Create experiences that are accessible from the beginning. We give you tools, training, and access to our experts so you can successfully integrate accessibility into each step of your digital experience creation life cycle.

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5 Introduction Security information Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks. In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is necessary to implement and continuously maintain a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept. Siemens' products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept. Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems, machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in place. For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please visit ( Siemens' products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure. Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customers' exposure to cyber threats. To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS Feed under ( Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC 5

6 Introduction 1.2 General introduction 1.2 General introduction LOGO! Access Tool is an add-in for Excel. It connects to LOGO! Base Module through HTTP. LOGO! Access tool provides the following features: Set data synchronization period Show history data Start or stop the data synchronization Get value of LOGO! Variables such as I, O and M Record all variables values and save them in log files Compatibility LOGO! Access Tool supports the following excel versions and LOGO! Base Modules: Office Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 (both 32-bit version, and 64-bit version) LOGO! 8 Standard, LOGO! 8. FS4 and later version Document History The following editions of LOGO! Access Tool have been published: Edition Version Comment 07/2016 V1.0.0 First edition 05/2017 V1.0.1 Second edition 11/2017 V2.0.0 Third edition 6 Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC

7 2 2.1 Prerequisite Note You can only use LOGO! Access Tool in Local Network with a firewall. In current version, LOGO! Access Tool only supports one BM connection. Before using LOGO! Access Tool, make sure that you meet the following requirements: Install LOGO! Access Tool in Microsoft Excel. Connect your PC to the target LOGO! Base Module. Enable the Web server access through LOGO!Soft Comfort. On how to enable the Web server access, refer to LOGO!Soft Comfort Online Help. 2.2 Install LOGO! Access Tool Before starting working with LOGO! Access Tool, you need to install it first. 1. Copy LOGO!AccessTool.xlam to your computer. 2. Start Excel. 3. On the File menu, point to Options, and then click Add-Ins. Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC 7

9 2.2 Install LOGO! Access Tool 6. Browse to the folder which you save "LOGO! Access Tool" in step one and select the tool. Result: LOGO! Access Tool is listed in the "Add-Ins available" pane and its check box is automatically selected. 7. Click OK. Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC 9

10 2.3 LOGO! Access Tool Menu 2.3 LOGO! Access Tool Menu After installing LOGO! Access Tool successfully, click the toolbar Add-Ins, and then LOGO! Access Tool menu is displayed as follows. LOGO! Access Tool menu consists of two options: Start/Stop: you can use it to start or stop data synchronization. LOGO! Access Tool: click it and a drop-down menu appears. This drop-down menu includes Log In Panel, Configure Panel and About Panel. 10 Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC

11 2.3 LOGO! Access Tool Menu Log In Panel After installing LOGO! Access Tool, log in according to the following steps: 1. Click Log In in the drop-down list of LOGO! Access Tool menu. 2. Enter IP address and password of your LOGO! Base Module after a Login panel pops up, and then select the check box Run when log in. Note LOGO! Access tool shares the same access control with Web server. If you have enabled Web user access without changing the password, you can log in with the default password "LOGO". 3. Click the Log In button. Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC 11

15 2.4 Get LOGO! Variable Value 2.4 Get LOGO! Variable Value Note Make sure that you enable Web server access of the target LOGO! Base Module before using the LOGO! Access Tool. After logging in (Page 11) LOGO! Access Tool successfully, you can get LOGO! Variable values by inputting "=LOGOVAR("id")" in a cell. Then the real time value of this specific variable is displayed in the cell. The variable value updates according to the data synchronization period you set in the configure panel. "id" means the identification for LOGO! variables. It consists of variable type and valid index. For one dimensional variables, there is only one index, for example: Q1, AI1, VW0. LOGO! also supports multiple dimensional variables which have multiple index, for example: SR1.1. Note When you input an invalid or unsupported id for LOGO!, LOGO! Access Tool cannot return data. The following table shows the variables that can be got with LOGO! Access Tool. Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC 15

20 2.5 Uninstall the LOGO! Access Tool 4. In the "Add-Ins available" pane, uncheck the check box next to "LOGO! Accesstool". 5. Click OK. 6. On the toolbar Add-Ins, right-click LOGO! Access Tool. 7. Select Delete Custom Command. 8. Delete the source file LOGO! Access Tool from your computer. 20 Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC

21 Reinstall the LOGO! Access Tool 3 LOGO! Access Tool cannot work properly in the following cases. You move LOGO! Access Tool to another location. You update excel to a higher version. You use excel workbook in another computer. For the existing workbooks can work properly, follow the below steps to update the tool. 1. Reinstall LOGO! Access Tool. On how to reload your LOGO! Access Tool, refer to Install LOGO! Access Tool (Page 7). 2. Edit the links in your workbook. Operating Instructions, 11/2017, A5E AC 21

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Remote-Supporttools knnen von jedem Unternehmen verwendet werden, das eine Verbindung zu Kunden oder fr interne Ablufe bentigt. Groe Unternehmen mit komplexen internen Ablufen, IT-Firmen, die sich mit ihrem Team vernetzen, MSPs, die sofortige Hilfe leisten, und viele dieser Unternehmen knnen Remote-Support entsprechend ihren Anforderungen nutzen. Zoho Assist ist eine solche benutzerfreundliche Remote-Desktopsoftware, die es Ihnen ermglicht, Remote-Support oder Bildschirmfreigabesitzungen sicher zu initiieren, wann immer ntig.

Zoho Assist ist ein benutzerfreundliches, kostenloses Remote-Supporttool, mit dem Sie im Handumdrehen sichere Remote-Supportsitzungen und Bildschirmfreigabesitzungen initiieren knnen. Techniker knnen auerdem Sitzungen basierend auf der Verfgbarkeit des Remote-Endbenutzers fr einen spteren Zeitpunkt planen.

Fernzugriffstools knnen Sie beim Fernzugriff und der Steuerung von Systemen an entfernten Standorten untersttzen. Damit knnen Probleme gelst und Treiberupdates einfach und effizient installiert werden, ohne dass ein Techniker vor Ort anwesend sein muss. Zoho Assist ist eine einfach zu bedienende Software fr den Fernzugriff und Support, die auf Ihre Bedrfnisse zugeschnitten ist.

Warner Bros. International Television Production (WBITVP) New Zealand deployed Splashtop as a business continuity solution to keep their post-production workflows running remotely during COVID-19. After testing other remote access solutions, they chose Splashtop to meet their needs for security and high-performance remote productivity.

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