I wanted to pretend to be in the matrix, googled "matrix screen saver". Followed the instructions and boom, I was done. I was little skeptical at first as I was reading a few comments that mentioned they were unsuccessful and faced some wrong turns. I am not a computer expert, but this has to be the easiest setup ever. I also have a couple of malware and virus protection software and did not detect any foul play.

Great! Works as intended! Downloaded to my Downloads folder at first, and then the Readme says to just place it in the windows directory. So I did, went to my screensaver settings, and it pops up right in the dropdown menu! The options are perfectly simple to mess with, and it looks legit! Matches my faux matrix rain idle colors on my SteelSeries keyboard. Thanks for the simple, and easy/user-friendly work!

Download Matrix Screen Locker

Download 🔥 https://urloso.com/2yGcER 🔥

Terrible, you have to hack the matrix to get it to work. Needles to say it does not work unless you do several things to your files, and if you can follow the steps provided that are entirely inaccurate and unhelpful. You can't just download and select in settings. An install sequence of a path of installation would be greatly beneficial.

I'm running a 38 inch curve at 4k resolution and this looks so damn good and the fact that there are settings for this screensaver makes this much more than just a plain screensaver. Easy to copy into the windows system32 folder and works like charm! Thank you

Something is "weird" with it, as after installation and tweaking to get it as i wanted it, all seemed fine. Though after reboot it's gone, the file itself is gone (except the downloadzip that i saved elsewhere) and the screensavers are off (got a different set than i had before, and no the matrix one isn't one of them, it seems like the old standard ones, though I deleted the windows ones which now have returned and ones that i could use before have disappeared).

I doubt it's a blackhat (114.5k dl's) and IF it is, the guy/gal is in for a suprise, was deemed a soft target at some point ages ago, had TAO in my network since (one of the "happy few" who got a SIGNINT msg). So if you're out there and this is malware of any sort - gl and i hope you make it out (note, not sarcasm).

i love this screen saver it is so cool because it's just like the movie that i have on dvd and it is so cool i love the way that it move's on my laptop computer thank you for showing me this screen saver i love it alot.

Has worked well and as advertised on all of my PC's (8) at the moment. I like being able to add your own message like but the words seem to come in random order. I wish you could have it appear in the order written. Simple to install if you take the time to read the directions and follow them.

I Really Like This Screen Saver It looks Really Cool & its Hard to Find a Good Screen Saver That Works Good With my monitor set up as i Run a 3+1 Monitors a 5760X1080 in nvidia surround for all my flight & Race Sims & a 1440p@144Hz For Every Thing Else all are 27' Panels & Like i said its a pain to find a good one that works & looks as good as this one and it Even let me add in the text The Matrix Has You or Follow The White Rabbit &again it looks really cool ..but then again im a bit of a matrix fanboy..lol.! I Just Want to say a Big Thank You to Who Ever Worked on this i think ya did a Great Job & Thanks Again !

Looks great - reminds me of the first movie. Simple and no nonsense. Runs great on Windows 10, HP I5 laptop bought a week ago. Thank you for providing this awesome software for free. Neo would have wanted it that way.

This Matrix screensaver is only 90k and runs efficiently. It has a good selection of settings. I copied the matrix.scr file to my C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder and it runs fine in Windows 10 64-bit. Multiple monitors are supported. This is a good choice.

This is an awesome screensaver. It's free, has support for multiple monitors and has a wide range of settings to change, including text color and font. I recommend this screensaver for those looking for a good matrix screensaver that has multi monitor support. Thumbs up from me!

Basically, I'm looking for a program that will lock my workstation. NOT one that is installed on the host PC and uses the USB drive as a key to unlock it, but something which when run from my drive will lock the workstation until a password is provided, without the user needing a user account or admin privileges.

The thread previously mentioned suggested using a screensaver file, but unfortunately it seems you need a personal user account to define the password and access to alter the display settings - not to run the file, but to activate the option of prompting for a password when input is detected (at least in Windows 7).

The reason I'm looking for an app like this is that often when I spend time at a net cafe, I'm usually in the middle of downloading something when I need a bathroom break, and I don't want the hassle of closing everything, ejecting my USB and then reversing the process when I come back.

Just to be clear, it is a core design feature of all windows NT-class versions (NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 2003, 2008, 7) that it is not possible for a user process to trap the Ctrl-Alt-Del key combination. It is what is known as an SAK (a secure attention key), which basically guarantees that you're put through to the operating system, not to some nasty password collector program that the previous user has left running.

There is a nifty little freeware app called Matrix Screen locker by BaroufaSoft.


It does not prevent the use of Ctrl+Alt+Delete; but it does gray out the buttons for Task Manager, Log Off, and Shut Down, so the worst that NastyMan could do is change the Windows Account Password.

I'm running XP SP3 as someone with admin rights to the machine, and I don't get the start menu. The only keystrokes it seems to respond to at all are Ctrl+Alt+Del and Alt+Tab - which brings up the app switching window, but does not bring any app to the forefront.

I know the app goes to black after some time to save CPU resources, but it's supposed to go back to the matrix thing when you hit a key. Did you hit the windows key with the black screen or while it was still in matrix mode?

EDIT: Anyway, if someone were to make a launcher for it, they could add in a scancode registry key that disables the Windows keys.

Funny thing, if you google "Disable windows key", the first thing there is a solution by.... John T. Haller!

It does leave persistent keys in the registry, but I think one of our devs could make a launcher that fixes that easily enough.

Haven't done a regshot yet, but I know at least it adds:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer\NoClose

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer\NoLogOff

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\System\DisableTaskManager

Even if there was a way to bypass task manager etc., there would be nothing stopping someone who really wanted your data from pulling your drive out, making off with it and tampering with it at their leisure.

The reasons behind why I want this app are much more simple than "total" security; I want to ensure nobody walking past my screen can read stuff/mess with what I have open and to let people know that the computer is in use and not abandoned, so they don't just sit down, shut down my windows and use it themselves.

While you are asking for a simple little app that stops people messing as they walk past (try that matrix program out, it'll probably be absolutely fine for your needs), many people reading this thread will see "lock my screen", and "xyz application", download something, and then cry when they lose all their bank account data that they had protected with it.

Security has to always be appropriate to the situation. Sometimes all that you need is a post-it note stuck to the monitor saying "I'm using this machine, leave it alone". Sometimes you need a marine with an M16 rifle stood there to ensure that only authorized personnel access anything.

Sadly, there are way too many people out there who use computers for critical-to-them tasks that have complete access to, for example, their financial and identity information, who's understanding of security is "pick a clever password like your dog's name", or "write down your PIN in your address book under Bank". Because of this, security-aware people tend to be over-cautious, and stress the negatives and problems, to try to reduce people's over-reliance on inappropriate solutions.

The application might be useful but it won't prevent any loss of data and otherwise unhappy things that might occur while you are away. I'm also willing to guareentee that even if you get this application, at some point in time, you will regret that you got it because when you used the application to lock your workstation and some person came along and took your flash drive (because you can't stop that from happening) and all your stuff and files are all lost. I'm not trying to say there are alot of bad people in the world, I'm simply just stating the facts and the consequences of letting your guard down.

Still not quite what the OP was asking for.

It looks like this can lock your computer just by pulling the flash drive,

but the OP's issue was that he wanted to lock the computer while downloading at an internet cafe.

That means that he has to leave the drive in, because that's where he's DL-ing to; also, if he's using FF portable...

Scoon, if you find that your DLs are so slow that you need to take a bio-break in the middle, you may want to add a DL accelerator to your FF portable.

Try the Download Them All! Extension:


It really speeds up DLs incredibly!

Ultimately, you can try it out yourself in the Cafes you frequent, and determine if it fulfulls your needs.

Make sure you DL the version 2.0, there are older versions floating around out there:

P.S. Jimbo, when I said Really? it wasn't that I didn't believe you. I really would like to know what OS you are using, since this app hasn't changed in 3 years, and maybe it's a Vista thing, or something unique to your system... 152ee80cbc

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