I also found that putting a custom click sound wave into the metronome function of Ardour also did not sound, instead of using the default metronome sound.

I got Hydrogen to play drum sounds back after I downloaded some alsa utils like alsamixer and alsaconnect and also found out that if Ardour is up and running, Hydrogen will not play back anything. Once I close Ardour, I can then have Hydrogen play sounds. Any way I can use them both at the same time?

I re-installed Cakewalk and the metronome sound is missing. When I go to preferences/use audio metronome and click on the drop down for first beat/other beats, it is completely blank. No sound coming out. Any ideas?

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The only mechanism to restore metronome files is the copy perform during partial (SHIFT key on startup) and full (CTRL key on startup) re-personalization. These processes copy files into the user folder with the full process overwriting existing files.

In the example provided below, there is no need to change anything in the Use MIDI Note section for the MIDI metronome to function. But one may assign the values as desired for synth receiving the MIDI data from the metronome.

First, my goal is to simply, quickly get the metronome audio to a stereo mp3 mix for the purpose of practice mixes I can send to musicians or another studio so they can have a click on the left channel and music on right channel for example.

2. Is it possible to add the built in metronome to a mix? I normally create a mix using File/Export/Audio, Source Category="Hardware Outputs" "Mon 1" This gives me all tracks and subgroups that are routed to the "Mon 1" EXCEPT the metronome even though it is routed there as well and can hear.

The metronome is turned off during export. In order to have the metronome exported, it will have to be recorded. Enable the metronome playback while recording and record the metronome audio track. Once recorded, it will export like any other audio track.

Update 2: If i actually record the metronome track as audio, I can go back and export the song+metronome audio. This will work for what i'm trying to do, but would like a method that doesn't require the extra step of recording the metronome audio for the entire song, then exporting the song. Is this possible?

This is a feature that CbB should include as one of it's own. Attn: Noel, please let the metronome function like a Vsti, where it could be inserted into a track and frozen, or rendered as an audio track to be used as a click track. As I have mentioned in previous posts regarding the metronome function over the last number of years, there used to be a DXi called Ping DXi which worked in the old days of Cake 6, 7 etc, that a guy named Mike Norman I believe, developed which did this exact thing. Super useful for guys like me who make backing tracks, or need to include click tracks in their work. It can't be that difficult a thing to include. While I'm at it, is it possible to bring back the "Extract Timing" function that used to be included in the Audio processing of earlier Cakewalks? This was such an easy way to set up a tempo map from an imported click track, that followed any tempo changes and could be done in seconds. I realize the snap audio feature now is supposed to take care of this function, but it is far more cumbersome and less effective in my experience. It is for this reason that I had to figure out how to get Cakewalk 9 to work on a 64bit Win10 machine. Please????

I'm running both units over USB into the Windows apps, not running through my DAW and all the synth engine audio comes through fine but I can't hear the metronome at all. I've ensured it's on and turned up fully.

I have recently upgraded to Cubase 11 and peculiar bug showed up: In the middle of sessions I get that either the audio shifts forward or the metronome is delayed a fair bit (In my recent project, about an eigth note in 90 bpm). It seems to show up randomly as I have left a project open with everything working, but when I have returned to it the metronome is completely out of sync. At that point I had not touched anything on the computer in between it working and not.

First of all, please keep in mind that what I wrote was not directly about the metronome. It was just that instabilities occurred, which I could imagine to cause such an effect. In addition, the metronome effect described by you has never occurred with me, which is why I would rather assign this to the Dante solution.

ok, so I'm relatively new to Producing musing on a computer (but not new to playing music) I've got a modest setup with a scarlett 2i2 interface, behringer mixer, guitar, couple synths and grooveboxes. I'm having an issue where when I play the metronome in ableton, it bleeds into my audio tracks. I'm not running any microphones, and my cables are all pretty spaced out.

Another scenario which can cause that can be some hardware recording device settings. Some hardware recording devices support "internal audio routings" so you can record "What you hear" i.e to route the audio output(s) back to audio input(s).

Since I'm just testing this setup - I'm literally using the default project that comes up when you start Logi Pro - and doing nothing to it other than adding a new audio track, taking its signal from inputs one and two on my only audio interface - the M-Audio Audiophile USB.

I just record enable the stereo track the M-Audio is routing in on, and the press record on the transport area. As I play, I can hear the metronome, but I can also see pulses appearing on the audio track with the T8 being played via the M-Audio. The output of the M Audio is to my mixer and onto my headphones. Might it be that somehow the M Audio is also routing the output back into its input though Logic or OSX?

Thanks to you all for your replies. I've thought it through (as I should have before posting!) - and of course realise that because I've only got a single stereo audio interface, everthing being recorded through it (from my mixer) will of course be recorded - and I was monitoring my logic session through it (and back into the same mixer) - so the click was rerouting to the audio track as per your suggestion.

Guys...I've searched everywhere for the answer to this...and the replies here do not answer this question. I am using the very latest version of Logic X, and the very latest OS X 10.10.5. I am recording IN THE BOX, so NO MICS. I am recording soft synths only. When the click is on, and I print a track...the click gets printed in the audio. This was never the case in Logic 9. What has changed and how do I stop it. And if any Logic X reps see this post... Why in the world would you make the metronome default setting this way?

I'm just bouncing from Stereo Out. The "click while playing" box is on...but, in Logic 9, I could keep it on but it wouldn't send to outputs. Right now, the metronome is reading on the stereo out, so when I bounce, it's recording the audio of the click. Surely you don't have to unclick the "click while playing" box every time you want to print a track right?

The behavior has been the same since the inception of audio in Logic: bouncing the stereo output means taking the signal that comes out of the stereo output, and placing it in a file. So everything you route to the stereo out ends up in the bounced file.

If your metronome is routed to the Stereo Out, then its audio goes to the Stereo Out channel strip and registers on the Stereo Out meters, and is included when you Bounce the Stereo Out. My guess is maybe back when you were using Logic 9 you had the metronome routed to a different output? Here is the Metronome routed to the Stereo Out in Logic 9:

Recently I've been trying to figure out how to write a metronome app, but I've come across many difficulties with OS time control (calling functions e.g.) or significantly inaccurate onset detection algorhithms (I've used librosa) and it seems to be a pretty complicated topic. Yet for some reason I wasn't successfull in my research upon professional metronome apps source code/tutorials/books touching the topic etc... The web seems to be filled with amateur examples and solutions that don't really meet the modern metronome app (such as Frozenapes iOS Tempo app) standards. e.g. a metronome which uses pre-recorded .wav samples when a certain tempo is called (so there are all the tempos between 30 and 300 bpm stored in the app). That kind of solutions seem to be a bit of dead end if user wants to change the tempo while metronome is working.To sum it up - I'm looking for any professional resources with code/text/whatev which isn't 2000 pages signal processing book for math graduates and could help me with designing a decent metronome with some recording features.

Maybe my experience with writing a metronome using Java will be helpful. The key was not relying on the system clock, but instead, on counting the exact number of PCM frames and placing the click audio PCM at that point. At a sample rate of 44100 fps, that is basically accuracy to 1/44100th of a second.

From researching good metronome programming, I found that Thread.sleep() is horrible for timing, so I completely avoided that and went with checking System.nanoTime() to determine when the sounds should play.

This sort of thing is difficult to get right. What you have to realise is that in order to even play a sound, it has to be loaded into an audio driver (and possibly a sound card). This takes time, and you have to account for that. There are basically two options for you:

Rather than counting down a delay between every beat, count down a delay from the start, when the metronome activates. As an example, say for instance that you want a beat every second. Because of the ~20ms delay, in your old method you'd get beats at 20ms, 1040, 2060, 3080, etc... If you count down from the start and place beats at 1000, 2000, 3000, etc. then they will play at 20ms, 1020, 2020, 3020, etc... There will still be some variance since the dalay itself varies a bit, but there should be about 1000ms between beats and it will not go out of sync (or at least, the problem will not get worse over time and likely can't be heard). 2351a5e196

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