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JOHN CHIPMAN: Mr. Secretary, thank you very much for that extremely compelling presentation and I think everyone will have marked down your note that the right time for talk is anytime. I was also struck by your phrase earlier in your remarks that the United States is seeking to modernize our presence so that we can exercise our rights, and it invited me to ask you if I can the first question we've seen in the conflict in Ukraine how quickly and automatically the forces of Ukraine have been able to incorporate a genuinely diverse range of technologies and systems. Including some that are very modern, can you say a few words about how you think emerging technologies, AI, quantum, cyber, uncrewed vehicles and the like have a particular role in the mission of deterrence in defense in this theater? 


SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LLOYD J. AUSTIN III: Well thanks John. This is really important to us. You know, if you look at our National Defense Strategy we talk about the importance of leveraging capability and capacity in all of the warfighting domains, land, air, sea, space, cyberspace. And so our task is to go after those -- those capabilities that support our warfighting concepts that -- that enable us to be not only successful in the -- in the-- in deterring a conflict but also enable us to be dominant in any future contest. So as we go after those capabilities to support our warfighting concepts, we're looking to bring things together and synchronize them and network them in ways that we've not done before. So we're going after capabilities like you mentioned quantum computing, edge computing, AI and -- and a number of other things. It's one thing to say that but I think you have to make an effort to invest in the right kinds of things and align your budget to -- to match what your strategy is. So we -- we through great pains to link our budget request to our strategy line by line almost and it's a -- it's probably the best I've ever seen. 


I applaud my -- the staff, they really did a tremendous job there. So, it's one thing to even when you get the capabilities, you have to make sure that you've organized your organization to be able to manage those things, and then you have to drive yourself -- drive the organization to success. I made a change to our -- to our staff, I created a position that -- that oversees the -- the integration of our digital -- digital work and also AI, so I have a chief digital and AI officer that is really a phenomenal job of aligning the organization across -- across the board. So getting the capabilities are one thing, but then you've got to organize and you've got to drive to -- to create the capabilities that we're all looking for and then you have to work with industry and I know there's a number of industry leaders in this crowd and we make an effort. 


I make an effort to talk to industry leadership to tell them where we want to go, what our needs are and, you know, how we intend to employ the capabilities that we're asking for and I would say that the United States, you know, our industrial base is really one of our strategic advantages. But, you know, unless we're communicating the right things to industry, we won't be where we need in the long term. So that remains a work in progress, but the kinds of things that you're talking about in terms of technology are the kinds of things that will help us maintain a competitive edge going forward. It is very important to us. It is fundamental to our -- our National Defense Strategy and again this is something we remain sighted on each and every day. 


DR. CHIPMAN: Well thank you very much. I'll take with your permission about three or four from the floor. Don't worry about joining late. I don't necessarily respect an order of precedence so I'll call on four or five people first. First you mentioned SecDef the Philippines, so Jeffery Ordaniel from the Philippines first. 


Q: Hi thank you. So according to the 2022 report to Congress released by your department Sir, if China continues the face of its nuclear expansion. If you'll likely a stockpile about 1,500 warheads and that's significant given that the limit -- the legal limit of the U.S. operation deployed nuclear warheads under the New START agreement is about 1,500. And so that means China will achieve nuclear parody with the United States in about 15 years, my question is are there any updates on U.S. efforts to push for some sort of an arms control with China and are your Asian allies involved in -- in that kind of discussion? Thank you. 


SEC. AUSTIN: Let me begin this by saying we are serious about our commitment to extended deterrence and I have spoken with our allies and partners in the room a number of times on this particular issue. And you should know that the president of the United States and all of us are very serious about this commitment, but in terms of specific updates on engagements with -- with the PRC on arms control, I don't have any updates there. You have to talk to them first. So as soon as they answer the phone, maybe we'll -- we'll get some work done here. 


DR. CHIPMAN: From the United States, Bonnie Glaser. 


Q: Thank you, John. Secretary Austin, senior Chinese officials are communicating to their foreign counterparts that the United States is seeking to goad China into using force against Taiwan. This is reminiscent to the October surprise in 2020 when China seemed convinced that the United States was trying to participate a crisis in the South China Sea. So I agree, dialogue especially purposeful dialogue is essential. If you had the opportunity to meet with General Li, what would you tell him about U.S. objectives in the Taiwan Strait beyond the fact that the United States supports maintenance of the status quo and opposes use of force? 


SEC. AUSTIN: Well thanks for the question. Let me say up front that I respectfully disagree with the premise of the question and that we're trying to goad China into a conflict. It's in fact just the opposite. We are doing everything in our power to make sure that we maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific, because as I said earlier in my remarks this is important to all of us in this region. In -- in terms of, you know, what I would say to -- to my counterpart, well, you know, I -- again with respect to Taiwan it's the same thing that I said to them the last time and that is our policy has not changed and we do not seek, do not desire to see a change, a unilateral change by any party. And so, you know, any kind of disagreements ought to be resolved through diplomacy and again it's important to maintain peace and stability in this region as I mentioned earlier. Conflict in the straits would affect the global economy in ways that we cannot imagine but thanks for the question 


DR. CHIPMAN: Then from China, Chi Zhang. 


Q: Thank you Dr. Chipman. Good morning Mr. Secretary. The theme of our plenary session here is U.S. leadership but how to play the role of leadership. On one hand you claim to support the centrality of ASEAN in the region, on the other hand the U.S. established multi-lateral institutions such as Quad and AUKUS. Is there any contradiction between U.S. led institutions and the centrality of ASEAN in the region? How to guarantee ASEAN centrality? Thank you. 


SEC. AUSTIN: Don't think I got the entire jist of the question but it -- I think your question was centered on AUKUS and -- and whether or not that either-- that promotes security and stability in the region or -- or drives us to -- to conflict. It absolutely promotes greater stability and security. It provides a valued and highly capable ally with additional capability that I think will be a generational capability. And so I am confident that this will add greater stability and security for this region, I am proud of the work that we're doing with AUKUS and I know my good friends, my colleagues from Australia and the UK are here and I look forward to having additional discussions with them about AUKUS and updating our progress. But I think that this will add significantly to our efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region. 


MR. CHIPMAN: And from Vietnam, Bich Tran. 


Q: Thank you Dr. Chipman. Secretary, so you mentioned Vietnam is one of important partners of the United States in this region. So I wonder where does, you know, I think says a lot about the United States respects the different political system of Vietnam. So I wonder whether you agree that being a communist is not a problem but being a revisionist may be another issue? Thanks. So differtiate between a communist state and a revisionist state. 


SEC. AUSTIN: I heard you say being a communist is not a problem, but being a revolutionary is an issue but, hey listen we are focused on what you heard me talk about earlier and that is making sure that we maintain peace, security and stability in this region, and we remain access to international airways and waterways. We don't -- in our partnerships and our alliances, we don't ask people to choose or countries to choose between us and another country. We don't ask country, impose our will on countries, you know, again we want to work on those things that are common interest to all of us, the both of us. So I'll leave it at that. 


DR. CHIPMAN: From France, Francois Heisbourg. 


Q: Thank you very much for your statements and for recalling the role with some of your European partners are playing in the region. You emphasized that you were in favor of the status quo on Taiwan and that conflict was neither imminent nor inevitable. Those are obviously very welcome statements, yet we have been hearing over the last couple of years a number of active duty, high ranking American officers actually talk about imminence 2025 and 2027 being the most frequently sighted dates. Are we going to continue to hear active duty, high ranking American officers take that line or will there be as we would put it in French, (in French), silence in the ranks? 


SEC. AUSTIN: Well first of all I believe what they are pointing to in some cases is the fact that President Xi challenged his military to develop the capabilities to conduct military operations by 2027. It doesn't mean that he's made a decision to do that. In terms of whether or not our officers, what they will say in the future, they have the ability to say what they're thinking and, you know, we always welcome that. But my opinion is that a conflict is neither imminent or is it inevitable and so we're going to do everything we can to make sure that we're doing the right things to maintain the status quo. But, you know, the way that you deter any misguided decision is by having a combat credible military and we have one and we will continue to have one, and our officers are in charge of maintaining that combat credible force. I have to remain focused on making sure that they are ready to address any situation or circumstance. I know my INDOPACOM Commander is in the room somewhere and he'd be the first to stand up and tell you, boss you've charged me to do that and by golly I am going to be ready no matter what happens and that's what I want him to do. But again I don't think that a conflict is inevitable, nor do I think at this point that it's imminent. 


DR. CHIPMAN: And from the Netherlands and the IISS, Verle Noouwens. 


Q: Secretary of Defense, you made mention to the UK, Germany and France in the Indo-Pacific. I wanted to ask how important is it for the United States for European countries to be engaged militarily in the Indo-Pacific? 


DR. CHIPMAN: How important is it for European militaries to be engaged militarily in the Indo-Pacific? How does it add value to the effort I think is the -- 


SEC. AUSTIN: Well, the first thing I'd tell you is we're not trying to create a NATO in the Indo-Pacific and we have a number of colleagues today from Europe and I'm really glad to see them here because they all have interest in this region. And those interests are not just military, they cover whole of government and so they would tell you that they have an interest in the region because all the great things that happened here. And Prime Minister Albanese talked about some of those things yesterday. The rate at which this region is growing, you know, the capability, the capacity that this region has. It is rightful that European countries would remain interested in making sure that we have good relationships with the countries here in the region and I'm confident that that's why they're here. But they'll probably tell you themselves because you'll see -- you'll interact with them later on in the day. 


DR. CHIPMAN: Absolutely right. From Indonesia, Dewi Fortuna Anwar. 


Q: Thank you John. I'd like to ask about the -- the relations between the Quad and ASEAN. As-- as the secretary, as you know, there's been a lot of initial skepticism and concerns that the Quad may undermine ASEAN's centrality. But I'm very happy to hear again, you know, you have stressed again the ASEAN centrality. And recently, President Widodo actually said that, you know, Quad and ASEAN are not competitors. They could be partners. Now I'd like to tease out more a Quad as an ASEAN corporation or is it the Quad and individual given the fact that all Quad countries are also a member of (inaudible). So what will be the format for such cooperation? Thank you. 


DR. CHIPMAN: I think it's a question about the complex Rubik's Cube or the regional architecture in this region and how of these different mini-lateral and established multi-lateral arrangements interconnect? 


SEC. AUSTIN: Well, I think we should take what we have in which is what we've done and what we've continue to do in terms of bilateral, trilateral and multilateral alliances and partnerships and build on those incrementally. Again, I don't think we should drive things to go in one direction or another. We're not trying to create a NATO in the Indo-Pacific. We value our relationships with our allies and partners and each of our allies and partners has a -- I mean they have their own self interests and we understand that and we want to make sure that we're helping them protect their self-interest. And that, when possible, are working with us and with other countries to provide for a free and open Indo-Pacific. 


DR. CHIPMAN: Great. I'm going to take two questions in succession and let the Secretary answer those and we'll conclude the session with that. My first of this duet is Sharon Nanau.


Q: Yes sir, my question is on USA cooperation is pushing United States agenda into smaller island states. Example in the Solomon Islands, the U.S. was absent for over 20 plus years and only because of it's diplomatic switch to China. They've reopened the embassy last year. So to this corporation you've mentioned allies and partners but is it another form of pushing -- pushing USA agendas especially for smaller island states who don't have a leverage when coming to interacting with the developed bigger countries? 


DR. CHIPMAN: Thank you very much. He's got that on small island states and their place in U.S. engagement in the region and from Ireland but also the Finanial Times, Demetri Sevastopulo. 


Q: Thank you, a very small island state. Secretary Austin, good morning. You've made a lot of progress creating a more joint security architecture in the Indo-Pacific, but one thing that's missing is joint operational war plans with allies, particularly to pattern Australia for Taiwan contingency. So my question is how urgent is the need for joint operational war plans and how hard is proving to develop them? 


SEC. AUSTIN: On the issue of the importance of small island states, really they are important I think you know that for many of the small island states we've had relationships that go back for decades. We value and treasure those relationships and as you look at the number of people in some of those states that serve in the United States military, it really is impressive. So we want to make sure that we continue to build on those relationships and continue to account for your needs and your concerns. Most recently you saw that the President held a summit where he had Pacific Islander leadership into the White House and it was a great event. And this -- and I can tell you first hand that this is really important to him. On the issue of joint operational war plans, you probably know that I'm not going to discuss any kind of war plan in a forum like this and what we're doing and not doing. But what I will tell you is that it's important to work hard to increase our interoperability. 


Now, it's, you know, it's important to have where possible compatible platforms. It's really important to make sure that you have, you know, policies and procedures that serve you well and that, you know, your allies or partners understand and are familiar with. But what happens when you work together as a joint or combined force is that you continue to build trust among your forces and the forces that you're working with and at the end of the day, you can't surge trust. You know, it's got to be there up front. And so I'm proud of the work that we're doing to increase interoperability in the region, that interoperability will serve us well no matter what challenge presents itself. 


We have come along way but we are by no means where any of us want be eventually. So we'll continue to work on that and for all of you that have, you provided the opportunities for my troops to work with your troops. Let me say thanks again. I cannot tell you how important that is. In terms of specific plans, again, we don't discuss plans in public forums but I will assure you that will continue to work with our allies to make sure that we think about and account for future contingencies. John, thanks so much for allowing me to be here and I guess we'll leave it at that. 


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