If you have a using System.Linq; and use something from that namespace in your code, the watch window will find and execute the linq extensions. (If you don't use anything from System.Linq the reference is optimized away, so this assembly is not loaded at runtime and the debugger can't use it).

The O/R Designer provides a visual design surface for creating LINQ to SQL entity classes and associations (relationships) that are based on objects in a database. In other words, the O/R Designer creates an object model in an application that maps to objects in a database. It also generates a strongly-typed DataContext that sends and receives data between the entity classes and the database. The O/R Designer also provides functionality to map stored procedures and functions to DataContext methods for returning data and populating entity classes. Finally, the O/R Designer provides the ability to design inheritance relationships between entity classes.

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When you select the .dbml file, Visual Studio shows the O/R Designer surface that enables you to visually create the model. The following illustration shows the designer after the Northwind Customers and Orders tables have been dragged from Server Explorer. Note the relationship between the tables.

We've had a few issues with devs passing function calls into the LINQ query expressions, causing EF core to silently evaluate the function locally. Is there an analyzer for visual studio that can give a warning when this is being done?

I need it for another scenario, I am using a generic list of a runtime object that maps exactly to a database table. and i need to look for a specific value inside it.

if you add linqPad as extension to visual studio, i can query this collection using linq (which is not permitted in the debugger!!), or i can dump its contents.

Yes, a dump method that returns formatted text resembling the output of LinqPad would be generally useful. If your problem is to get the code to compile within visual studio, just create your own stub.

I'm reasonably decent creating linq queries and I have a case where I'm using entity framework to query a table where I need to group the results based on 8 columns. The groupable data itself (columns) are account ID, person ID, premise ID, device ID, address, city, state, and zip. Basically, a person can have multiple accounts, multiple premises, multiple devices, and each premise can have it's own address.

Visual Studio "Orcas" ships with a LINQ to SQL designer that provides an easy way to model and visualize a database as a LINQ to SQL object model. My next blog post will cover in more depth how to use this designer (you can also watch this video I made in January to see me build a LINQ to SQL model from scratch using it).

Basically, it says that in Linq to Objects, the Single overload with a predicates always enumerates the whole sequence, even if the predicate matches more than one item. On the other hand, Edulinq throws InvalidOperationException as soon as a second match is found, which avoids enumerating the rest of the sequence.

Use the LINQ to SQL Debug Visualizer from Scott Guthrie. This allows you to see the SQL statements through the debugger in Visual Studio. This option has the advantage that you can see the SQL statement without executing the query. You can even execute the query and see the results in the visualizer.

in vs, go to tools->options, then text editor->c#->formatting->general. uncheck at least the first two checkboxes on this page. that will prevent vs from automatically formatting your code. however, there is no way to disable autoformat only for linq queries. 17dc91bb1f

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