When my family and I sit down for dinner, I ask my google hub max to play some music. Simple, right? But constantly it plays music videos (did you know music videos these days are like 10 minute tv shows with bad acting etc..) which distract my kids from dinner, and also plays concerts and live music that has people talking.

Thanks for trying. To confirm, does it happen on a specific song only? Please share a video showing the issue. In the video, please ask your Hub Max to play three different songs (no need to play it in full).

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Yes, this issue only seems to be happening on the hub max, I've upgraded about a month ago and didn't have this issue on the nest hub.. there is a work around, if you have the minis make a group and then play the music since the minis don't have a display it seems to override the video playback

Just a quick update. I'm just checking some information from the team. I'll get back on this thread once I have additional information to share. Also, please try again to play a song on your devices then immediately send feedback once you experience the issue. Just say, "Hey Google, send feedback" followed by a brief description about the issue. Visit this link for more steps.

In your 1st comment in this thread, you mentioned to change a setting in YT music on my phone. I cannot find any documentation that this setting does anything to music playing on the hub max. Is this an official setting to fix this issue on the hub max or was that just something to test?

In my experience of working with white churches who are interested in attracting (or retaining) black congregation members, one common solution is to play more gospel music. It is sort of an if-you-build-it-they-will-come approach. And the logic makes sense. Gospel music is an incredibly important element of most black churches- whether its old school, contemporary, or a mix of both. So, its possible that playing more gospel music will have a significant chance of encouraging black visitors to become black members.

I am absolutely supportive of churches making changes to worship services in order to make the service feel like home for those who traditionally have had to adapt and assimilate into the structure of white church. But I think there is a slight misunderstanding about the depth and meaning of these changes. If your church has committed to a formula for playing a certain number of Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams and William McDowell songs by repeating them as best you can from sheet music, you've taken a great first step, but its time to take the second.

The second step is to recognize the cultural nuances that make gospel music what it is. Gospel has a lot less to do with mimicking an artist; in fact, that might be a clear giveaway that you're not really playing gospel music. Gospel music is about freedom. It's about allowing the music to move you, to course through you, to feel it from your head to your toes. It's about allowing the lyrics to wash over you, to repeat them as often as necessary, to highlight different verses or even specific lines spontaneously. It's about movement- waving arms, clapping hands, stomping feet. It is freedom of expression, expression without judgment. It is remixing in the moment. It is never playing a song the same way twice but possibly singing it three times. It is an imperfect but elating partnership between worship leader, musicians and choir. Gospel music is not a "what" it is a "how".

Figure out the "how" and you might find that there is less of a need to meet a quota of gospel songs per month. The real question is, "Are people free here?" Do people feel free to explore and express the cultural nuances of their own worship style, or is it suggested they should just be happy that their music is being played at all?

I use gospel music as my primary example, because of my personal background, but if your church is interested in altering worship to represent the culture of Puerto Ricans, Koreans or First Nations, I believe the questions above still have merit.

Just one more piece of advice for churches who are trying to diversify worship: it helps to genuinely fall in love with the culture! I imagine it can be overwhelming for churches to take on new worship styles, songs, potentially new instruments and vocalists. One way to make the transition a little less intimidating is to sincerely enjoy engaging, learning, and exploring the culture. Love gospel music and it will show, even if you don't sing one "traditional" gospel song- the nuances of singing gospel will begin to leak and your congregation will notice. Fall in love and you might find it impossible not to insert another culture into your standard worship!

To turn Autoplay on or off, tap the Autoplay button in the upper-right corner of your screen. If you turn off Autoplay on one of your devices, then Autoplay is turned off on any device that's signed in with your Apple ID.

If you're at a friend's house or have guests over, you can all add music to the queue on an Apple TV or HomePod. Everyone that wants to add music needs a subscription to Apple Music and an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

I also stream to a Brooklyn Bridge, and Tidal works using MConnect, but not Roon. Same behavior - Using Roon, a song will play for 10-40 seconds, and then I get a message saying that Roon detects a Tidal issue (Network?). If I immediately switch to Tidal, it works fine.

I have deleted my cache, re-installed Roon, reset my network (in two different locations). Still the same problem. Every morning, I boot up Roon, play my test track, and some time between second 30 and 60, I receive the error message.

Then I just added that whenClicked attribute to the div I wanted as a play button here: image478774 33.1 KB

In the Name you should put the whenClicked attribute (check that you are spelling it correctly) and in the value field I put my play snippet

This one

new Audio(' ').play()

I just added a Beam to our tv, we were listening to the TV via the amp and the hardwired ceiling speakers. Now the setup runs through the Beam and that works fine as I added the Amp speakers as surrounds. So far all is well with the tv sound.

When the Amp is connected to the Beam as surrounds, you cannot just play music to the Amp only. It has to be played through both the Beam and Amp. The only way to play music to the Amp only is to remove it as surrounds from the Beam.

I'm new to iTunes and I was wondering how I get it to play just one album? At present I have "Grid" view enabled. I select the artist I feel like listening to, and it switches to Album by Artist view (songs and artwork).

It's rather easier than these solutions. Click the icon view beside the search and select the Albums tab at the top so the icons show albums rather than Artists or Composers. Then when you hover over an album you can click "Play Album" to play it. You can also double click the album to see all the songs making sure they are ordered by song number (if necessary).

I have, on the other hand, studied music theory for a few days/weeks now, multitude of hours (dedication put in, yes), practiced on piano playing software (I can't afford instruments) that mimics horns, drums, guitars, etc. I even tried other interactive, software-powered musical programs.

I want to be able to play songs well that I like, and one day (possibly) create my own small music/songs. However, I am puzzled at how some people lacking obvious knowledge of music theory in all angles can adapt and formulate tones, music, and rhythmatics from existing songs, etc.

I have a brother who does just this ... never had a good piano lesson, never studied in any way, shape, form, etc. Give him a guitar, piano, etc., and he can play well, just from the fact that he has experience playing.

Sounds like you are trying to intellectually and analytically "understand" music. In my opinion, this can be done to some extent. Just like you can intellectually understand language and grammar, and use that understanding to write poems, novels and short stories. However useful it might be, it isn't really necessary to write great stories. What makes a novel interesting is the more vague concept of 'feel', which can't easily be systematized. Some people grasp this without any formal grammar knowledge, either intuitively, and/or through lots of practice. Just the same with music; purely intellectual music can be technically interesting, but not more than that.

I'm a mathematician, and have a knack for logical systems. As yourself, I've used an analytical approach to learn music. So for many years, I've been improvising and playing based on what is 'logical' and/or technically interesting (and some times intentionally breaking those 'rules'). But lately I've more and more discarded this logical paradigm. Using it only for practice sessions. Instead I try to "let it happen".

My point is - and I don't know if this applies to you - that a purely analytical approach to music can somewhat miss the point. Theories and analysis can help you to control what happens - a kind of 'safety net'. These can be very useful in learning to master the instrument. But the real joy of playing and sharing music is to let go of control, and be free and honest here and now, in the moment.

That being said - mastering an instrument takes time - so don't give up. Find exercises and pieces you enjoy playing at the level you're on right now. Enjoy playing twinkle twinkle, and make your own jazzy balkan-metal version of it if you feel like it. Good luck, and have fun!

For example, you can study physics, motion, inertia, dynamics, geometry etc all you like, it will not make you any better at football, neither will studying other players, watching games and post-match analysis, categorising skills, abilities, statistics, anything. You might certainly get tips, inspiration and motivation, but acquire no skills without actually practicing.

You need a real instrument. I bought a cheap guitar once, it was unplayable, even friends that were good on guitar refused to play my guitar, they hated it, if they got no enjoyment from it, how could I? I didn't learn guitar. 2351a5e196

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