It is interesting that the ping of the Android apps are different. However, 300+ ping for Europeans again sounds like a relative measure. I assume you mean it take 300 milliseconds longer for pings with than with that other site.

I use windows to measure ping. It is very interesting that with ping doesn't pass 15ms, but has 300+. That was measured on broadband Conn. I assume that on my smartphone it's greater, because the differences of quality and speed. But still the other site is ultrafast.. I was playing 3 min games. I don't know if you guys maybe have the same problem, assuming that those other servers are in Europe. I still hope staff solve somehow this problem because I love this site. Maybe they just need to install some servers somewere in Europe, connected via satellite. That should improve a lot the quality of game and gain some more interest for it for sure.

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I am having problems with lag on my iPad and my android apps at but only on my iPad at the other site... I am forced to play five minute games with the mouse so mostly on so I am switiching to that other site since I have posted numerous times that there is a problem here with at and nothing seems to be being done to resolve it.

as above. if people post their complaints in one thread the staff might take some notice. there is another thread with complaints regarding the pc and tablet app. i am having numerous reconnects where it causes me to lose the game. in other cases i win but it means nothing. it makes a mockery of the rating points. there is also a serious problem with the clocks. they show different times to each opponent and also dont display the move you have made to your opponent. can somone from offer an explanation rather than just say we are working on it. this has been a problem since i joined over one month ago. i dont know how you can ask for subscriptions when there are so many faullts with the apps

i normally use with firefox on android, but lately i am having some peculiar problem with an error not allowing me to use the alt key, for caps, punctuation, symbols, numbers, bad...had a few updates since and still messed up...but it is still better than the android app, if that tells you anything

due to lack of browsing ability, i stopped using the app....i use mozilla firefox on my MyTouch 4G Slide....I have problems using anything requiring the shift key. I don't get the same error while using the touch screen texting, but only the full keyboard. I also cant make use of the menus that open multiple windows.

To the best of my knowledge, you cannot use the DGT Smartboard with the Android app. You can only use blue tooth boards which have led lights to indicate the moves. I use my pegasus on android. But in my experience, I have not been able to use the Smart board on here successfully in Windows, in spite of there being a toggle switch for this type of board.

I know, I've been for a short time a beta tester also for White Pawn app. I absolutely sympathize with both Khadim and Aart, however we have to admit and appreciate the fact that neither WP nor CfA are by no means not even close to what AAC is under pretty much all aspects. Of course, AAC is not free, while the other two are. If only AAC could connect to :-( !!

I've just put "Verbal Chess" into open testing on Android. The entire program can be controlled using only your voice. That includes playing others on Lichess, playing the Komodo or Stockfish engines, playing blindfold and navigating the entire app.

My new app, "Verbal Chess", is available for Android. The entire program can be controlled using only your voice. That includes playing others on Lichess, playing the Komodo or Stockfish engines, playing blindfold and navigating the entire app.

I would recommend No Stress Chess. It is chess played with cards explaining the moves. You can play a basic version with one card/one more to learn how the pieces work or a more advanced 3 cards/one move to learn the strategy. It is a great way to level the playing field between players with different chess skills. When my kids were younger it was good to let the younger child keep up with the older one but now it works to my advantage as my kids are much more skilled than their parents. Our amazing local game store ( ) suggested this when my kids younger and almost a decade later it continues to be a winner in our house.

Have you played Bishook.? It is a new iPhone app that combines Chess with Tic Tac Toe. Easy to play but not so easy to win! The chess pieces go on the board like Tic Tac Toe but then take on chess piece properties. Very fun and challenging!

A basic membership is completely free. You can play all the correspondence-style and real-time chess you want (including blitz and bullet games), participate in the forums, even post in your own blog. In addition to all that, you will enjoy limited access to some of our amazing learning tools.

The Queen's Gambit, a new Netflix Original that debuted in October, made a lot of people remember just how much they love chess. Right after airing, downloads of apps for playing and learning chess grew by 30%.

If you've got an app for chess, this is your wave to ride! seems to be riding the wave very well, so in this ASO Teardown, we'll take a look at how it's the #1 result for the keyword chess on Google Play.

Google mines the app's long description for keywords, using density and repetitions as proxies for relevance. takes advantage of that with a fairly long description (~2.6K characters), more than 30 repetitions of the keyword chess (the competition averages 10), which gives it a fairly high density (possibly, too much).

chess comes in at 13% density, which is too high for most terms. But! Because it's a very generic term + pairs well with other terms sprinkled in the description, like play and learn, the algorithm doesn't see it as being too spammy.

A few misspellings, alternate combinations, and even chess in Spanish (because the app has localized name and description, another win), are all giving even broader coverage and more exposure on Google Play.

Dad Suggests is the home of fatherly thoughts on kids books, board games, and more. We share the things we love to do with our own family in the hopes that you and your family find something new to enjoy.

 I love playing chess very much. But due to my paralyzed hands it has been a great difficulty. I have recently started using your program verbal chess, and it's been a life-changing experience. 

Play Magnus is a small company using a wide variety of technology, so it is an advantage if you are someone with a broad range of skills or are willing to learn new things without prejudice. We have user-facing web and apps in Swift, Kotlin, C# and JavaScript, with a little bit of ClojureScript and Elm. We have server-side software and content generation tools in Julia, Clojure and TypeScript, and a chess engine in C++.

One of the new developers we are seeking is someone to assist me in my own tasks; primarily maintaining and improving internal software in Clojure/ClojureScript as well as chess AI work. For chess AI, I hope to be using Julia along with C, C++ or Rust (our current old and outdated chess engine will be rewritten from scratch).

Originally intended to be a case study regarding my improvement in online play using Chessable during the COVID-19 pandemic, I also tell how I got my start in the chess world and how it changed my life forever!

The mayor (and his secretaries) of my city brought chess to the schools, a big surprise for me! I was invited to oversee the first steps, but also to inspire (!!!) the kids, as I was the only one in the region who played chess competitively, and because I also continued with my studies at the university. I was very happy with that! You can see me in the middle, alongside other politicians. The mayor is sitting on the left, facing a little girl. They wanted me to help with the first few moves, and I chose the Ruy Lopez, one of the oldest openings in chess, to appear in the official pictures!

After that exam, I went to Florianpolis, had an amazing week there, then I returned. Then, the true adventure began! I was also applying for jobs in Porto Alegre, otherwise, I would be forced to return to where I came from in a few months. While I was arranging a new place to stay, I was hosted by Marcelo and Nilda, a lovely couple who came from my state a decade earlier and were willing to help me to stay in the city! I learned a lot about the state of Rio Grande do Sul, I took my time to study its culture, and I was always amazed to think that I was still in the same country! The road between Porto Alegre and Florianpolis had a lot of cool views, really stunning stuff, and

An epic learning adventure for anyone who wants to learn how to play chess. Join grandmaster Max on her adventure to solve puzzles and beat bosses, and become a grandmaster yourself!

Giving chess for the holidays is one of the most useful gifts you could ever make

For yourself or your spouse, it will guarantee you keep your mind fresh and active by challenging you daily to fun chess exercises and puzzles. For a young player who is just starting chess, it will provide guidance and fun for a healthy hobby that will follow during a lifetime.

You love chess. You want to become better, You want to win games, to solve difficult positions, stop making mistakes. You want to become an expert! How? CHESS KING, the world leader in Chess Education, will show you how! e24fc04721

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