Manifest.permission.SET_TIME is proteced/system permission, sadly deviceOwner cannot grant any protected permissions with setPermissionGrantState() function.There is very important word in its documentation:

Off the cuff, retrieve the PackageInfo via PackageManager and getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS). Then, look at the requestedPermissions array in the PackageInfo for all the -requested permissions.

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Yes, it is true. You do not have to add any special service. Keep in mind that when the handset is restarted the alarms you have set will be lost, so you may want to re-schedule them at boot time, which requires the android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission.

I'm on Samsung, stock ROM, Android 13 (OneUI 5), latest updates. On Galaxy S21U, dual SIM. I've been using (for a couple of years now) Nova's widget activity shortcut to launch SIM manager (Call Settings > SIM manager) to enable/disable my work SIM (basically I turn it on when I start work and turn it off when I finish work), and I do this daily.

Now the problem is every time I want to launch SIM Manager from Nova via the activity shortcut widget (actually when I create the shortcut) it just throws "permission denied" error and the shortcut doesn't get created.

Verizon App Manager just auto-install an app on my phone out of no where, without asking me or getting my permission. Some Royal Match app. I saw a "notification" from Verizon App Manager explicitly saying this. I'm the only one at my home, and there is NO possibility that someone else used my phone and manually downloaded it, it was 100% Verizon App Manager.

Same situation here. I just disabled Verizon App Manager so lets see if no more bloatware appears after future updates. And hopefully Verizon App manager won't automatically enable itself later as was suggested in this post. This is not good Verizon you should not be installing unwanted junk onto our phones.

same thing happened to me as well, already had taken permissions away from verizon app manager, but hopefully disabling will fix this. what does the verizon app manager even do anyway? its not literally only there to install apps without permission, is it?

Signature files can be used by Access Manager to provide added levels of application security, including control over approving apps to run and permission to add apps (or one or more of an app's functions) to a Function Group.

Used to select a Permission Action to perform on an app from the list of available permissions in the Permission Access Permission Name parameter. Once granted, permission is retained by the app unless explicitly revoked by a subsequent Permission Action, app is uninstalled by any means or an Enterprise Reset or Factory Reset is performed. If an app loses permission through uninstallation, permission can be re-granted only after the app is reinstalled. This feature requires MX or later on the device. Which MX version is installed?

Note: Some options rely on Android 11 (or later). This parameter can be used to grant or deny permission to installed apps. On devices running Android 10+, also can "pre-grant" or "pre-deny" permission for apps yet to be installed.

To turn on location services on Android, go to Settings > Location and move the slider to On. Tap an app to change individual location permissions.

To turn on the microphone on Android, go to Settings > Privacy > Permission manager or App permissions > Microphone. Choose an app to set microphone permissions.

As an admin, you can use app permission policies to control the apps that are available to each user in your organization. The permissions you set to allow or block all apps or specific apps are applicable to all types of apps in Teams. To understand policies, see app permission policies. You must be a Global Administrator or Teams Administrator to manage these policies.

To allow an app, you must allow it in Org-wide app settings, individual app's setting, and app permission policy. While the first two settings just allow an app for use in your organization, the permission policies allow you to control which users can use a specific app. You control the access on a per-user and per-app basis by creating and applying the policy to specific users.

Alternately, you can use app centric management to configure the access to apps on a per-app basis. It offers an easier method to configure access to apps. The app centric management functionality replaces app permissions policies by making it easier for admins to specify the users and group in their organization who can add or install Teams apps on a per-app basis. You can use only one method to define access to apps in your organization. If you choose to, you can migrate from app permission policies to app centric management using our migration UI.

Use one or more custom app permission policies, if you want to control the apps that are available to different users. You can create and assign separate custom policies based on whether apps are published by Microsoft, third parties, or your organization. After you create a custom policy, you can't change it if third-party apps are disabled in org-wide app settings. To create an app permission policy, follow these steps:

App setup policies work together with app permission policies. You select apps to pin in setup policy from a set of allowed apps. However, if a user has an app permission policy that blocks the use of a pinned app, then the user can't use the app.

T-Mobile play in the app selector have been sending me notification and have been downloaded without my permission or my initiation several times this week and I have uninstalled them several times and they keep coming back on top of that Facebook an app that I haven't used since 2014 keeps being downloaded along with these two and I want to know why or this will escalate because this is a massive violation of privacy.

Also the fix that i am testing is to install a 3rd party Package manager and then disable package. Still have to wait some time to determine becaue it seems to reinstall the bloatware at some interval

I was very angry to suddenly - after joining T Mobile months ago - have Facebook and Amazon Shopping apps downloaded to my device without any permission or notification. Based on other help threads here I'm guessing it's the "App Selector" feature that did this. You can try uninstalling that app to see if it stops the auto downloading. I just did and am waiting to see if that works (on a Galaxy A71).

I just received my new phone yesterday the s22 Ultra T-Mobile has downloaded at least 25 applications onto my new device without my permission and I've erased them multiple times and they continuously come back

Have you ever installed an app and found it suspicious when asking for too many unnecessary permissions in the first run? That can be a potentially harmful app on your smartphone. Such apps can abuse data on Android devices to access potentially sensitive information.

Google gave users control over app permissions in Android 6, allowing them to choose which data a specific app can access. But it's not easy for everyone to manage them from the settings. Luckily, some apps can help you simplify these settings for you. Let's look at some of the best permission manager apps for Android.

Bouncer is the best app to manage permissions on your Android device. It's feature-packed and intuitive. It allows you to grant temporary permissions to any Android app, preventing them from abusing them. When an app asks for access to a permission, Bouncer will ping you with a notification.

This comes with three options: Keep, Remove, and Schedule. The Keep option leaves the permission enabled, the Remove option revokes it, and the Schedule option leaves it enabled for a specified time.

The best part about Bouncer is that it revokes the permission as soon as you exit the app. For instance, if you grant the camera access to Instagram, Bouncer will remove it as soon as you close Instagram. It allows you to keep all your apps installed on your phone and grant permissions only when necessary.

GlassWire is more of a privacy monitor than a permission manager. It keeps a check on all the apps that use your internet data plan so that you don't get overcharged by your ISP or carrier. In addition, this ensures none of them aren't breaching your privacy and helps extend battery life on your Android device. Whenever it detects a network activity, it will notify you.

It monitors all the apps and their permissions' usage on your Android phone. Whenever an app tries to use sensitive permissions like camera, microphone, or location, it'll show an indicator in the top-right corner.

You also get to see a dashboard with a detailed page with permissions usage, and Privacy Dashboard itself will ask you for location and accessibility permissions. It is entirely free, but you can choose to donate to the developer if you like his work.

App Permission Manager is another way to manage permissions on your Android device. Its user interface is good, but it takes some time to get used to it. It tells you which granted permissions pose a high risk of compromising your data, and which ones don't. It categorizes the apps into four different sections: High Risk, Medium Risk, Low Risk, and No Risk apps.

High-Risk Apps refers to apps you've given access to sensitive permissions, like contacts, which are easily accessible once granted. Medium Risk Apps means sensitive permissions that are not so easily accessible like phone and camera. Low Risk and No Risk Apps don't affect you much, so you need not worry about those. ff782bc1db

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