The Std AddonMgr command opens the Addon manager. With the Addon manager you can install and manage external workbenches, macros, and preference packs provided by the FreeCAD community. By default the available addons are taken from two repositories, FreeCAD-addons and from the Macros recipes page. If GitPython and git are installed on your system, additional macros will be loaded from FreeCAD-macros. Custom repositories can be added in the Addon manager preferences.

Due to changes to the GitHub platform in the year 2020 the Addon manager no longer works if you use FreeCAD version 0.17 or earlier. You need to upgrade to version 0.18.5 or later. Alternatively you can install addons manually, see Notes below.

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The details page shows buttons allowing installing, uninstalling, updating, and temporarily disabling an addon. For installed addons it lists the currently installed version and the installation date, and whether that is the most recent version available. Below is an embedded web browser window showing the addon's README page (for workbenches and preference packs), or Wiki page (for macros).

Some features of the Addon manager are designed for access via FreeCAD's Python API. In particular an addon can be installed, updated, and removed via the Python interface. Most uses of this API require you to create an object with at least three attributes: name, branch and url. For example:

Note that this code blocks until complete, so you shouldn't run it on the main GUI thread. To the Addon manager, "install" and "update" are the same call: if this addon is already installed, and git is available, it will be updated via "git pull". If it is not installed, or was installed via a non-git installation method, it is downloaded from scratch (using git if available).

I have been thinking about purchasing a new console, because my Nintendo switch is a bit temperamental, and I wanted to know if I could use addons if I got a ps4 with bedrock edition. Am I able to get any addon manager to be able to add any behaviour packs from websites like

If you choose Curse (which has more addons, I noticed with Wago you don't have as many options e.g. Details isn't on Wago) you will start to notice some more ads either being played in the WowUp client, or stuff being sent to your OS notifications like asking if you want to install Armoury-Crate.

Turtle WoW is a mod on the 2006 version of the game, using the 1.12 client. As such, Classic addons (1.13/1.14) DO NOT WORK! If you are coming from Classic, clear your mental slate and be prepared to find a completely new set of addons to accomplish what you want. Addons here are a mix of Vanilla 1.12 addons from 2006, newer pserver-era 1.12 addons, and versions of addons updated specifically to work correctly on Turtle. This page intends to always list the correct version that you should use.

WeakAuras DOES NOT EXIST for Turtle WoW! While it is a shame that you lose the convenient form factor of WAs, you can still accomplish almost everything WAs could do by using full addons instead. You can also try PowerAuras.

This method is simple, and works with any addon you find, even ones that don't use git, but the downside is that there's no easy way to update all your addons at once. If that is okay with you, learn this installation process:

Think you will be on Turtle for a while, and want a sustainable easy solution to addon management, like Curseforge for Retail/Classic? Annoyed by extracting and renaming addons? Want to update all your addons in one button press? This method a bit more effort to set up at first, but it's worth it in the long run.

With setup complete, you are now ready to install addons with this manager. If you had any manually installed copies of git addons, go delete those, as those old manual installations you have made, cannot be updated with this GUI Manager.

Unlike other private servers which do not mod the game and never update, Turtle WoW does update every so often, and so addons will quite regularly need updates to make sure everything works with the new changes. To update:

If you have installed addons via one of the Addons Manager tools above, then just open that manager program and hit the update button, and all of your addons installed with the manager will update at once! All done!

However, if you need to update an addon, but it was installed via the Installing Addons By Hand guide, then you will need to delete this manual copy found in the TurtleWoW/Interface/AddOns/ folder, and then you have your choice to either manually install again, or you can reinstall it with a manager to get easy updates next time.

These addons work on normal 1.12 servers, but because of Turtle WoW's changes, these addons are known to suffer lua errors or other serious issues. If you are an addon developer, please consider adopting these by forking, fixing them up, and sharing your fixed version on the working addons list above.

It is always better to obtain addons from the links above, as developers post their updates and fixes, and will support you in making sure everything works. However, you may find some old and obscure goodies in the following collections that are not found elsewhere.

If one of these old addons bugs out and breaks due to Turtle WoW's changes, someone can fix it for turtle and add the fixed Turtle version to the above addons list. Be sure to check to see if someone's done this already.


Here you can talk to our developers and ask any questions regarding specific addons, as well as learn more of the inner workings of our community and even make friends! Join us, there are only regrets in choices not taken.

Hey, Sogran. As it turns out, sorting by dates has been rendered useless because of how the developers have been using github to update the addons. Instead of new releases, the devs update the current one, causing the release date to be largely inaccurate.

There is always a misconception to always get the latest/most updated addon if it becomes available.

Sometimes the devs wrote the addons for their native server which are patches ahead of us (Like ktos)

Sometimes the devs writes an update to address a fix on his native server (but works fine on ours)

If you have any questions about licenses, update subscriptions, or any other, please go to the FAQ section. It will help you find answers for popular questions about licensed, update subscriptions and Addons manager work.

It is, but I discovered it by chance when I tried to search it in the add-on manager page, like OP did. Only after that I looked up for some information related to this and I found the following:


Now that I think of it, the documentation listing the disadvantages of applying for a preliminary review instead of full review are quite hard to find, with the following being one of the top search results, from 2011 (notice no mention yet of preliminary reviews not showing up in add-on manager searches):

yes, I have checked that removing 1 addon (no matter which) out of my 1025 addons in community folder brings the content manager back to loading. It is 100% reproducable in the actual sim update 11 version of msfs/PC

Brief description of the issue:

opening profile/content manager shows an activity cursor and does not load the contents as soon, as I have added 1 addon to my 1024 addons inside the community folder. After that it is impossible to close msfs using the menu and I need to use the task manager to kill it.

When I remove just one addon from my community filder (no matteer which one) the content manager works again normally after a new MSFS start and it is now possible, to close msfs normally by menu.

i am looking for a "how to" for Yoma repo for Admins. I want to know how i can make a Yoma Addon Server. I have Game-Server and want that the Members can just Yoma to sync there addons to the Game-Server.

EDIT The package vim-addon-manager installed by OP is a command-line plugin manager that you run outside of Vim. It was created to install plugin packaged as debian packages (See this question about its creation). It is pretty useful to solve some specific problems but it is less flexible than others plugin managers which directly fetch plugin from github or other sources.

I have tested several plugin managers but never vim-addon-manager. The main reason is because the minimum configuration that you need to make it work seems a little bit too long and messy for me and thus not adapted for a new comer to Vim. Also several opinions in this reddit thread made me think that it wasn't for me.

I think that if you're a new user who just want to easily and quickly get ready to discover the power of Vim plugins, you should choose another plugin manager and I would strongly recommend Vim-plug for its ease of use and its power. (Of course one can always argue for another plugin manager, I choose to use this one in this answer to provide a minimal and easy set of instructions to get ready to use a plugin)

As I said Vim-plug is a pretty easy to use and still powerful plugin manager, use it for a while learn how to use it and then when you'll be comfortable enough with it, give another try to vim-addon-manager if you really feel like it.

The eks:addon-cluster-admin ClusterRoleBinding binds the cluster-admin ClusterRole to the eks:addon-manager Kubernetes identity. The role has the necessary permissions for the eks:addon-manager identity to create Kubernetes namespaces and install add-ons into namespaces. If the eks:addon-cluster-admin ClusterRoleBinding is removed, the Amazon EKS cluster will continue to function, however Amazon EKS is no longer able to manage any add-ons. All clusters starting with the following platform versions use the new ClusterRoleBinding.

ADOT requires that cert-manager is deployed on the cluster as a prerequisite, otherwise this add-on won't work if deployed directly using the Amazon EKS Terraform cluster_addons property. For more requirements, see Requirements for Getting Started with AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry using EKS Add-Ons in the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry documentation. 2351a5e196

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