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What follows is an exhaustive list of all the incidental music that appears in Sleep No More, including notes as to the major action that accompanies each piece of music and, where applicable, very cursory analysis.

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The music that scores the plot line of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is an extremely important element of the show, as it informs our perception of the emotions and intentions of these main characters. A large portion of this soundtrack consists of the music of Bernard Herrmann, whose Hitchcock scores are intimately woven into the most poignant moments of the show.

i played in the band for some 4-5 years, improving my piano skills and learning much about the music entertainment world. in the latter years of playing in this high schooler band, i picked up composition on the side, initially starting on silly little tools like Mario Paint Composer (silly famed NES game!) and later Advanced Mario Sequencer (this was my introduction to how soundfonts worked - i cobbled together a custom one myself once!). sometime in late 2018ish to early 2019ish i migrated to FL Studio 20, and have never looked back.

country music and the new country musicians that toby keith paved the way for became so pro establishment and so unquestioningly nationalistic that, again, the dixie chicks who went against this grain were blacklisted by the industry and received death threats from country music fans. hell, there are folks who STILL froth at the mouth at the mere mention of the dixie chicks.

9/11 killed outlaw country - how can you sing the praises of law breakers when your main circuit consists of singing to troops? there are some great classic country songs critiquing the police state - especially from johnny cash and merle haggard - now country music artists hold fundraisers for FOPs. new country music is basically in-law country music.

gayhorse420 asked: The first time I listened to Sometimes I Still Feel the Bruise I was really fascinated by how much it sounded like Mexican folk music like something written by Jose Alfredo Jimenez because of the lyrical content and vocal melody (and also a lot of stuff I can't quite put my finger on). I've always imagined a mariachi arrangement of the song and think I might make one soon, but I also wanted to ask you if there was anything in particular that inspired you in writing the song?

austinnormancore-deactivated201 asked: Is it weird if people name their artistic endeavors after something in your music, like if a band named themselves after a lyric or song title? I'm curious to know what your reaction is when you see something like that. 

I remember stumbling across a podcast (a flock of men) who were in the business of bad faith critiques of scene music. Their interpretation of Housebroken likened domestication to abuse in the home and abuse in the home to abuse of women by men. Through this lens, the use of the dog as a literary device was describing women as dogs, which is of course not cool, boo-boo.

Does anyone know how to fix this? When i start my music on spotify and enter the tumblr app the music glitches out every 3 seconds and glitches even more when i swipe up to go to the toolbar on my phone. This is so annoying and basically caused me to lose my mind and stop using tumblr as a whole since i cant scroll on social media without music. (I cant put and example because of the subreddit restrictions srry but i do have a video of it)

i remember there used to be a feature in tumblr labs that let you color your dashboard posts based on the blogger's theme/blog colors-- do you think you guys might ever bring that back, maybe as a site palette? i've missed it ever since it went away, since i used it to identify users on my dashboard more than their urls or icons. thank you!!

is there a way we can opt out of the new blog view? it would be great if tumblr had an option to opt out of any new redesigns that we don't like, so that people who like the redesign can use it and people who don't like the redesign can stay with the old feature.

Hey, so about the new tumblr blaze feature, I keep getting sponsored posts from people I have blocked and also stuff from tags I have blacklisted already. It would be great if you could find a way to fix this, because this could be especially dangerous to people who have triggers or seizures if they got a sponsored post on a tag they already have blocked.

I only found out you were back today, going back to an playlist of your wonderful songs. And its so much more wonderful now I know I have new ones to love. Thank you for your magical music. Hope you're well

Hi, first of all thanks a million for this blog. It's given me an incredible amount of great music to listen to and material to learn banjo from. I was wondering if you might happen to have a copy of the second volume of "The Bluegrass Band" Once Again, From the Top. The first album is amazing and I've been learning a lot of Butch Robins playing, especially the back-up which you can hear really well. - Brandon.

Your best bet might be to consult pictures of the Star Princess tiara on West End actresses from around the same period, such as here and here. Or maybe someone on here does have a good picture of it? Anyone want to help anon?

I like the fact that From Software's earlier, non-Soulsborne titles are getting recognition, and people now know that in addition to being the folks who made Dark Souls they're also the folks who made Armored Core and a bunch of janky first person dungeon crawlers, and it's really great that people are making new games drawing clear inspiration from their catalogue,

But when are we going to get a proper spiritual successor to Evergrace, the PS2 launch title Zelda clone that kinda sucks ass but has immaculate vibes in its graphics and music and weird as fuck storytelling?

Because, like... the fact that HSBC suddenly woke up from its slumber and there's a complete change in management. If we take the meta narrative into account, there's a chance Ult!Dirk already noticed all of this. And I dunno why, but not only I do feel it makes a bit too much sense, it would also be a good part of the story!

If you like the Not So Fast song you would enjoy Cylob. His soundcloud has 5 million songs on it which are mostly anti-musical. But every now and then you will find a moment of catharsis in his discography.

I used to listen to a lot of Finnish metal and I got Adobe Flash after repeatedly watching the music video for FM2000 - Hyv silokki-laulu, which entranced me with its deformed artstyle and bizarre sequence of events set to the music. I made the Supermetal Kraft Dinner video not long after this. (Fennoman bonus fact: the earliest fanmade Garfielf was made by a group of Finns speaking the lines phonetically backwards, then playing the clips in reverse).

NOV 2023 - a rainy day in Glasgow with @ninanesbitt and @passengermusic. November was filled with so many beautiful memories and a bunch of favourite photos but this one just stands out to me. The umbrellas really make this photo what it is, without them it would tell a different story.

Forever thankful to @tim.hartmusic for bringing these songs to life and to @keithrichmusic + @lacollastudio + @luca.tommasi92 + @tlsoundrecords + @georgiefishermusic+ @passengermusic + @lukethompsonmusic + @mtboyo_ + @goldenretrieverstudios + @robbykriger + @goodoldoska + @connorpeploe + @nettwerkmusic for immense help along the way and also to the lovely @marlamusica for joining me on the final track ?

Hey! Would you by any chance know where I can find/purchase sheet music for "Because I am a Wife"? It's a song that was in The Pirate Queen in Chicago but was cut before the musical transferred to Broadway. I've been dying to sing it but can't find the sheets anywhere. :/

Hello, I'm looking for sheet music for Congratulations from the Hamilton Mixtape. Not sure if that is within the scope of this blog, but I really appreciate what you are doing here to make sheet music more accessible. Thanks for the help!

i get that a lot of dumb shit happened with hamilton for sure, but painting it as just like ~wild tumblr fandom drama~ when its mostly like, black people on tumblr talking about the awful real world effects its had and still has, and also just how awful it feels to have slaveowners portrayed as relatable goofballs, seems a bit disingenuous

What is a Tumblr album you may ask? Well, a Tumblr album is one that either gained popularity through the website Tumblr, or was constantly featured in aesthetic photographs of Crosley record players and Urban Outfitters shelves. One could even call these albums Crosleycore, and these are the main twelve albums that defined this entire era of music.

An unfortunate sign of the times, this album is more known for the symbols on the album cover than it is for the music. A hard pass. Despite their many attempts after I Love You. to hold onto their Tumblr fanbase, many grew apart from this band as they grew older, despite the fact that they are still around today.

Visibly queer, sporting blue hair and singing about love, Halsey was the only real artist to ever gain a career through all the Tumblr fanaticism and can be cited as one of the most aesthetically powerful figures of the time. While her music may not have made that many impactful waves, the image of Halsey defined the Tumblr era, and can still be seen today in modern fashion.

I sometimes refer to an era of Tumblr when discussing, let\u2019s see, The Neighbourhood (\u201CSweater Weather\u201D dudes), Lana Del Rey (not explaining her), and Citizen (specifically Youth Citizen). This is funny to talk about because all of my friends know what I\u2019m talking about when I mention this era, but it can be a blindspot in music journalism. Not necessarily that music outlets don\u2019t cover these artists (we know they cover Lana), but that they don\u2019t really talk about That Time (I\u2019m talking about it as if it was the Dark Age, which, tbh, it kind of was) or they didn\u2019t cover releases from that time that felt important. ff782bc1db

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