I have already tried deleting the .technic folders in roaming and having the launcher redownload everything. Speaking of redownloading, I already tried that with the launcher as well. I tried restarting my computer, running as administrator, and I even tried logging in with a friend's account. I restarted my router and modem, everything. Nothing seems to be working.

The Minecraft Servers are all up and running, it's only Technic that won't connect me to Minecraft.net and I'm not sure what the problem is. I'm almost positive that this question has multiple answers from browsing around on other places, but none of those "solutions" have worked.

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i got a feeling its got somthing to do with the new minecraft launcher I got for the horse update because it started after i got it and in the main menu "In the tekkit one" Its advertising the new launcher.

Recently I've been having an error about not being able to authenticate my Minecraft account when trying to launch Technic offline. I've downloaded the launcher and the Tekkit pack (thanks to my phone) but I've been reading there is a way to play offline - unfortunately, I don't know that way...

@Melfic - thanks for that; though I've done this (in order to download the Tekkit pack), and all the while connected to the internet. Perhaps needing a fresh installation of both Minecraft and the Technic launcher are needed?

@Vivacity - thanks, but as it turns out I'm not currently using an anti-virus software (I'm currently downloading one as we speak). I'm thinking I need some kind of internet connection for the Technic launcher to work as it errors out with "cannot authenticate account with Minecraft.net". This would appear, to me, that it needs to connect to Minecraft.net in order to check my credentials, though I'm not entirely certain why (I have a legit account)...

There's something wrong with my minecraft launcher. I click "Play" and the blue loading bar fills up. Then the loading bar disappears and the launcher just sits there. My two siblings and I have three separate accounts on one computer, my brother's user works fine but this problem with the launcher has been happening to my sister and I for the past two days. I have tried everything under the sun to fix it, I've uninstalled and then re-installed the game 4 times, I've deleted the core file twice, erased the game COMPLETELY from the whole computer, I've forced updated 3 times, I've restarted my computer, and NOTHING has worked. I've found other people on forums who have had the same problem in the past (but none recently), and I've tried all the advice they've given and nothing as worked. I am EXTREMELY frustrated and don't know what to do.

You may be expiriencing issues with administrator priviledges, software (game or launcher) is trying to run a proccess from location that it is denied priviledges. You may want to start it running it "as administrator", if you right-click on your launcher it will offer a context menu and from it you may choose option "Run as Administrator".

After a short trip with my parents I realized, that I can no longer play Forge version of minecraft. Vanilla seems to work fine, as well as Forge with no mods. But as soon as I put a single mod (That didn't cause any problems before) the loading screen freezes at Mojang logo (Atlas Stitching : minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png) - text at the bottom. I don't think that RAM is the problem because 6gb should be plenty for a minimap mod. I have also tried to update my drivers but it didn't help. Same problems happen with more then one version of forge. Also if the problem is not clear, is it possible that some malfunction during the storm (irl) while the pc was running could lead to something broken or damaged in my desktop pc? (other games and programs run with no problem)

Curse/Overwolf: If you are using the Curse Launcher, their configurations break Forge's log settings, fortunately there is an easier workaround than I originally thought, this works even with Curse's installation of the Minecraft launcher as long as it is not launched THROUGH Twitch:

When you have an issue with your mod the most helpful thing you can do when asking for help is to provide your code to those helping you. The most convenient way to do this is via GitHub or another source control hub.

When setting up a GitHub Repo it might seem easy to just upload everything, however this method has the potential for mistakes that could lead to trouble later on, it is recommended to use a Git client or to get comfortable with the Git command line. The following instructions will use the Git Command Line and as such they assume you already have it installed and that you have created a repository.

The thing is that the minecraft (loading screen) doesn't crash. It freezes and when I touch it with my mouse it immediately starts to show "not responding" and then it gives me the option to close java or wait (the wait option is infinite time).

I wanted to test it - leave it for like 8 hours but it suddenly loaded :DDDD. My guess is that I needed to be offline (no internet) to load at first, and now it also loads online. I tested it with my regular forge and then a modpack. Everything is back to normal. I am so happy. This is a very strange case tho. Thank you for your time, Imma go play with mods now :DDD

So it only works when I press "Play Offline" on minecraft launcher and have my internet off, but still not every time. One time it loaded no problem and second it freezed 3 times in a row (offline). And one time it loaded online. I no longer know what to do besides gamble for an hour for it to load of freeze.

Also I discovered that internet wasn't the case. I am guessing that the launcher is having some sort of error when launching the game and for some reason is left to somehow invisibily run in the background, preventing the loading screen from loading. Because when I close all running processes called "minecraft launcher" in the TaskManager, there are usualy 3 of them, one of them when "ended" jumpstarts the loading bar and everything loads no problem.

I want to play minecraft in multiplayer mode with my 11 year old son. While I have a mojang account, he doesn't and I also don't want him to have one. At the moment we play together in singleplayer mode with my account on my Laptop using the Java Edition version 1.14.4. For multiplayer we plan to buy minecraft for his Nintendo Switch.

To avoid having to have a second mojang account I decided to set up my own minecraft server. The server works, I can login on the minecraft launcher and then connect to the server an play on it. The problem is that I still have to use my mojang account.

To disable account authentication change online-mode to false, this will do exactly what you want. Just remember not to leak the address of the server as now anyone will be able to join. Also check the file for other settings, it's very useful. :-)

I challenged myself to create a minecraft server with the proviso that most of the plugins I will use will be just mine. I have already made many different plugins from shops to various minigames. Now I have decided to code my own login registration plugin. Basically everything is already functional and ready, but I would like to add one feature there. This feature is that when a player connects to the server (warez), my plugin checks the player's session to see if it is original (I mean that player have bought game and he is logged throught original mojang launcher with valid mojang session. Players should connecting to server in warez mode (not logged in, using not official launcher)). I don't just mean the name as mentioned here, but his mojang session. In short, whether it is logged in via the original launcher with its e-mail and password.

I absolutely don't know how verifying the originality of players works, I know that mojang has an API but I don't know if it offers such a possibility. I would also like to know if the client is sending a hash from the UUID or sessionID to the server, which can be compared with the mojang API, or I don't know.

From this articles I roughly understood that during the connection of the client I will send the server ID and ciphers together with the server and then the subsequent hash on which they will agree will send the client via POST to the mojang servers and my server should then ask from the mojang if it is logged in on my server the client.

Now my questions is, how to replace some mentioned parts of the server from plugin? Is good idea to try use reflection (i am noob, with reflection) and replace some functions with my functions, that would calling back to spigot low level code? 152ee80cbc

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