The story is that i had a dirty martini while visiting family. The waitress brought the extra from the shaker in a clear glass cup with ice. I thought it was water, so i put it in my 15 month old's sippy cup. He took a sip and made a nasty face so i tasted it and figured out it was alcohol.

60 is the new young! There are so many opportunities to keep one self positively engaged with life. May be you could think of studying a new subject or skill on sites like

Life is definitely worth living and enjoying the beauty. What if kids do not want to speak. Its okay. Its their life. We could joyfully focus on ours I guess!!

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Many co-parents have this agreement. My take is if your boyfriend is okay with it, then that is exactly what should happen. If you plan on being in his life, you and the baby mama need to have a good working relationship. This is the very best way to start this off on the right foot! Let me know how this goes. I have started a YouTube channel called baby mama drama fix. I will be uploading videos about this topic very soon! Subscribe here so you get notice when videos get uploaded!

This topic has open my eyes to other females who are experience the same baby mama drama. I have been dating my spouse for the past 4 years. He has picture of his baby mama he use to go with her and he is still responsible for her financially. He however stated that its the kids he is reponsible for and not her. I recently advice him that he need to manage his finances and he told me i was stopping him from taking care of his kids.

Hi there, congratulations on the baby. I hope you ignored it. Addressing her jealousy only makes things worse. I will be answering this question on my new youtube question. I will email you when the video comes out. I hope you subscribe to help with future baby mama drama issues! The link is below

But Now my boyfriend send me back to my house because the baby mama doesnt want me to be there with her kid.

He said he wants to marry me, but how a

Married life will happen if she is telling him who can be at his house or not.

Hi, so i have a question.

Ive been with my boyfriend for 3 years and ive meet the baby mama and his child (who i do adore)

But i camt even go with him when he visits at her house n hangs out with him.

She is married now and has another child.

But when im there she ALWAYS brings the past up with my boyfriend and she finds any means to touch him. Thrn says, shes allowed to do that. While im sitting there amd im saying to myself. Ummm, no you cant. Im his girlfriend you are his baby mama. Nothing more.

He says he cant do anything cause she has full control over there son.

And when i bring it up to him, we do fight.

So im just lost n dont know what to do.

Please help!!!

Key nasty lyrics: This is for my girls all around the world / Who have come across a man that don't respect your worth / Thinkin' all women should be seen and not heard / So what do we do girls, shout out loud

Key nasty lyrics: You'll find me in the studio and not in the kitchen / I won't be braggin' 'bout my cars or talkin' 'bout my chains / Don't need to shake my ass for you 'cause I've got a brain

Key nasty lyrics: Things are gonna change / 'Cause I won't be your fool anymore / That's why you have to leave / So don't turn around to see my face / There's no more tears left here for you to see

Key nasty lyrics: No matter how hard I try to be just one of the guys / There's a little something inside that won't let me / No matter how hard I try to have an open mind / There's a little voice inside that prevents me

Key nasty lyrics: I am woman, hear me roar / In numbers too big to ignore / And I know too much to go back an' pretend / 'Cause I've heard it all before / And I've been down there on the floor / No one's ever gonna keep me down again

Key nasty lyrics: Feel safe, inside, inside those well drawn lines / Boyfriend, a car, a job, my white girl life / She swallowed the spider to catch, to catch that fly / But I don't know why, why she swallowed that lie

Key nasty lyrics: I'm the woman I was taught to always be: hungry / Yeah women are well acquainted with thirst / Well, I could eat just about anything / We might even eat your hate up like love

Key nasty lyrics: I don't have pity not a single tear / For those who get joy from a woman's fear / I'd rather get a gun and just blow you away / Then you'll learn first hand / Dead men don't rape

Key nasty lyrics: What you've done to me / Well I've seen many a friend be silenced / Thinking nobody would believe them / Well baby you've got another thing coming / You can try to make me stop, call it delusion / But every time I don't shut up, it's revolution

Key nasty lyrics: So we're comin' out of the kitchen / 'Cause there's somethin' we forgot to say to you / We said, "Sisters are doin' it for themselves" / Standin' on their own two feet / And ringin' on their own bells

I hop off the first table (okay, not hop, I actually get off very carefully, hoping not to get mud everywhere) and get ready for phase two - the European soft pack, dry float. This is the part I'm a bit nervous about. I transfer to the second table and sit on what feels to be the equivalent of my brother's waterbed from the 80s. I carefully center myself on the center and then lay back for the final application of mud. Once that is applied I am cocooned in plastic sheets, several of them. This is the only part I thought felt a bit odd - but that's fair. Here I am having my wet-muddied body stuck to plastic sheets in a mummy-like fashion, it's an odd, unfamiliar sensation.

Your 1-weekold puppy might be a little shaky, scared, and nervous. If mama dog is around, try not to take him too far from herfor his quick cleaning. The best reward you can give your little puppy when that time is over is tosnuggle with it littermates or his mother when you are done. Refrain fromoffering him a treat as a reward.

Nasty's relationship with Chastity is seen as the start of a trend involving Rutle members either falling in love with, or having close friendships with, foreign politicians (Dirk married Natalia Poklonskaya and befriended Vladimir Putin, and Stig O'Hara had a close friendship with supreme leader Kim Jong Il from The Kim Dynasty), making Barry the only Rutle to be unaffected by this trend.

mamakatt40 This picture is so sad. The only reason for kids to get excited about going back to school (bedides gettibg out of the house, in some cases) is getting new clothes, new shoes, new school supplies, etc. Not one of these children isnt wearing hand me downs or something bought from a yard sale. These clithes are ill fitting, wrinkked and just old and worn out looking. And where are the back to school haircuts? Ay, ya ya! Tori, honey, if youre not careful the school coukd call DCF or DHS or whatever its called in Cali to report neglect on your part. Thats serious! And they will do it if your children dont look up to the standards they are expected to be living in. All im saying is put some more care into how your kids look

debbieblatt_16 I'm all for Kids picking out their clothes, one they hit a certain age! First Grade & Kindergarten is a little young- this is just my opinion. What I see "wrong" is the T-shirts look old, the necks are completely over stretched plus they're not ironed. And okay, if you want to look past that: at least do your Daughters hair! It doesn't take that long, and Finns hair could've maybe been put up in a "Mans Bun"? Again these are just my opinions: I'm not judging these littles at ALL- but I am judging Tori, she, like MANY have pointed out, does not leave the house unless she's "put together" even if she's wearing comfy clothes her hair is done. I see none of that in this picture. When I first seen the picture I thought they were going camping. One more thing, if you do want your Children to pick out their own clothes, do it the night before and give them options!! This way you know the outfit matches and if you need to iron it, you have the time.

mrs_mamaof7 I am SO disgusted with the comments coming over!! Our society is completely [expletive] up! Some of you are so cruel! Does it really make you feel better to say mean things? Try being a good person for a day. It's not OUR job to comment on her family. Its OUR job to be decent human beings and compliment each other. I am a mother of 7 and if any of my children said any of the things some of you ADULTS are saying, I would know I completely failed as a parent. @torispelling enjoy having all your babies together mama! You have a beautiful family that you work hard for. (May) your day be filled with special memories and sunshine. ?

Any great #mamalifehacks to share? Leave them in the comments, or hashtag them on social media, and who knows? I might just feature YOU! (And then, your life would be made. I just know it).

I had the Norovirus and was vomiting for 10 hours straight with diarreah at the same time. I remembered I had activated charcoal. As soon as I took it, I stopped vomiting. My husband got the virus a day later and took the charcoal as soon as he felt sick.( he should of taken it a lot sooner) He only threw up once, then he took it again, and he never vomitted again or had diarreah. He still had the nasty body aches, nausea, and a fever but it sure beats having stuff coming out of both ends. At least he stayed hydrated and got some rest.

My mom and last parent is currently battling sepsis and went through a terrible time during the past 5 years. She was unfortunate to get breast cancer 5 years ago and had a small tumor removed. It was very early stage and after the surgery she got chemo and hormone therapy, which utterly ruined her life. She was so happy and full of energy all the time up the point after she had chemo and Hormon therapy. She could no longer work and got depressed because her immune system was bad and she had such uncertainties about how well she would fell. Days she would be okay and others she would be completely drained from energy and not be able to get out of bed. It soon spiraled into a depression and she got anxiety. Here in Denmark she went to tremendous efforts demanding by the government over a period of 4 years to asses her ability to work in order for her to get a pension and she had been pushed around in between so many councils, job try outs and meetings where she was just about to reach the end and could finally relax and not worry about anything more in her life since she was qualified for early retirement. 2351a5e196

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