The Java Message Service (JMS) API provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, receive and read an enterprise messaging system's messages. JMS ApplicationsA JMS application is composed of the following parts:

JMS supports two styles of messaging:point-to-point (PTP) messaging using queuespublish-and-subscribe (pub/sub)messaging using topicsThese two styles represent two of the dominant approaches to messaging currently in use. JMS APIsFor historical reasons JMS offers four alternative sets of interfaces for sending and receiving messages:JMS 1.0 defined two domain-specific APIs, one for point-to-point messaging (queues) and one for pub/sub (topics). Although these remain part of JMS for reasons of backwards compatibility they should be considered to be completely superseded by the later APIs.JMS 1.1 introduced a new unified API which offered a single set of interfaces that could be used for both point-to-point and pub/sub messaging. This is referred to here as the classic API.JMS 2.0 introduces a simplified API which offers all the features of the classic API but which requires fewer interfaces and is simpler to use.Each API offers a different set of interfaces for connecting to a JMS provider and for sendingand receiving messages. However they all share a common set of interfaces for representing messages and message destinations and to provide various utility features.All interfaces are in the javax.jms package. Interfaces common to multiple APIsThe main interfaces common to multiple APIs are as follows:Message, BytesMessage, MapMessage, ObjectMessage, StreamMessage and TextMessage - a message sent to or received from a JMS provider.Queue - an administered object that encapsulates the identity of a message destination for point-to-point messagingTopic - an administered object that encapsulates the identity of a message destination for pub/sub messaging.Destination - the common supertype of Queue and TopicClassic API interfacesThe main interfaces provided by the classic API are as follows:ConnectionFactory - an administered object used by a client to create a Connection. This interface is also used by the simplified API.Connection - an active connection to a JMS providerSession - a single-threaded context for sending and receiving messagesMessageProducer - an object created by a Session that is used for sending messages to a queue or topicMessageConsumer - an object created by a Session that is used for receiving messages sent to a queue or topicSimplified API interfacesThe simplified API provides the same messaging functionality as the classic API but requires fewer interfaces and is simpler to use.The main interfaces provided by the simplified API are as follows:ConnectionFactory - an administered object used by a client to create a JMSContext. This interface is also used by the classic API.JMSContext - an active connection to a JMS provider and a single-threaded context for sending and receiving messagesJMSProducer - an object created by a JMSContext that is used for sending messages to a queue or topicJMSConsumer - an object created by a JMSContext that is used for receiving messages sent to a queue or topicLegacy domain-specific API interfacesAlthough the domain-specific API remains part of JMS for reasons of backwards compatibility it should be considered to be completely superseded by the classic and simplified APIs.The main interfaces provided by the domain-specific API for point-to-point messaging are as follows:QueueConnectionFactory - an administered object used by a client to create a QueueConnection.QueueConnection - an active connection to a JMS providerQueueSession - a single-threaded context for sending and receiving messagesQueueSender - an object created by a QueueSession that is used for sending messages to a queueQueueReceiver - an object created by a QueueSession that is used for receiving messages sent to a queueThe main interfaces provided by the domain-specific API for pub/sub messaging are as follows:TopicConnectionFactory - an administered object used by a client to create a TopicConnection.TopicConnection - an active connection to a JMS providerTopicSession - a single-threaded context for sending and receiving messagesTopicPublisher - an object created by a TopicSession that is used for sending messages to a topicTopicSubscriber - an object created by a TopicSession that is used for receiving messages sent to a topicTerminology for sending and receiving messagesThe term consume is used in this document to mean the receipt of a message by a JMS client; that is, a JMS provider has received a message and has given it to its client. Since JMS supports both synchronous and asynchronous receipt of messages, the term consume is used when there is no need to make a distinction between them.The term produce is used as the most general term for sending a message. It means giving a message to a JMS provider for delivery to a destination.Developing a JMS ApplicationBroadly speaking, a JMS application is one or more JMS clients that exchange messages. The application may also involve non-JMS clients; however, these clients use the JMS provider's native API in place of the JMS API.

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A typical JMS client using the classic API executes the following JMS setup procedure:Use JNDI to find a ConnectionFactory objectUse JNDI to find one or more Destination objectsUse the ConnectionFactory to create a JMS Connection object with message delivery inhibitedUse the Connection to create one or more JMS Session objectsUse a Session and the Destinations to create the MessageProducer and MessageConsumer objects neededTell the Connection to start delivery of messagesIn contrast, a typical JMS client using the simplified API does the following:Use JNDI to find a ConnectionFactory objectUse JNDI to find one or more Destination objectsUse the ConnectionFactory to create a JMSContext objectUse the JMSContext to create the JMSProducer and JMSConsumer objects needed.Delivery of message is started automaticallyAt this point a client has the basic JMS setup needed to produce and consume messages. Package Specification Java Message Service 2.0 specificationRelated Documentation Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Technical DocumentationSkip navigation linksOverviewPackageClassUseTreeDeprecatedIndexHelpPrev PackageNext PackageFramesNo FramesAll ClassesCopyright  1996-2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms.

I have the following situation where a client class executes different behavior based on the type of message it receives. I'm wondering if there is a better way of doing this since I don't like the instanceof and the if statements.

One thing I thought of doing was pulling the methods out of the client class and putting them into the messages. I would put a method like process() in the IMessage interface and then put the message specific behavior in each of the concrete message types. This would make the client simple because it would just call message.process() rather than checking types. However, the only problem with this is that the behavior contained in the conditionals has to do with operations on data contained within the Client class. Thus, if I did implement a process method in the concrete message classes I would have to pass it the client and I don't know if this really makes sense either.

One option here is a handler chain. You have a chain of handlers, each of which can handle a message (if applicable) and then consume it, meaning it won't be passed further down the chain. First you define the Handler interface:

Many have options to add a filter to the handlers based on message header or content. If this is supported, you simply create a handler with a filter based on message type, then your code is nice and clean without the need for instanceof or checking type (since the messaging system already checked it for you).

I have MessageSource bean set up as bellow and I can't figure out what path should I add to access files in the library. Now only files from the main app are used

I have managed to find a solution. I have changed name of messages in one project so they were not the same as names in the other., in one project and, in second project (library).

After 4 hours too many of trying to figure this out myself, I finally came here and this solved my problem.

Additionally I had to update the following (within app/build.gradle) to be consistent with my version of java:

I tried to fix it but am unable to change the path of the file when it runs i.e.: the runtime path of the application still remains as its mentioned in the title. Besides, I tried searching for why the message should pop and am unable to get a relevant answer for my query.

This happened with me while I was running a Spring Boot Application:I was getting the same message and there was no logs in the console, even the Spring Boot Startup logs were not present: (Attaching the image for reference)

The main reason why Google with all its resources hasn't gotten around to adding these in C++ is because Google internally does not use this format at all. For network communications, Google uses its internal RPC protocol (very similar to GRPC, which they open sourced recently), and for storing messages to disk they usually a variety of internal formats that are a bit more featureful than this "delimited" format (you might consider using sqlite, for example). 17dc91bb1f

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