for the mysql script. If the script is not in the /etc/init.d directory, the command returns an error message. Use the find command to locate any file on the system.

Start the MySQL server on a Windows-based system from the Command Prompt. with the mysqld start command. To accomplish this, open the Windows Run dialog box (Windows Key + R) and type in cmd.

To shut down the MySQL server that is running using the mysqld_safe script with elevated privileges, execute the command with the --shutdown argument. The command stops the MySQL server by manually shutting down the MySQL process.

The command logs any output to the error.log file and shuts down the server. However, this command is often unreliable. If an existing mysqld process is running, the --shutdown command may not stop the server or may lose data before shutting down the server.

The mysqladmin command is a command-line utility that comes installed with the MySQL server and performs administrative tasks. Run mysqladmin with the shutdown argument to turn off the server:

If the mysqld stop is not an option, run net stop to shut down the server. First, run net start without arguments to find the MySQL version number. Next, scroll down to find MySQL and verify the version running on the system.

On Windows, there are a few ways to restart the MySQL server, such as using the mysqld or net start commands to stop and then start it again. However, there are also two other methods available to restart the server in a single step.

The second command restarts the server using the MySQL server script located in the /usr/local/mysql/support-files/ directory, instead of the default, built-in script. Execute the command to specify which MySQL version to restart if multiple versions are present on the system.

Step 3  During the installation, you will be prompted to create root password to access mysql database. Type your password and complete the installation

 Now you have successfully installed LAMP ( Apache , mysql and php ).

 Step 4  Now add the below line to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file to avoid warning during apache service restart.

 ServerName localhost

 Step 5  Restart apache service .

 krizna@leela:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now check the installed components one by one.

 Apache testing

 Step 6  Open or ( ) in your browser. you can see the page like below.


 Mysql testing

 Step 7  Type the below command in the terminal and type your mysql root password which is created during the installation.You can login to your mysql database and can see the below things.

 krizna@leela ~ $ mysql -u root -p

 Enter password:

 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or g.

 Your MySQL connection id is 46

 Server version: 5.5.32-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 (Ubuntu)

 Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

 Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its

 affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective


 Type 'help;' or 'h' for help. Type 'c' to clear the current input statement.


 PHP testing

 Step 8  Create a file /var/www/phpinfo.php and add the below code .

Before we begin, it is recommended to back up your data and configuration files before uninstalling MySQL. You can use the mysqldump utility to back up your data or copy the entire MySQL data directory to a safe location.

This article shows you several practical examples on how to perform various backup operations of MySQL/MariaDB databases using the mysqldump command and also we will see how to restore them with the help of mysql and mysqlimport command in Linux.


Incremental backup can be done in two ways, one is using script and another way is doing replication. To know more on how to setup mysql replication you can referrer our guide at How to Setup MySQL Replication.

Other than a brief \u2018install stint\u2019 with Arch Linux and even Gentoo, I never used many rolling-release Linux distros. It was mostly Ubuntu, Linux Mint, or one of the other fixed-release distros for me. One benefit (possibly) of rolling release distros is that the software doesn't necessarily have an End-of-Life (EoL) date since updates, patches, and other enhancements are made to the distro continuously (as in very frequently throughout the life of the distro). [linuxiac]

In the early days of open source, for example, it was enough to trot out a .org developer site to match the .com corporate site. But today you need a foundation, which is why it seems we mint a new open source foundation every other week. e24fc04721

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