I'm using mouseenter with d3.mouse() to get the x,y coordinates of the mouse pointer but need to translate the coordinates I get back from .mouse() into pixel locations that I can feed into translate() so as to properly place the tooltip. So far my flailing has resulted in:

Mouse Tooltip Translator is a comprehensive translation tool that enhances your Chrome browsing experience. Using this extension, get seamless translations by simply hovering your mouse over text or selecting specific phrases. It uses Google Translate and Bing Translator to provide translations in a tooltip style display with the option of listening to the translation using Google TTS (Text-to-Speech) feature. Furthermore, it supports PDF translation with its built-in PDF viewer, dual subtitles on YouTube, and OCR processing for images. Perfect for language learners, researchers, and global netizens who need quick translations during their web browsing sessions.

Download Mouse Tooltip Translator

Download File 🔥 https://urluss.com/2y3iu1 🔥

Anyone can help me do just this like it was possible with Setpoint + UberOptions to assign a specific Left or Right (CTRL, ALT, SHIFT) button mouse buttons, which can make navigation and doing other tasks much better, the latest Windows 11 update and SetPoint aren't compatible so I am in a situation where I want to find a way to do what UberOptions allowed to do by providing a lot of options that aren't available on SetPoint by default... It has to be Right or Left so each can do something different and since my laptop doesn't has the Right-CTRL but I have a Translation extension ( -tooltip-translator/hmigninkgibhdckiaphhmbgcghochdjc) that support assigning a specific button to trigger the translation bubble or TTS then I want to assign Right-CTRL to a mouse button and Left-CTRL to the TTS (which I use less often).

Does anyone know of a way to have a mouseover tooltip in the UI? Mainly, I have a set of IconButton's and instead of using text on the buttons, I'm using an image and want the user to be able to mouseover the button and get a description of what it does. This is easily done for the web, but I didn't see anything in ScriptUI that allowed for it. I looked into the helpTip property but that didn't seem to be it.

I haven't really thought about if it would be possible to add manually. The biggest thing to overcome I would think would be creating a floating StaticText/Window/Group/something that you could hide/show when the mouse was over the button. Anyone ever try something like that?

Yup, it's spec'd out in the Javascript Tools Guide as part of IconButton but I just can't seem to get it to work. I've found a way to override onDraw for the IconButton and evaluate when the mouse is over but can't figure out how to popup a tooltip.

I know in HTML/CSS you could use a and explicitly set it's position to that of the mouse. To my knowledge, this isn't possible and while I haven't tried this using a window...it's not exactly what I want so I'd like to avoid if at all possible.

This is attempting to append a div to the svg for each entry in the data set, with mouseover and mouseout functions attached to these divs. You need the tooltip triggered by mousing on the bar elements. Also, D3v7 calls these mouse functions as (event, datum) => {...} so providing one argument in the signature means you are passing the event and not the datum.

Although optional, I failed to make the tooltip move according to mouse cursor position though. I tried something like

tooltip.setAttribute('x', (d, i) => i * barWidth + padding),

tooltip.attr('x', (d, i) => i * barWidth + padding)

tooltip.style.left = i * barWidth + padding;

and many others, but the tooltip still stays in place in the center of the page regardless of what I add or remove.

When you hover over a plot, the toolbar/modebar appears that has the zoom, pan, etc buttons on it. When you hover the mouse over the toolbar buttons, a tooltip displays with some text describing the button. How do I make these tooltip text labels appear in a different language? I want to have the text displayed in Japanese not in English.

Two different functions allow to recover the mouse position and use it to control the tooltip position. 

   event.pageX() and event.pageY(). Recover the mouse position when the event happens. Used in the above example. Code looks like that:

Note: It can sometimes be quite a pain to position tooltips if you have a complex layout in your webpage. For instance, this post uses the bootstrap framework to build columns. Thus the event.pageY() position must be corrected.

A minor usability enhancement has been released for the Auto Translation feature. Now, when someone hovers the mouse cursor over the Translation icon, the tooltip explains which language the note was translated from.

One of the most comfortable options is the Google Translate Tooltip userscript. What does it do? It basically displays a tooltip whenever text is selected in the browser. Hovering the mouse over the tooltip displays the translation right on the page.

As mentioned earlier, the tooltip is displayed on all pages by default, even if those pages are in the native language of the user - or more precisely the default system language. That can quickly become annoying. The userscript thankfully has an option to prevent this from happening by configuring it to only work if the Ctrl key is pressed at the same time.

Once configured this way, Internet users who want to translate text on a page need to press Ctrl, select the text and then the tooltip. If they select text anyway else it will not display the tooltip. This configuration menu can also be used to enable support for https websites.

Editors can insert advanced HTML text/markup in WYSIWYG to create beautiful Tooltips when user hover a text. The tooltip div itself stays on top so visitors can select text or complete forms inside...etc.

This template was created to be used mainly on discussion pages and user pages. OpenStreetMap is an international project in which the predominant communication within the community takes place in English. Users who have to make a laborious translation of their statements for participation in discussions (e. g. by means of a dictionary or online translator) sometimes achieve a statement that does not contain the desired wording. In order to not only publish the English statement, this template was developed. This template allows the user to integrate the actual text in his or her own native language into the text in a space-saving way. Read in German.

If there are some HTML markup in the sentence (notably links) or some characters (like quotes), it cannot be rendered as a tooltip when hovered with mouse, because the sentence cannot be embedded in a HTML title="" attribute. An alternate rendering is then used:

A Sprite or sprite template to use when getting colors for tooltip. If a template is set, tooltip will look for a clone in tooltipDataItem.sprites. If no clone is found, then template colors will be used. ff782bc1db

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