Specifically, when I move a card from the Ideas list to the Posts In Progress list, I want the corresponding note to move from the Ideas folder to the Posts in Progress folder in my vault. And, eventually when I move that card from the Posts In Progress list to the Archives list, I want the note to be automatically moved into the Archives folder.

I have 2 boards in my trello project "TownStar" and "TownStar Gantt". I can switch between both boards. According to the documentation I can move a card from "TownStar" to "TownStar Gantt" by clicking context menu > Move > Select Board to move to. When I click on the context menu I do not see the name of the other board only the current board. Any idea why this is happening?

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The answer is yes you can move cards from one board to another board but the documentation is misleading for newbies. When you tap to move to a board you have to then tap the current board in the list which will display all the other boards to which you can move the card.

I have a Japanese vocabulary deck that I go through in its default order (i.e. the order of New Cards is predetermined by the deck creator). Let's say I find an interesting word online that I want to start memorizing, but its card in the deck will only come up several months from now. Is there an easy way to move a particular card to the front of the New Cards queue, preferably without add-ons (so e.g. through the Browse menu)?

So, if you add ButlerBot to the board (you have to do so through this page because ButlerBot is a member of so many boards now), then use something like this command (command is just a card with ButlerBot assigned to the card):

every year on the 5th of November at 10:05 am, find card "This is the name of the card to be moved", move it to list "Other List" on board "Other Board"

I'm afraid that's not currently possible! Via email, you can comment on existing cards, or you can create new cards, but not move cards around. I'll let the team know that's something you're looking for, though!

it would be great to be able to move the apps (companion & game) to an external storage (SD card) to free up space in internal device storage. E.g. my Samsung Galaxy S7 allows for an SD Card and I would be able to move the 1GB App to the SD Card instead of filling up my device storage (32GB).

There's two approaches to achieve this. You could just install octopi fresh on a new card and use OctoPrint's Backup and Restore feature. Or you could use etcher or win32diskImager to clone your existing card to img, and then flash that to a new card. Once you boot up on the new card you use raspi-config to extend the partition.If you're on linux/mac I think the command to use for creating and flahing images is dd.

Are you taking pictures or timelapse during prints - these eat up a lot of disk space. You'll need another Linux machine to clone the images, as @jneilliii mentioned, the command to use is dd, but first, after putting the sd card into another machine you'll need to dismount the partitions, if they automount, because dd works at the device level, not the partition. A Pi sd card has two partitions, which you'll see if the partitions automount in a Linux desktop machine, /boot and /rootfs. /boot only has enough space to boot the microcode for the chipset, then the operating system boots off /rootfs - its the /rootfs where octoprint and its datafiles are stored. So you only need to clone /rootfs. I'll dig out some more instructions, which are on a USB drive and post another answer.

Sorry if I'm highjacking this thread but my query is pretty similar. Before updating to 1.4.2 I wanted to clone the Octopi microSD card as a backup. The cloning software I used seem to do it's thing fine but having finished it popped a box saying that if the card had a Linux system on it , I should reinit Linux. Not being Linux savvy I have no idea how to do that. The cloned card does not boot.

I promised the dd commands although we can see that /var/log had a lot in from the screenshots.

If you have mounted the card using a USB sd card reader the first thing we need to find are the devices:

type 'df' and you'll get a report of the disk file system usage.

You are looking for something like /dev/sdb1 in the first column and /media/username/boot in the last column - that's the boot partition - and there'll be another /dev/sdb2 with /media/username/rootfs - that's the root partition. N.B. username is whatever you are logged in as, if you are using a Pi it will be /media/pi/boot.

If you've mounted them in an mmc slot in a laptop as I have just done, the devices are /dev/mmcblk0p1 for the boot and /dev/mmcblk0p2 for the rootfs. Its outside this post to explain the difference as its deep into Linux devices and naming, but if you eject the card, the devices disappear.

So lets work with /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2 as examples.

To unmount the partitions without ejecting the card type 'sudo umount /dev/sdb1' then 'sudo umount /dev/sdb2' . This means the device 'file' is still there and its this that you use in the dd command.

Assuming the machine you are using has plenty of disk space you can just create images of each sd card partition doing this:

sudo dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=~/boot.img


sudo dd if=/dev/sdb2 of=~/rootfs.img

'if' means input file and 'of' means output file

The boot image copy won't take very long

The rootfs copy will take much longer because the partition is 8GB - or 16GB, or however big the partition is.

Those .img files are now on your home directory, that's what ~/ means along with the filename.

If you create a new bigger sd card with octopi on, you can then copy those image files back.

Put the new card in, unmount the partitions and then use

'sudo dd if=~/boot.img of=/dev/sdb1'

'sudo dd if=~/rootfs.img of=/dev/sdb2'

BE VERY CAREFUL that you know which devices your old memory card mounts on - you don't want to overwrite the system you are running. Once you've copied your image files back over to the new card, eject and put into your Pi and boot - n.b. this won't work if your original images don't have the correct boot files for the Pi you are using, so beware if you are using a card that was created before the Pi4 was released.

BTW, the image files on your hard disk are essentially backups, very useful, I've just had a Pi trash its microSD card and I've had to rebuild Octoprint on a new one.

I use Macs too, but not with the 3D printing, am using discarded (i.e far too old to run Windoze on) laptops with Ubuntu LTS 20.04 or Pixel X86, I'm a STEM Ambassador, so have a fleet of scrapped laptops to hand that I use with STEM events.

etc. In other words, every card was 567 wide, and I wanted 2, but I needed to tweak some at the bottom to be 3/4 wide, so couldn't use snap to. When I got to around 450 on the y axis, I had one that was:

I could not get any card to be next to it. I tried 567,450 (should have worked) and made it 1 pixel wide just to see if it would fit. I never could get it to work. I eventually just deleted all of the cards below where I was, and added them back. Then it put them where I wanted.

@EdHansberry datacards inside Forms are just ... difficult to manipulate for viewing. The way I understand them is there are fixed columns & rows and you can't move outside of that "grid-style" visual.

But, to maybe get what you want you could try setting the Columns to 4. You can then have cards that are 1/4 width, 2/4 width, 3/4 width or 4/4 width, if that makes sense. So this solve your 2/per row requirement as well as your 3/4 with card requirement.

Once you set the columns to 4, try snap to columns ON then OFF. This will move all the cards into 4 columns but then 'unlock' them for moving around.If you wanted cards 1 & 2 to cover the entire 1st row, select card 1 and drag it's RH border across to cover columns 1&2, then select card 2 and drag it's RH border across to cover columns 3&4. Cards 1&2 should now cover row 1.

Note that Dropbox will always use your internal storage. If you mark files as available offline or open files for viewing/editing, Dropbox will use internal storage for its cache. It's not possible to have it use the SD card instead of internal storage.

In AgilePlace, cards usually represent pieces of work flowing through a process with lanes representing the sequential steps in that process. The work may be parts in a factory, software features and defects, construction activities, or any other type of deliverable.

To move a card from one lane to another, simply click and hold the card, while dragging it to the desired lane on the board. As the card is moved over lanes, it creates a shadow in each lane to illustrate where it will end up when you drop it. When you have moved it over the correct lane, just release the card to move it to that lane.

You can also use a card's context menu to move it to the desired lane. You can access the context menu by left clicking on the arrow that appears on the face of each card when you hover over it or by right clicking on the face of the card.

To move a card to another board entirely, select the Move to Board option. Then select the board you'd like to move the card to. This option is available to Select edition accounts and higher, and you must have access to any boards you're trying to move the card to. ff782bc1db

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