Just swapping our whole team over from someone else. This feature is being requested by all as it was default with our last pass(word) provider. I think its less about having different work/home profiles and more that they have some of their personal accounts like github/miro/google which they also use for work

Thanks for your patience, this feature is coming (on the current 2023 roadmap) and we will share more about timelines as it becomes available. If the team is using Chrome, you can also use Chrome profiles to switch between accounts.

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I have added my two email accounts and can toggle between the two independently. However, in my case, I actually do need to have both my accounts truly merged so I have them together in the same workspace. Is this possible?

Separate tax and legal entity information: You can only associate each account with the tax ID and legal entity of one business. If you operate multiple businesses that have separate tax ID information (for example, separate legal entities), you must create additional accounts for each.

If you need to create many new accounts (or provision accounts automatically) while maintaining centralized reporting and management, you might consider creating a Connect platform instead of using multiple conventional Stripe accounts.

When you have multiple projects or businesses that operate under the same legal entity, you can use the same tax ID and business information across multiple accounts. Make sure to provide suitable public business information to avoid customer confusion.

Emails can only be associated with one Plan at a time. Instead of creating an entirely new Smartsheet plan/account, it sounds like the best option here would be to upgrade you to being a System Admin as well (plans can have multiple System Admins). Then you and the other System Admin can work together to grant licenses and such to your different divisions.

As a freelancer and designer at an agency, I often switch between accounts. Figma recently already shipped the account switch onto the desktop app and native clients. However, unfortunately not for the mobile MIRROR app. Therefore, I would kindly recommend adding this feature to the mirror app as well!"

As a freelancer and designer at a agency, I oftenly switch between accounts. Figma recently already shipped the account switch onto the desktop app and native clients. However, unfortunately not for the mobile MIRROR app.Therefore, I would kindly recommend to add this feature to the mirror app as well!

I have two accounts added to my 1Password; one personal and one for work. In 1Password 7 I used to be able to only use the master password of my personal account to unlock both accounts. In 1Password 8, I have to type both master passwords to unlock the accounts individually.

Thanks for asking about this, the short version is this is intended behavior. We recommend using the same account password across all of your 1Password accounts. As you noticed, 1Password 7 will unlock using the password of the first 1Password account added to the app, but 1Password 8 will unlock any 1Password accounts that use that password. For more specifics on why this was changed and implemented this way, there's a few posts here that will clarify further than I can here: _608291

If you're using multiple accounts, with multiple account passwords, you'll need to unlock each one individually (at which point Touch ID or Apple Watch unlock will unlock all previously unlocked accounts). Generally speaking we'd recommend using the same account password for each 1Password account you may have. How to use multiple accounts

For a bit of backstory, we used a relatively "hacky" workaround in older versions of 1Password to allow you to use the account password for the first account added to the app. While this was definitely a handy feature to have, it came with some serious drawbacks. This tended to cause many issues where the password could be different depending on device (based on what accounts were added and what order they were added in), on top of the fact that the account password would change suddenly when that first account was removed. As the passwords themselves are never transmitted over the internet in any form whatsoever, as well as each account having their own unique Secret Key, there is not a worry about password reuse.

Is there a way to configure 1P8 to unlock all the vaults when logging in using the master password? 1P7 has always worked like this. I have two teams accounts (Family and biz) and when I enter the master password in 1P7 it unlocks both accounts. However, in 1P8 this no longer works. I have to sign in with the master password then lookup the password for the second account and copy and paste it to unlock it. How do I get 1P8 to unlock all accounts at once without going through the above steps?

@ag_tommy thank you for merging the topics. While I understand the desire to remove the workaround, the convenience of having a single point of entry for all my accounts in the client app is a big deal. For the time being I'm with @uxjw and will see if I can live with the change but it would be nice if the team could find a way to allow users to designate which accounts to unlock at once using a single master password. Btw, I don't use the watch or fingerprint reader to unlock 1password which is another reason why this change is so inconvenient.

I'm late to the party. But another idea might be a setting to "unlock every/ previously selected accounts" upon the first unlock. Since I've stored my work accounts password in my private account, I just can CTRL - SHIFT - C it.

Once you've added your additional account(s), you can access the accounts by tapping the profile icon of the account you wish to use, then tapping the smaller, additional profile icon(s) next to the icon. Tap the navigation menu again to return back.

It has come to my attention that some people are using multiple Stack Exchange accounts. I don't understand why they may want to do that, but it clearly opens the door to nefarious practices like voting for onesself

Having multiple accounts is not explicitly disallowed. It only gets to be a problem when those accounts have interactions between them to gain rep, or when extra accounts are made to circumvent bans or suspensions.

Say, I have 3 wyze cam site installations. One at home, one for my business, and one for another location.

In the app (IOS/Android), I want to be able to easily switch between these accounts (sites) for viewing, etc., without having to fully log off one -then- log into another.

Make separate accounts with the cameras you want to see in those accounts. Add a profile on your phone for each of those accounts. You will have to log into the Wyze app once for each account profile. After that, all you have to do is switch profiles on your phone.

I 100% agree with you dddd. Come on Wyze. We bought a lot of cameras and your home security. I NEED to be able to view work and home, two different accounts, individually. Without noggin out and back in every time. Basic functionality.

This is very important for me as well. The number of different Google accounts I have has gotten quite out of control and it's so difficult to find things across the different Google apps and my separate accounts. I love this solution idea, especially since I've really enjoyed Paper but have struggled with its limited file structure interface, but I really need to be able to add multiple Google accounts for this to really work.

I agree. Part of the reason I'm very drawn to Dash is because I have so many different Google Workspace accounts and Dropbox accounts that I need to have one unified portal for it all. Looking forward to being able to add multiple accounts. Until then Dash will be rather limited for me and hard to fully get on board with.

I am only interested to see if there is any activity in my other Monday accounts. I believe Slack solved this for their system by adding all accounts I am part of, as a entity in the sidebar (they call it workspace):

I have just pulled in a new client and a new project! Retool is making possible for some of my small business friends to develop custom solutions that they could never afford previously. I hope to get more. How does this work with multiple clients with multiple apps?

Can I develop apps in my own account and then share them out to the client accounts? Do the clients need to make an extra account just for me as their developer? Do they create their first account and give my account permissions to edit their apps?

Each org has a scoped login screen at yourdomain.retool.com/auth/login. Instead of automatically being redirected to a different org you'll either be successfully logged in or receive an error message if you don't have an account in that org. The generic login.retool.com will still work, but if you're a member of multiple organizations you'll receive an email where you can choose the org you wish to log in to:

Yea, billing should happen at the organization level so you would still be counted as having three separate accounts. Note that you can also have different login methods attached to each org (e.g. SSO with one, email/password with another).


I run a program "webmin" which run to different hosts with different user-nmae and password, my question is if there is any way to make KeePass recognize the host from the IP-address/Title and run the right entrey bacuse regardless of the host name or IP-Address which i run the windows-Title always the same "Login to Webmin - Windows Internet Explorer", then i get a multiple entry to chose the right one which is annoying, i run KeePass V2. 006ab0faaa

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