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1. Explore each product's menus. My favorite approach to mastering any product is to explore it by walking through every available menu option, setting option, and function key, and asking myself if I fully understand that specific feature (a process I refer to as "eating the product"). If not, I then practice that specific tool/setting/option using the trial-and-error approach to see what happens. If necessary, I continue learning about that specific feature by reading Word's or Excel's Help files on the subject to gain a better understanding. I continue this exploratory process until I've covered every possible option lurking in the menus, dialog boxes, and settings options. While this approach is very time-consuming, it's my favorite method because it's the only one that assures me I have completely covered Word's and Excel's every nook and cranny.

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2. Read the Word and Excel Help files. Early editions of Word and Excel included indexed help topics that enabled you to read through the entire set of Help files like a book, which was a useful way to explore the product. Unfortunately, newer Word and Excel Help files are no longer indexed, so you can't read through them from start to finish. In essence, Word's and Excel's Help files are now presented in more of a "treasure-hunt" format, in which you are expected to already know the specific topic you want to learn more about (as pictured below). In my opinion, this makes it more difficult to use the Help files as an exploratory learning tool.

4. Word and Excel training. Word's and Excel's Help files now include an Explore training option, as pictured below. Selecting Explore training launches a menu of topics, which in turn leads to training videos to help you more fully understand Excel's functionality.

5. YouTube clips. Another good way to learn Word and Excel is to turn to YouTube. It's often been said that "a picture is worth a thousand words," but today's more relevant adage might be "a video is worth 10,000 words." In this spirit, there seem to be many people with more available time than you or I willing to post detailed Word and Excel training videos online for all to enjoy. While surfing these videos can sometimes be a hit-or-miss proposition, I primarily find YouTube to be a good source for learning how to use any software application better. I can usually tell within five to 10 seconds whether the video will be useful or useless.

6. Educational books. As of June 2017, Amazon listed more than 7,000 Excel titles and another 7,000+ Word titles for books designed to educate you about those products. While I'm sure they all have merit, over the years I've found the Que books series (from Pearson Education) to be my favorite book source because advanced tips in text boxes are sprinkled throughout each book's margins. Reading these advanced tip text boxes alone is usually worth the price of the book.

7. CPE courses and conferences. While a wealth of information can be gained by exploring products on your own, there is no substitute for attending educational courses when it comes to becoming proficient in these two products. Rubbing shoulders with colleagues who share your interest in learning the most they can about Word and Excel has value, and tech-savvy CPAs will likely employ a variety of the above-mentioned learning methods to master these products.

Do you have technology questions for this column? Or, after reading an answer, do you have a better solution? Send them to We regret being unable to individually answer all submitted questions.

Enroll now to go from beginning Word to Advanced user. This course will take you through a comprehensive understanding of the most popular word processing tools on the market. As your instructor I will use my 15+ years of Microsoft Office training to guide you step by step as you further develop your skills in Microsoft Word. Even if you are a seasoned Word users you will be amazed at the techniques and tools you pick up to help you become more productive and efficient in Word.

At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular and sought after Microsoft Word tools and come away with confidence to complete many Word tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics you will master:

Acumatica is looking into doing something similar. My friend Vladimir Panchenko reached out to me and asked what I thought about this idea. If you don't know Vladimir, he is one of the developer brains behind Report Designer and Generic Inquiries in Acumatica.

My first thought was about Dynamics GP because it's a very similar situation in that Dynamics GP has a built-in report writer like Report Designer (that's why I'm posting this in the Report Designer forum). But they still created an Add-In for Microsoft Word.

I know this post is from a few years ago, did anything ever happen with this? As a company trying to implement Acumatica, a word add-in would be extremely helpful for us. In our current system, we have multiple master documents coded to pull standard information, but they open in word making editing easy and automatically saving a copy of the edited document to the associated record. Without a word add-in, it appears that the only way we could make our process work in Acumatica is to create our master documents as new reports in report designer for coding purposes. We would then need to print to a pdf, open using a pdf editor to make any changes, then save the edited version and attach as a file to the corresponding record. This is a lot of extra steps, for something that seems very simple, especially since the system we are moving from is 16+ years old. I'd love to know if a word add-in has already been created or if it's still on the table for one to be created. Thanks!

I did though have a conversation by e-mail a while back with someone who had built mail merge functionality into Word that could read from Acumatica Generic Inquiries. That might get you what you need. I just sent him an e-mail to see if he wants to reply on this discussion.

We did indeed create a Word add-in for a customer that linked to a GI. The add-in needs installing and when Tim tried it for me it didn't quite work out for him, we think because of Trust settings. The add-in used the older version of OData and was created because, whilst you can easily create an OData link in Excel and then link Excel through to Word as a mail merge source, it was a messy solution that required too many IT literate user steps.

Our add-in, once installed, needs a couple of steps in the first instance to be run from the Acumatica Ribbon bar it adds. These steps are run through for each new merge master, and the settings are to attach the document to (a) An Acumatica instance, (b) A GI within that instance and optionally (c) Specify a "search" field for selection of the record you want to merge from out of the GI data. Once that was done you then proceeded to enter the fields to be merged (this is where it handed over to Word's internal mechanisms) and then complete your merge in the normal ways.

We were going to try and improve the installer but never bothered as nobody else in the world seemed to have what we considered a pretty basic need - a link to Word so that complex documents could be created using data pulled from Acumatica (our particular case was for a construction/manufacturing customer with complex quote documents which the report designer wouldn't handle yet alone the standard notification template tool).

My direct email is - if we connect on there I can bring a new thread up with Tim included (if he wants to be). Once we have something solid, we can publish the result on this thread and make it available to all. What do you think?

@gmartin Graham, thanks so much for your response, and Tim, @timrodman, thanks so much for looping him in. Today is our official go live date, so the next few days are going to be a little hectic. I'll plan to talk with our team and get back to you as soon as possible. We were absolutely shocked that no one else was needing this option. If this is something that we can help make a reality, it would make a huge difference in some of the workarounds we have had to come up with. Looking forward to talking with you soon.

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