Keep in mind that what you know and rely on to be true about the Lord will transform your life! The Precious Truth that we need to consider is that God knows EVERYTHING there is to know about each of us and yet He still loves us!

With all of this knowledge that God has about us, IS it a wonder to you that HE still loves you? It is to me! He knows all the times that I have failed Him and all the times that I will fail Him yet that does not deter His love for me.

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This scene always hits me in the feels. Rachel's face and demeanor when she reveals to Ross that's she is still in love with him makes my heart break for her. I feel like her acting is so genuine and real.

But on Friday he told me that he doesn't know what to do about his feelings. Now, this conversation is a bit of a blur to me, but I asked him if he doesn't love me anymore and he said "I don't know." He said he adores me and I'm basically the best girlfriend he could ask for. He hates himself for feeling this way and wishes he could force himself to feel the way he used to. He also said that I do so much for him, like he feels loved and cared for, and he feels almost ungrateful. He still feels happy when we have those cute moments, like play fighting in bed, cuddling, a romantic dinner, you know. But other moments when nothing special is happening he feels "neutral", which basically results in him not being sure if he loves me. But now he feels we're more like... just friends (we're best friends, get along super well). He said he wants to be in a relationship where he can at all times say "I fucking love that girl" with 100% certainty and where he feels happy, not neutral or used to it or whatever. He doesn't feel like he thinks he should feel like in a romantic relationship.

I suggested that maybe, due to the fact that I'm his longest relationship, he doesn't really know how to deal with the way the relationship might be changing. I always thought feeling like you're used to the other person is inevitable after a while. Maybe he's used to love where he only feels the super obvious and exciting new love, the butterflies in his stomach and all. He said it's a possibility, but he's unsure. He still doesn't want to get used to me, not already. He doesn't want to wake up one day when he's 40 and realise he's been "meh" the entire time.

Fast fashion firm Boohoo was one one of the rare winners of the Covid-19 lockdown, with sales up 45 per cent in the three months to May. But its share price has fallen by nearly a third in the last week, wiping out 1.5 billion in value, after allegations of malpractice by suppliers in the English city of Leicester including vastly underpaid staff working in cramped, unsafe conditions by Labour Behind the Label and The Sunday Times newspaper. Campaigners have partially attributed a spike of Covid-19 cases in the region to poor social distancing at the factories. The area is still in tight lockdown despite easing across the UK.

God never will give up on you. You were created in His image,determined and designed by God to be a glorious creature. Justbecause you have not yet lived up to your potential is notenough to cause God to discard you. God is patient, and He isstill working on you, making you what you are supposed to be.

Regardless of where you stand on God being a miracle working God, I have to say that I believe with my whole heart that He was and still is because I have seen it. And no, I have not seen a mountain physically move, but when someone goes from old to new and from dead to alive, that is a miracle.

Dear Ron, I am 70 too. I

Dear Ron, I am 70 too. I was gay. I got married not to escape or cover up but because I couldnt see a lonely life ahead. I buried myself i the marriage and loved and looked after her. She died in November and I came out. Since then I have worked so hard to build up knowledge experience and confidence as a gay. At this present moment Ive got a boyfriend and I expect this to become a proper life together. All this in 9 months with lovely support too. So Ron it can be achieved even at 70. My best wishes to you. Oh and my pillow is wet with the tears over different loves Ive had

Five years later, the politics of the Magnitsky Act still reverberate. The law was the ostensible reason that Donald Trump Jr. and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in Trump Tower five months before the election.

As you read this email, please know that God brought it your way because He wants to remind you today that He loves you. He knows your hardships, and your sorrows, and He wants you to feel, right now, that He sees you, He knows you, He understands you, and GOD LOVES YOU!!!

Born in London, Suzelle started dancing at the age of 7 and eventually performed around the world. Today, she still does guest appearances with local dance companies, with no plans for a final farewell.

Yes, yes, yes, this subject comes up quite a bit. The Raiders fans still have stars in their eyes for "Chucky" and what might have been had Al Davis not traded away his last successful coach. And those stars will remain bright so long as the Raiders struggles continue.

"I think he's gonna coach," Gannon said of Gruden in an interview on 95.7 The Game. "I think he wants to coach, but he's in a great situation. He's making a ton of money at ESPN, he's watching his kids grow up, he's getting to spend more time around the home which I think has been important to him and to Cindy. But trust me, I've had conversations with him. We seem to have them every off-season. He talks about he still has a desire to come back and coach and how competitive he is. And you know what's interesting is he still loves the Raiders. I know that to be true because he's told me so. He loves the Bay Area, he loves the Oakland Raiders, and I think the world of Reggie and Dennis, I want to see them get this thing turned around, but you know what, who knows? Strangers things have happened. We'll see how it all turns out but Jon I think will definitely coach at some point, just don't know where."

"I grew up with the Raiders. Even though my dad didn't coach for the Raiders, I grew up a Raider fan and yes, absolutely I consider myself a Raider. You should see my house. I got a nice little room where you would think I'm still with the Raiders. A Raider room. I got a lot of old memorabilia. . . I like the mystique of the Raiders and I like being a part of it."

After Ronnie called Antonia a cab (and telling her he wished they could've finished what they started), he sat down with Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi and broke down over his relationship with Jen and admitted he's still in love with Sammi, who declined to return for he reunion series to avoid "potentially toxic situations." (Like this entire night, for example?)

But Cray is in a category that is uniquely his. And after nearly 50 years, the Robert Cray Band is still actively making records and touring. They stop in the Twin Cities for a one-night-only performance Oct. 5 at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts.

If you cheated on your ex-boyfriend then he is probably still really hurt by the breakup and is finding it hard to trust you. It is normal that he will feel very cautious about making things official with you just in case history repeats itself.

So why would this ex say he loves you? Well he might have said it during the breakup to stop you from feeling so upset. Saying he loves you softens the blow of the breakup, and stops you from thinking that the whole relationship was a fallacy.

I have a slight problem and question. My ex and i after we were done playing board games online with other friends. He told me he was very proud of me because i accomplished a lot like moving, becoming a certified medical coder and holding down a job despite the pandemic even though me and him are not romantically involved (i really want us to be involved romantically of course) I thanked him for the nice compliments. He also said he still cares for me. I am so confused, i want my ex back and have no idea what to do or say. I am worried i am going to say something wrong and get rejected or worse he avoids me. Please help any advice would do.

Some people say "once a cheater always a cheater," but that's not true 100% of the time. After infidelity, there are many times the person who cheated regrets having an affair because they still do love their partner and deeply hope they did not lose the opportunity to stay with them.

If the man you love betrayed you, you might feel like there is no way he loves you, but it's not always that clear-cut. Men cheat for many reasons, and most of the time it's not because they don't love their partners. Different men will feel different levels of remorse and guilt, and some may not have the empathy and conscience necessary to regret and feel remorse for what they did.

He wants to know why he had the affair and hurt the one person he loves most. To do this, he seeks counseling to help uncover the mystery, and show you he is serious; he didn't cheat because he doesn't love you.

A man who regrets cheating doesn't put a timeline on your forgiveness. He doesn't expect you to "get over it" and go back to trusting him as you did before or to pretend like things are completely fine. If he loves you, he'll be patient with the work it takes to rebuild trust. There would be no reason for him to put in the time and work if he didn't regret his actions. 2351a5e196

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