I want to create a plugin, that can load a midi file and play it in a loop. Based on the example of @IvanC Playing a midi file (revisited), I am currently able to play a single track of a midi file. But, it is only played once. What do I have to do, that the midi data is processed again, once it reached the end?

When you close the configuration, the application will not terminate, but rather be minimized to the traybar. When you right-click on the traybar-icon of loopMIDI, you get an options-menu to either deactivate the application, configure the ports or to activate autostart each time you log on to the computer.

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I just tested with a real MIDI controller (MIDI Fighter Twister) and got exactly the same results so the issue is not just tied to loopMIDI ports. The controller is not recognized by GP until I restart it.

I come from Fl Studio where you easily can create a midi track and repeat the midi information again and again. So if i want to change the chords of one midi track, all similar midi tracks will be synced to the new changes.

How can i do this in S1? When i duplicate the midi event and edit midi in one of them it doesnt sync to all other midi events. This means that you will have to delete all of the existing duplicates and then re-duplicate exactly the same regions.... which takes a lot of time

In other DAWs that I have used, I have just clicked on a MIDI pattern in my project, and then I get a piano roll. Hitting Play inside of said piano roll would loop the pattern, without other tracks/instruments. Hitting play with the Cubase Key Editor open does nothing like that, it just plays the track.

I like this method because it works differently depending on what you select, selecting a single large object with a single click works too - like a midi or audio part.

transport-locators-loop selection

Up vote for me. This is something I've been meaning to request, but I didn't know if that feature has a specific name for all other daws or it has a unique name. I was blown away the first time I did that in Reaper a few years ago. I imagine it could work out so much better in Studio One if you were to transform a track leaving the tail, slide the tail back and use that loop function for drums or synths that carry out through the whole song and at the end bring the tail out.

What a disappointment! I've been trying about 10 DAWs and none of them does it the way Logic was already doing it in 1995. Incredibly, I can't find ANY major DAW under Windows that has both that and the alias/ghost/duplicate clip feature, another essential feature! Make multiple ghost/aliases of a sequence, loop them, move each loop as a single unit, set different number of repeats for each...

I just installed the trial version of Studio One, and I like very much what I see, it's at the top of my list with Cubase. But both don't have this basic but incredibly useful feature.

I'm uninstalling Studio One right after that, and will probably finally settle for Mulab (its loop thing not as good as Logic, but it does work!). I'm also seriously thinking of getting a Mac again just for Logic, after more than 20 years on Windows...

No amount of region duplication achieves the same thing because any change to the original (e.g. remove one midi snare hit) means you then have to delete all of the existing duplicates and then re-duplicate exactly the same regions without ******** up. For hip hop / EDM where beats tend to repeat heavily it seems like the only sensible method.

wim, what I want to do is from the midi keyboard, record in some playing via MIDI in, and then save that as a loop in a looper so I can build tracks etc, rather than a DAW...DAW's are not really live tools.

I thought from the Loopy Pro intro it could do it but nope it cannot...hence asking if there is a MIDI one....MIDI Looper Live can, in that it records your midi data and then you can assign it out to a synth (or drum app, NOT a drumming app, a drum sound app)....then build up more layers (again in a live setting) with say a bass line and then playinb live keys over the top of that.

@pax-eterna said:

wim, what I want to do is from the midi keyboard, record in some playing via MIDI in, and then save that as a loop in a looper so I can build tracks etc, rather than a DAW...DAW's are not really live tools.

All of the above apps can be used for that. Maybe not exactly how you're picturing though. LK, and Helium are probably the most intuitive. My gut tells me what you're looking for is more like a hardware midi looper than these though.

All of the above apps can be used for that. Maybe not exactly how you're picturing though. LK, and Helium are probably the most intuitive. My gut tells me what you're looking for is more like a hardware midi looper than these though.

Maximum clip length is 16 bars but you can drop the playback resolution down as far as 1/64th for a maximum theoretical loop length of 1,024 bars relative to the rest of your song. Note that, as with any other sequencer, this will reduce resolution for micro-timing.

To know the naming convention for midi values simply look at the midi out CHOP parameters.

For example channel prefix is ch, note name is n, aftertouch is a.

you can change these names if you want to.

I am fairly new to Java programming, and would like to know how to properly loop a MIDI sequence whilst a game is playing. I have some code and I know that I should use setLoopCount() in order to do it but am unsure how to implement it.

Do note though that the above does not create an infinite loop. My guess is that you need to set "loops" to 1 and increment it within a while statement that tests like the following:

I hope this helps a lot of people (I based it off my own midi program, which works). However, do note that anything about an infinite loop I have not yet tested. It is only theory based on heavy analysis of the situation and the available classes and variables.Do note that .setLoopCounter() is present in Java 1.4.1 and on.Thank you and I am glad to help.

There is a good (but old) book about java game development: The source code is available at the website. Check out the chapter 4... In the SoundManagerTest.java file, you will find an example about looping midi sounds. I hope it is not too outdated.


I am new to all this,

I have pd set up with osc touch on android,

PD receives and sends to/from android.

I also have midi out-put on PD set to loopmidi and when i send test signal loopmidi receives this,and ableton receives this too. however,

when i send signals to PD from andriod loopmidi does not receive these so neither does ableton.

Do i need some form of patch or to set up pd in a different way?

i dont have a patch im just using an adroid to send signals to pd and was wondering how to get these signals to loopmidi.. sorry to be so veige. ive read forums saying that people are controlling ableton form andriod via pd and loopmidi but all i can map on ableton is the test signal from pd via loopmidi

I don't use loopmidi, i use linux with jack for make midi/audio connection.

Once i try with touch osc and android to control renoise, i use touch osc with renoise directly, if i remeber i don't use the pd patch, but maybe i'm wrong.

the test signal i used was the test signal in the ...test audio and midi.. option in the media drop down tab at the top of the pd page, ableton , loopmidi and even midiox receive this, when im tapping my android only pd its self receives any signal. ido i need to convert these signals to midi or somthing along those lines. i have seen examples of patches but am still not quite understanding them.

ive now managed to get it so that the signals now print to pd-extended page. . am i on the right track.? i eventually wish to map in ableton. so now i need to be able to sent midi signals. the test signal in the media options is c1 i think.

However the "sweet spot" for the drone note is the centre two bars of a four bar midi note. Track plays from start, hits the loop start at bar 2 and end of loop at start of bar 4, goes back to start of loop at bar 2 and around and around. This so you get the initial start of the drone but the continuous drone is the loop part:

I would recommend trying the Matrix View. Unlike a groove clip, you do not need to specify length of it (where the last groove clip will be the end), but merely start/stop it and it will continue to loop cells indefinitely for you. You can leave it looping till the cows come home, and for this reason is also a good tool for jamming with.

The Matrix view can loop clips. But the main transport will loop all tracks in the track view between the loop in/out markers. So in that context it isn't possible to loop just one track in the track view, without looping them all.

No transport looping for this. The 2-bar section mentioned in the OP can be dragged from the track into the Matrix View and set to loop, synced to the transport. That "track" will then be driven by the Matrix View, while the rest of the project will still be driven by the transport. The Matrix View is a looper that outputs to a project track.

In the case of the image shown in OP its one continuous MIDI note ( not sample ) for 4 bars playing an evolving ambient type synth sound. It starts quieter and then builds in bar 2 and 3 then fades in bar 4. By using the standard loop thing it plays in with bar 1 but then loops the evolved "full" sound in bar 2 and 3 continuously which is the exact "sound" I want looped for the whole ambient piece as an underlying soundscape. 006ab0faaa

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