The crime thriller follows the story of two sisters Sarah (Ini Dima-Okojie) and Kemi (Nancy Isime), who became fugitives after Sarah's husband to be, Kola (Deyemi Okanlawon), disappears mysteriously on their engagement day, the circumstances surrounding his disappearance became a mystery to the public until he (Kola) was declared dead few days after when his body was found in a shallow grave. This situation then made Sarah and Kemi wanted fugitives, as they had to leave town in escape for their lives. As everyone tries to find Kola's killer, more secrets about Kola, his siblings, mother and family feud became revealed.[3][7]

The initial hope that this giant streaming company, coming in with its big budgets and global platform, would ensure well-told Nollywood movies can get off the ground, has so far been hampered by industry gatekeepers who are known to recycle the same directors, actors and writers in the stories they choose to tell making it especially difficult for new voices to get a chance in an industry that is in dire need of fresh blood. This has so far made for a long list of mediocre Nigerian Netflix Originals, like Chief Daddy 2 and Glamour Girls (a botched remake of a Nollywood classic), both of which lean into undefined plotlines, unconvincing conflict, and poor use of the incredible actors that make up the cast.

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In my youth a few of my girlfriends and I went through a ritual. Because we were best of friends we became "blood sisters." And that meant you had to prick your finger so that it bled, and then hold it against your "blood sister's" finger. A co-mingling of blood. Long before there was the word AIDS in our vocabulary. It was a proving ground. Do you love me enough? Are we going to go through whatever we have to go through together and share all our secrets on our journey through life? Are you gonna be there for me?

Blood Sisters will be expected to virtually check-in with each other at a frequency of at least once per month. Check-ins will be peer-initiated meetings at times as well as virtual platforms of mutual convenience. The communication should be bidirectional. Older sisters will mentor younger sisters on resilience skills and maintaining wellbeing in medicine, expanding their own professional networks, and developing their mentoring skills. Younger sisters will receive one-on-one assistance from a single point of accessible contact, gain early networking opportunities, and learn about peer perspectives on work-life balance. The program will create a sense of community and increase opportunities for professional development.

The magic of Saskia Maarleveld's narration grounds this debut novel featuring the Kalotay half sisters, Joanna and Esther. Joanna is guardian of a vast and hidden collection of magical spell books, written by Scribes in their own blood. Esther's works to keep Joanna and the collection safe. But someone desperately wants the magical library and will do anything to find and keep it. Maarleveld captures the sisters' determination to carry out their missions. But when Esther is summoned home from Antarctica, long held secrets will come out, and the truth of whom they can trust will become clear. Maarleveld seamlessly portrays the inner turbulence of each character and keeps the suspense taut with her insightful interpretation. L.M.G.  AudioFile 2023, Portland, Maine

As I look at the darkening smear of blood, I feel something other than anxiety. I sense that I am a part of the cycle of life. I am just like the daring chipmunk: prey. I am also like a phoebe: a predator. A fawn has camouflage spots; a viceroy uses deceptive mimicry; I can deploy a force-field of scented repellants and disappear behind a jaunty mosquito-netted hat.

I see that my current adversarial relationship with mosquitoes is in truth a relatively un-dramatic scene in a three-act play. We both go about our days; she ready to ambush me for her next meal, I shoring up my defenses. Two living beings, feeding and protecting ourselves and our families. With this thought, we become stronger, truer blood sisters.

In this spellbinding debut novel, two estranged half-sisters tasked with guarding their family's library of magical books must work together to unravel a deadly secret at the heart of their collection--a tale of familial loyalty and betrayal, and the pursuit of magic and power.

For generations, the Kalotay family has guarded a collection of ancient and rare books. Books that let a person walk through walls or manipulate the elements--books of magic that half-sisters Joanna and Esther have been raised to revere and protect.

All magic comes with a price, though, and for years the sisters have been separated. Esther has fled to a remote base in Antarctica to escape the fate that killed her own mother, and Joanna's isolated herself in their family home in Vermont, devoting her life to the study of these cherished volumes. But after their father dies suddenly while reading a book Joanna has never seen before, the sisters must reunite to preserve their family legacy. In the process, they'll uncover a world of magic far bigger and more dangerous than they ever imagined, and all the secrets their parents kept hidden; secrets that span centuries, continents, and even other libraries . . .

With these problems in mind, though, the memoirs provide a very important perspective on what life was like during the French Revolution. The women who wrote them came from a great variety of backgrounds, but, even there, certain biases come into play. A great majority of the women who wrote memoirs were from the aristocracy and upper classes, which means most of them opposed the Revolution. As Yalom says, upper-class women were more likely to be literate, so that accounts for the fact that there are relatively few memoirs by working-class women who supported the Revolution. Those that exist were, as mentioned above, dictated to someone else. Many of the women lived in Paris, but there are also important memoirs from women who lived in the provinces, especially the Vende region of western France, where a bloody civil war was fought between royalist and revolutionary armies. Another important category of memoirs that Yalom uses are those by women who escaped from France and lived in exile. Some of the authors returned to France after the Revolution, and some did not. These authors, with a few important exceptions, were aristocrats or upper-class women. ff782bc1db

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