Diamond Head, known as "Leahi" in Hawaiian, stands as a testament to the island's volcanic origins, with its volcanic tuff cone formation dating back nearly 300,000 years. The name "Diamond Head" adds an element of mystery, a moniker bestowed by British sailors in the 19th century who, enchanted by calcite crystals, mistook them for diamonds. This misinterpretation only adds to the allure of this iconic landmark.

Diamond is the most romanticized and heavily marketed of all gemstones. Nearly every jewelry establishment handles diamonds, even if it has no other gemstones in stock. The annual world production of diamonds is on the order of 10 tons. Of course, only a small percentage of this is gem quality, but diamond of very fine quality is nowhere near as scarce as equivalently high quality ruby or emerald.

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The absorption spectra of various colored diamonds are quite distinctive and useful, especially in distinguishing irradiation-colored diamond from natural colored stones. The colored diamonds can be grouped into several series: Cape Series: Colorless to yellow diamonds that fluoresce blue. Strong lines at 4155, 4785, 4650, 4520, 4350, and 4230. Most lines are hard to see. Brown Series: Brown, green, and greenish yellow diamonds that fluoresce green. Strong line at 5040 plus weak lines at 5320 and 4980. Yellow Series: Colorless, brownish yellow or yellow and yellow-fluorescing. This series includes the true "canary" yellow diamonds. No discrete spectrum but sometimes a weak line at 4155. Type Il-B Blue: No absorption spectrum. Pink diamonds show the so-called "cape'' absorption line at 4150 and a broad, diffuse band centered at 5500. The strength of this band correlates with the intensity of color of the diamond.

Diamonds have perfect cleavage in four directions along the octahedral plane. In spite of its great hardness, diamond can be split easily along octahedral planes. This feature is useful in cutting, since cleaving a large diamond saves weeks of laborious sawing. The cleavage also makes it possible for diamonds to be chipped in wear

10. Diamond is the hardest natural substance and easily scratches any other mineral. The difference in hardness between diamond and corundum (9) is very much greater than that between any other two minerals on the Mohs scale.

Many diamonds fluoresce blue to violet, with fluorescence sometimes in zones (often a result of twinning). The effect is sometimes strong enough to be visible in daylight. Yellow stones sometimes fluoresce yellow-green. Some pink diamonds from India fluoresce and phosphoresce orange. The famous Hope diamond, deep blue in color, phosphoresces deep red. Most fluorescence occurs in LW; the SW reaction is weaker and the same as LW. Many diamonds fluoresce bluish white in SW. Blue-fluorescing diamonds may phosphoresce yellow (an "afterglow" reaction). The various diamonds have been organized into types, with varying UV transparency. Type 1: Transparent to all wavelengths down to about 3000 ; this type contains nitrogen and is further subdivided into Types Ia and Ib. Type la represents the majority of all diamond, and the nitrogen is in the form of platelets. About 0.1% of Type I diamonds are Type lb, in which the nitrogen is dispersed throughout the crystal. Type II: Transparent all the way to 2250 ; this type contains aluminum. Type IIa does not phosphoresce in SW and contains little nitrogen. Type lIb has bluish phosphorescence in SW and is also electrically conductive. Nitrogen in these diamonds is absent or very scarce.

The largest rough diamonds ever found include the Cullinan (3106 carats, white, South Africa, 1905); the Excelsior (995.2 carats. white, South Africa, 1893), the Star of Sierra Leone (968.8 carats, white, Sierra Leone, 1972), and the Great Mogul (787.5 carats, white, India, 1650). A fine yellowish octahedron of 616 carats is on display at the Mine Museum in Kimberley, South Africa, found in 1975. The world's largest uncut diamond, an 890 carat "fancy intense golden yellow" is owned by the Zale Corp. The stone is African in origin, but from an undisclosed source. If cut, it could yield a finished stone of 600 carats, which would then become the world's largest polished diamond. The Zale diamond is the fourth largest rough ever found. The largest cut stones include: Cullinan I (530.2, white, pear shape, in the British Crown Jewels), Cullinan II (317.4, white, cushion, British Crown Jewels), Great Mogul (280.0, white, dome-shape, location unknown), Nizam (277.0, white, table-cut, was in India in 1934), Jubilee (245.35, white, cushion, privately owned, Paris), and the Orloff 189.6, white, rose-cut, Russian Diamond Fund in the Kremlin).

Historically Diamond was a brightcove project and hosted at BrightcoveOS.However none of the active developers are brightcove employees and so the developmenthas moved to python-diamond. We requestthat any new pull requests and issues be cut against python-diamond. We will keepBrightcoveOS updated and still honor issues/tickets cut on that repo.

Closely spaced diamond blades remove about  of an inch of the roadway surface, providing a consistent and smooth texture that resembles corduroy fabric. The small groves run in the same direction as the driving surface.

In addition to saving money, diamond grinding could result in less highway maintenance. For example, rubberized asphalt has a service life of 10 to 15 years. Over time, it wears out because of traffic and the elements. Diamond grinding is a longer-lasting solution.

Drivers on a surface treated with diamond grinding will enjoy a smooth ride, much like a new rubberized asphalt surface. Also, as rubberized asphalt ages and wears down, noise levels associated with highway traffic increase. However, noise levels have not been shown to increase over time on freeways treated with diamond grinding.

In May 2020, ADOT announced it will diamond grind 6.4 miles of the Loop 101 Price Freeway - between Baseline Road and the Loop 202 Santan Freeway - in conjunction with the widening and improvement project in Mesa, Tempe, and Chandler. 17dc91bb1f

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