In March 2005, Ciara confirmed she would appear on The Cookbook, singing and rapping on the potential first untitled single at the time. She explained the song's meaning, saying, "It's about music, how music makes you feel and makes you lose control."[1][4] While recording the song, Elliott stated, "The only person who can pull something off with me [on this track] is Ciara, because it's a record with speed." She went on to say that the toughest part of making the song was convincing Ciara to rap. In the process, Ciara asked Elliott, "Is this gonna sound messed up? My fans are gonna be mad."[5] Along with "On & On", "Lose Control" was released in advance of The Cookbook to determine which song would serve as the lead single.[4][5]

Does it have a pilot, or is it remote controlled?

Because you can toggle commnet to give limited communication to remote controlled ships, while reentering the atmosphere, due to the plasma forming around your ship. You can turn it off in settings.

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Drag has become more of a factor now. and most space plane designs don't take this into account. the rear oriented com will cause it to want to fly engine first. by moving the com closer to the center point of the craft, you can then bring your wings forward so it resembles a more common plane design. this will also increase the lever for pitch control while reducing the lever of drag force against the nose. hope that helps some.

"Spaceplane loses control on reentry" is a classic problem in KSP, and the answer is almost always the same thing: your CoM is near the back of the plane. (This problem often compounded by having all the control surfaces at the back of the plane, too, which makes it not only unstable but uncontrollable as well. Control surfaces right next to the CoM have no lever arm to work with and are therefore almost completely ineffective.)

Its been happening for a few patches now especially if i ult as Diana, its been really frustrating to use her r knowing theres a chance that your character will just stop midway. I've also randomly lose control when im chasing someone then the controls suddenly stops working and my character just chases the other player till the end of time. This has never happened to me on other game i played on my phone other than this, so I'm wondering if its the game or my phone

People try to control people, they try to control things, and they try to control all that happens around them. Like some kind of cosmic conductor, they try to get life to fit perfectly to their whims and wants.

When you let go of control, when you find acceptance, when you live in the present, when you develop a positive attitude, and when your actions speak louder than words, then the world (people) notices. It rubs off.

Local education agencies require parents, guardians, or emancipated juveniles to provide their written irrevocable consent for a school to disclose to the Division of Motor Vehicles that the student no longer meets the conditions for a Driving Eligibility Certificate under G.S. 20-11. If a parent does not give their consent, a Driving Eligibility Certificate will not be issued.

g. School property. - The physical premises of the school, school buses or other vehicles under the school's control or contract and that are used to transport students, and school-sponsored curricular or extracurricular activities that occur on or off the physical premises of the school.

b. The disciplinary action was for the possession or sale of an alcoholic beverage or an illegal controlled substance on school property, and the student subsequently attended and successfully completed, as defined by the applicable State entity, a drug or alcohol treatment counseling program, as appropriate. (1935, c. 52, s. 6; 1953, c. 355; 1955, c. 1187, s. 8; 1963, c. 968, ss. 2, 2A; 1965, c. 410, s. 3; c. 1171; 1967, c. 694; 1969, c. 37; 1973, c. 191, ss. 1, 2; c. 664, ss. 1, 2; 1975, c. 79; c. 716, s. 5; 1979, c. 101; c. 667, ss. 15, 16, 41; 1981 (Reg. Sess., 1982), c. 1257, s. 2; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1021, s. 11; 1991, c. 689, s. 326; 1993, c. 539, s. 319; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1997-16, s. 1; 1997-443, s. 32.20; 1997-507, s. 1; 1998-149, ss. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5; 1998-212, s. 9.21(c); 1999-243, ss. 1, 2; 1999-276, s. 1; 1999-387, s. 4; 1999-452, s. 9; 2001-194, s. 1; 2001-487, s. 51.5(a); 2002-73, ss. 1, 2; 2002-159, s. 30; 2005-276, s. 44.1(b); 2006-177, ss. 2-7; 2011-145, s. 28.37(d); 2011-282, s. 15; 2011-381, s. 3; 2011-385, ss. 1-3; 2011-412, s. 3.2.)

One of the central distinctions between the substance of Monday\u2019s free issues and that of Thursday\u2019s bonus content is the personalization of the latter. To that end, I thought I\u2019d use today\u2019s issue\u2014and the public release of financial disclosure forms from Justices Thomas and Alito (including amended prior forms)\u2014to reflect on a charge that\u2019s often leveled against those calling for the Court to adopt (or have Congress adopt for it) a series of ethics/financial disclosure reforms: That those urging such reforms are only speaking out now because \u201Cthe Left\u201D (whatever that is) has \u201Clost control\u201D of the Supreme Court\u2014and is belatedly trying to rein in the institution no longer doing its bidding.

There\u2019s a whole lot about this sentiment that borders on the preposterous (starting with the idea that \u201Cthe Left\u201D is homogeneous, or that there couldn\u2019t possibly be those who think ethics reform is a good idea regardless of who \u201Ccontrols\u201D the Court). But there\u2019s a factual point in the charge that seems worth exploring for its own sake: Assuming that there was a point when the Court was controlled by justices who could fairly be described as liberals, when did that era \u201Cend\u201D? Those making this argument seem to think it ended only when Justice Barrett was confirmed to fill Justice Ginsburg\u2019s seat in October 2020. In the post that follows, I\u2019m going to take a shot at arguing that, if we really want to single out a specific date, the best candidate isn\u2019t October 27, 2020, but July 2, 1976.

The incident shows exactly why people should not get too close to wild animals, according to Zoo Miami ambassador Ron Magill. Yellowstone authorities say visitors to the park should stay at least 25 yards away from bison for their own safety. But Magill suggested that some people ignore the guidelines in pursuit of likes on social media.

The assailant then allegedly tried to sexually assault the 21-year-old before pushing her down the slope as well. She fell nearly 165 feet, ending up close to her friend. The suspect left the scene but was quickly arrested nearby.

In control of their path to the postseason entering the week, the Seahawks (8-8) collapsed defensively on Sunday in a 30-23 loss to Pittsburgh. It was a siege of physical running from the Pittsburgh duo of Najee Harris and Jaylen Warren and some awful tackling that allowed the Steelers to take control of the game.

I mentioned before that this is a Long stay quality measure. So the percent of low-risk residents who lose control of their bowel or bladder Long stay means that those with-- those residents who have cumulative days in facility equal to or greater than 101 days. So on any given quality measure report, this issue of Long stay or Short stay is mutually exclusive. That means on any given report, a resident is either Long stay or Short stay, but not both for that report.

So when you do look at your Facility Level Quality Measure Reports, you can find this listed as low-risk lose B and B control, L, which means Long stay. In this case, this facility has a numerator of 4, a denominator of 15, for a facility observe percent of 26.7. There is no adjustment for this quality measure. Against the state and the national average, that's higher than the facility percent, and that puts them in the 19th percentile ranking in the nation. Remember, for quality measure, getting closer to 0 the better. So they're in the top performance. So they're better than-- in the top 20, because they're in the top 19th percent. But they still do have four residents at low risk, so let's take a look at this.

To do that, you must go to the quality measurement user manual, identify the measure specifications for this measure, then go to the RAI manual to help you identify if you're coding on the MDS is accurate. And then you can determine, do we have a quality improvement opportunity, or what is our quality improvement opportunity? So let's do that, and let's go to the quality measure user manual, and look at how this measure report, the percent of Long stay residents who frequently lose control of their bowel and bladder.

So in this case, resident G1 also triggers for anxiety or hypnotic medication use, Long stay, and has anti-psychotic medication, Long stay, as well. And the resident J1 also triggered for anti-psychotic medication, Long stay, and fall. So we do see a correlation in that both residents on this page with lots of bowel and bladder control also are on an anti-psychotic medication. So we would have to investigate and determine is there one leading to the other. Is there any correlation at all.

Sometimes we can't control this but many times we can. A client just told me how she read an article about ice cream this morning, and all day long she's been thinking about ice cream! Why do that to ourselves?

The rain makes it so you must be extra cautious on the road. However, no matter how safe you drive, some dangers may be impossible to avoid. One of the most dangerous situations is when you lose control of your vehicle because of hydroplaning or a patch of black ice on the road.

Unfortunately, not all drivers know how to fix their vehicle when they lose control. Many of these situations result in severe crashes. If negligence is involved, and you suffer an injury, our Atlanta car accident attorneys can help. e24fc04721

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