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The coin has a face value of 2 (2 GBP). Each lion sculpture, in real life, measures 20 feet long by 22 feet high. The Lord is speaking here about multiplying of great treasure, which simultaneously requires the dividing off of some things.

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8. The lions and Square are also quite near Buckingham Palace, the official residence of Her Majesty The Queen. This speaks again of your governmental authority. Remember that we are kings and priests in Christ Jesus!

9. The lions and the Square are quite near Westminster Abbey, where near-continuous, sustained intercession has gone up to the Lord since 960 AD. The Lord has heard the cry of your sustained intercession and is answering.

The Lord also showed me a very practical way to pray about this. I got out all the coins and dollar bills I had and lined them up in front of me in order of value. Then, with my Bible open to the passage above, I began to pray:

The most valuable thing I had was a 2-GBP coin, but seeing the coins lined up in front of me, no matter how small they were, built my faith! The power of the Spirit was all over that prayer as I asked the Lord to take each asset and exchange it for a higher, more valuable, more precious asset. I asked Him to upgrade us financially, even to the point of sending silver and gold.

As I was studying this passage in Isaiah 60, Holy Spirit told me to roar over our finances. So, I did. I looked at the money in front of me and let out the biggest, loudest, meanest, most sustained ROAR I could come up with.

Get out your purse, your checkbook, your wallet, some cash, or even some of the bills you owe. Get out whatever you have and ROAR over your finances. Let out the biggest, loudest, meanest, most lion-esque ROAR you can imagine.

So yes, when you read His promises about silver and gold, I believe you should take them literally. I also believe that these promises can be claimed for money in general, but I also believe that He wants you to have REAL silver and gold! (Click here for my blog post explaining that, along with a Biblical prayer for actual, literal gold.)

Hi Jamie, This word is timely..I have been ill, and unable to work full time, and really struggling financially. I have a big bill to pay in 2 days time, and I really needed this, as I dont have neough money for it at the moment, by a long shot! BUT I will bring my roar over my finances (In the morning-I dont want to startle my neighbour, or sleeping dog!) Bless you.X

This speaks volumes too me. For so long I have struggled with my finances. Thank you for this prophetic word because you where talking directly to me. I will ROAR over my finances starting today because I am looking for a ridiculous break through.

Whewww! What a powerful and on time word this morning. Last night before bed God had me reading in Isa 60 and while asleep I dreamt I gave birth. So I woke up this morning and read this and it confirmed everything. Hallelujah! I receive this word in Jesus name!

I receive that word from the Lord. This morning as I was singing to the Lord, He gave me this little song ( I believe it has great meaning). I praise you Jesus I praise you Jesus You are the Mighty King Roar over me. I had no idea what that means. I believe it is an awesome something that Father God will show me.

Hi Jamie please please please pray for me. my fianc and I are breaking up after many years.he refuses to pay me the amount of money I want in exchange for the cars we bought. I need the money desperately. God bless

WOW! This is definitely an on-time word for me. For the last several weeks the Lord has impressed upon my heart that now is the time that my financial situation will change. I have been receiving message after message on returning to tithing and how the wealth of the wicked will be transferred to the people of God. I can no longer deny the signs that have been thrown right in front of me, and there is no such thing as a coincidence in the kingdom of God. Speak, Lord, your servant is listening. ROAR!!!

Thank you for this on-time word.

Jamie, Thank you ?? so very much for sharing this prophetic word from God!! In this season I truly need a financial breakthrough!! I will take heed to your words and Roar over my finances!! Bless you and your ministry! May God continue to bless you and use you to be a vessel for his word!!

With Love, Peace and Blessings!!

The time has come. Increase is coming for those who believe. Kings and Queens (business people) will come and help the birthing process. They have already come into my life. I can attest that a shift is already taking place.

Thanks Jamie for this Rhema Word.i believe God is Going to Open Financial doors for me and the body of Christ For His Word Says Gold and Silver Belong to Him and He Owns the cattle on the thousand Hills.This is my Season in Jesus Mighty Name

WOW!!! My Spirit was leaping over this word and the Prophetic act you did as I did it myself God had me to do a further act and go to youtube to hear a actual Lion Roar This is one of the ones I Pulled up as I finshed my roar and allowed the Actually Lion start Roaring over my Checking account, bank card and the money I had in my wallet! God bless you!!!

1 Timothy 6:6-12 (KJV) But godliness with contentment is great gain.

For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.

Hi my is Jackie, and I just came across your post and I know for sure that this is meant for me as well,I have been struggling with finances for years. I worked very hard but my money never seem to stay with me,so thank you for these timely words and prayers and I will be using them to for my money, right now.God bless you richly.

Hello Jamie,

About three weeks ago, I kept hearing the word, the LORD is doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it? And last week, I was led to read the scripture on Isaiah 60. The whole week and I kept asking the LORD, why He led me to read His Word over & over. Thank you LORD and thank you Jamie because the LORD has answered. Therefore, I believe and I receive this Powerful Word from the LORD. Amen.

When you create a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) with the Jewish Community Foundation, you establish a charitable gift of at least $100,000 in your name. This endowment is designed to provide ongoing support for the UJA Annual Campaign of Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ, safeguarding the values that you hold dear. Your name will be added to the LOJE Roll of Honor, and you will be recognized today and be remembered tomorrow as a blessing to your community.

Jeff is a Director, Head of Client Services, and Partner at TimesSquare Capital (a fundamental, research-oriented, investment management firm specializing in growth equity strategies). His responsibilities include client service, team leadership, as well as portfolio attribution analysis and general investment research. Jeff is also a member of the Management Committee that oversees TimesSquare. Before joining TimesSquare in 2008, he was a Director for Client Service and Marketing at Jacobs Levy Equity Management, where he co-led the client service and portfolio analysis department. In that capacity, he was a primary point person for all client needs. Prior to that, Jeff began his career in 1988 at Batterymarch Financial Management where he ultimately was a product specialist for U.S. and non-U.S. equity portfolios. He has a B.A. in Political Science from Washington University in St. Louis and an M.S. in Management from Boston University. He holds a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, as well as FINRA Series 7 and 63 licenses. Jeff is a past president and current trustee/council member of the Grotta Fund for Senior Care, and serves on the boards of the JCF and Federation.


Robert G. Kuchner, CPA, PFS, is a partner at Marks Paneth LLP. He serves a diverse spectrum of privately-owned companies and their owners as well as clients in the theater, media, and entertainment industries. He also provides business management and family office services to a varied client base.

Robert has been awarded the personal financial specialist (PFS) designation by the American Institute of CPAs). He is a member of The All-Star Financial Group, LLC, a national association of CPAs who specialize in financial and tax planning for clients with high-net-worth and/or unique circumstances.

Howard is the chief operating officer and chief financial officer of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ and the chief financial officer of JCF. He has worked at Federation and JCF for 18 years. Prior to joining Federation, he worked at Paul Scherer and Company, LLP, a certified public accounting firm in New York City, for 20 years, 10 years as a partner. He is a Certified Public Accountant.

In a volunteer capacity, Howard has served as treasurer, Audit Committee chair, Budget Committee chair, and a member of the Executive Committee of Golda Och Academy. He serves on the Executive Committee and is a past chair of the Jewish Federations of North America Financial and Technology Professionals Institute. 152ee80cbc

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