I have not been able to discern any telltale evidence of what's causing/playing the music. No notifications, not sure where to look for log files to examine? I have MWB installed....and the phone scans clean.

EDIT- btw, this is NOT a music player app, just an app to view pics and text, opens multiple activities like menu and about, view diff types of pictures etc. I just want to play some simple background music while looking thru the pics and text, why is that so difficult?

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Now, when I am done with my very simple app (that just shows some pics and texts in diff activities), I either click BACK multiple times to get to the home/original activity, and then one more time to "exit", OR, I simply press home to "exit" because I'm DONE with this app and I do not need to hear that music anymore.

Call player.stop(); in an onPause override, this is not what I want because background music stops when I leave the home activity for other activities like 'menu' and 'about', I also do not what to use pause and resume when opening new activities because I do not want the pretty background music to 'skip' or be interrupted.

This is better because background music does not stop between activities, and when I press BACK from my home activity, the music stops, and I can continue to enjoy my android fun phone in peace and quiet, but the problem is, when pressing the HOME button to "exit" my app, that pesky background music keeps playing.

essentialy keep count of the number of activities that have been opened and closed (onResume and onPause would prob be best, but that points irrelevant) and when that count reaches 0, stop the background music. YES that is pretty simple, but why do I have to programmatically do this, actually the BIGGEST QUESTION FOR THIS POST IS:

NOW HERE IS THE THING that completely blows my mind, every game and every app I have downloaded from the android market has very beautiful background music, and when I press BACK or HOME because I am done playing that lovely game the music stops, not keeping playing in the background.

I spent a month reading every page of developer.android.com including the Dev Guide, the tutorials, sample projects, and researching the Reference section, as well as google-ing this topic for 5 hours.

I also don't understand why the 6 or 7 SO threads with the exact same issue, have not been answered, every downloadable app on the market stops playing its music (unless its a background music player) when you press HOME or BACK or whatever to "exit" the app to go do something else on your phone.

Now obviously you do not need the "Toasts" but it will tell you what is going on.The very intersting thind is when you press BACK from your 'Home/Main' activity, you obviously get 2 Toasts, "YOU PRESSED BACK FROM YOUR 'HOME/MAIN' ACTIVITY", and the 2nd Toast is "YOU SWITCHED ACTIVITIES WITHIN YOUR APP". I believe I know why this happens, but it doesn;t matter because I call "player.stop();" from the 2 scenarios that mean my app is no longer being 'used'. Obviously do more work than "player.stop();" if you need to :) And also obvious you dont need the "else" for "YOU SWITCHED ACTIVITIES WITHIN YOUR APP", because there is no reason to "stop/pause" the background music, which is what i needed, but if you DO need to do something when new activities are started, well here you go :)

So by binding and unbinding on each activity's onStart() and onStop() methods, you will find that the service (music) will continue until you leave your application with the home button, back key, screen timeout, etc.

For those still looking for a solution in lollipop or just without using permission thing, I came up with another solution as last resource. We can measure the time user has been afk. If it was more than X ms, then you can consider he left the application and stop the music.

Another problem I found is that my app (idk if it's part of the android build or not) was running the onResume method right before he got the player back on, so I ran a while loop in order to receive the player not as a null pointer, and it works because it runs on a different thread, therefore enabling the app to run the onResume without crashing and the music alongside it.

Is this possible? If I google for these errors I see issues going back many years and get the impression that managing an android device from ubuntu is simply impossible for a user without linux system administration skills.

On December 1, 2018, the Groove Music iOS and Android apps were retired. Your personal music files will continue to be available in OneDrive. You can keep listening to those files, and your playlists, by downloading them and using the Windows 10 Groove Music apps on PC, Xbox, or Windows Phone.

Your personal music files will still be available on OneDrive. You can access OneDrive online or through the OneDrive app on any supported device. To keep playing your music and playlists in Groove, download these files and use the Windows 10 Groove Music apps on PC, Xbox, or Windows Phone.

General problem, i am unable to play music from the owncloud sync folder, because no music was found. When i take a look with a file explorer, the data is there.

I tried it with different music players wich are able to work with local files, but none see more than

After searching music apps who can access this files i see the only reason to make no update looks like to sell another music app who can do this (with money or ads or stealing my data). No functional stock music player on android, welcome back to the dark age of the waybearer. Thank you google that i have to pay to get access to my music+.

At this point, because i fdroid, i have to steal a player or go back to a native mp3player.

When I go to select the music folder, the file menu doesn't allow any navigation. Using the "Enable" button does nothing. I've manually changed the permission on the storage to "allowed" but still no luck. Have had the same issue with (1) v3-build853-arm64-play [853004-ea856f2] from the Play Store; (2) latest v3-853 build from the download page here and (3) the older v3-841 build from the download page here. If I select a music file in the file explorer, Poweramp will play it, but the song won't be included in the library thereafter.

The issue is described in the details in this and linked posts. That Files by Google app contains that (updated) dialog and have all intent filters for it. If you installed it and no dialog still appears in Poweramp music folders selection, something blocks it. You may have some luck capturing and posting log right after you try the dialog. The issue is outside Poweramp app scope and support, but I glad to help.

I was under the (false?) impression that the nextcloud android app would act as a file share and for selected files being able to be offline synced. So each file is accessable either via sharing or locally.

I have a similar problem. The included music player in the Android Nextcloud app is quite limited at this point. Or at least, I have not been able to figure out, how to use its features. I am able to play a single song, but then the playback stops and I have to manually select the next file to play. I would already be happy, if I could select several files to play one after another, or if it could play a whole folder. If anybody knows how to do this, then please feel free to share or if somebody wants to implement it, please go ahead. Would be appreciated a lot!

I'm having the same issue..... I offline all my playlist, so it's not a connection issue. But as soon as my phone's screen goes dark the music stops playing. If I set my settings to allow the screen to always stay on it works fine but that's a MAJOR drain the battery. Any tips out there??? I'm using HTC EVO Design.

So I've been having the same problem for months now. It has been very frustrating to use spotify in my car while driving because the music would stop playing a couple of minutes after the screen turned off. I had tried searching around online for other people having the same problem and I finally came across this post.

Hey guys, I'm dealing with a similar problem but with my default music player app. According to a post I read on android's support site, the issue lies whithin Lollipop OS itself an will be smoothed out in the next update. Music pauses for about 15 secs, then starts playing again right? It does this on all music players, In sleep mode or not, on all android devices. Unfortunately, there is no permanent solution.

Can someone recommend an Android music player that recognizes MP3Tag's Genre multi-tag format? For example: If an album that has a Genre tag like 'Classical\Opera' I want the album to show up in the Classical Genre list and the Opera Genre list.

Media Playback for Apple Music. The Media Playback library can be used to play songs, albums, and playlists on Apple Music without leaving your app. Your app can also control music playback from the Lock screen or the background.

I am losing music from every source on Pandora for about three to four seconds every five to ten minutes. This is the troubleshooting I've done so far. I have deleted data storage on my phone and in Pandora Settings .I have performed a soft reset on my phone. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Pandora. I have tried it on my wife's phone. I have interestingly enough hook up to an old Oontz bt speaker that I had and it worked perfectly. I recently bought two new very nice bt speakers that I would like to stay with because they allow me to DJ a small crowd. I have also uninstalled all ad blockers. They have been known to be a problem. I have a gig coming up shortly so I'm getting a little anxious. Anyone have any ideas? HELP!!! Robert. Thanks.

Browsers on mobile devices are limited and music can not be plaid before the user touch the screen. In most HTML5 game engines you can work around this by simply asking the player to press a button in order to start the game. If player press the button, the screen has been touched and the app start playing the music. ff782bc1db

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