While screen readers can read a full page to a user, screen reader users may prefer to instead listen to a list of links. In that case, a screen reader may only read the link text and not the surrounding text.

Colorblind users may not be able to perceive color cues. Typically, pages present links as a different color than their surrounding text. Adding underlines or other non-color indicators help users who may not see color. Users who are not comfortable with technology may also appreciate having links underlined.

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In general, content editors should avoid using images as links. If an image functions as a link, the image must have alt text that conveys the location and purpose of the link. The alt text should not describe the image. Treat image links as links, not as images.

Giving links a different color from the surrounding text is common on the web. Color differences help sighted users, especially users with cognitive impairments. But, color differences alone are not sufficient for accessibility.

In general, pages should have some non-color away of conveying links. This concern applies most to links that appear alongside or within blocks of text. Links that appear in menus, for example, are clear enough because of their place in a layout.

Each browser has a different default focus style, generally a thin dotted line or faint blue ring. Browser defaults are often imperceptible, especially around image links or on blue backgrounds. As a general rule, designers should design custom focus styles. Focus styles should be noticeable and salient.

Link sizes should be generous. Large link sizes make it easier for users with low coordination or on mobile devices to activate links. Link size consideration is most important for links that are not contained within blocks or paragraphs of text, such as call to action links. Links should be at least 44px wide and 22px tall.

Instead, wrap all elements within the same anchor tag. Doing so provides a larger clickable area, a single tab stop for keyboard-only users, and a single entry for screen reader users. A screen reader will read all content within the a tag. So, images contained in this kind of anchor should have a null alt attribute.

Developers should use care when providing such screen reader-only text. The following techniques will hide content from screen readers altogether and should be avoided when providing screen reader-only content:

Assistive technology considers an ARIA description to be in addition to the link text. But, assistive technology considers an ARIA label to replace the link text. For that reason, links with ARIA labels may create a worse experience for speech recognition software users. If the ARIA label does not match the link text at least in part, speech recognition software may not work as a user expects.

When creating links, developers should use the tag. The tag has important accessibility features built in by default. It is keyboard focusable, and screen reader will announce the link as a link. By default, the hover mouse cursor style is set to a pointer, instead of the default arrow.

Developers can emulate links with other elements, such as or elements and JavaScript click listeners. But, these kinds of emulated links need care. Developers wishing to emulate links must include the following:

Additional Open Access (OA) content is now discoverable via new Unpaywall links in the Library Catalog. Unpaywall harvests OA content from legal sources including repositories run by universities, governments, and scholarly societies, as well as open content hosted by publishers themselves.

The preview will begin rolling out to Insiders who have opted in their device into one of the 3 Insider Channels via Settings > Windows Update > Windows Insider Program. If you are new to the Windows Insider Program, you can go here to get started. We are beginning this preview with a small percentage of Insiders at first throughout this week, which means not all Insiders will see the preview right away. We will increase the availability of the preview to more Insiders over time and based on feedback we receive with this first set of Insiders. The preview will require Phone Link app version 1.23012.169.0 and higher but the preview itself be controlled via the cloud.

If you are an Insider who receives the preview of Phone Link for iOS, you will see the option to pick your iPhone on the Phone Link homepage (in addition to choosing an Android device). If you see the iPhone button greyed out with a coming soon message, that means you are not yet in the preview.

After choosing iPhone, the guided installation will kick off to pair your iPhone. You will be directed to follow a set of steps that will guide you to pair your iPhone and PC over Bluetooth. This will initiate after you scan a QR code shown on your screen, and then move on to the confirmation steps that helps us confirm the phone and PC are in range.

Once the guided installation completes and your iPhone is paired to your PC and the right permissions given, Phone Link will deliver basic iOS support for calls, messages, and contacts. This means you will be notified directly through your Windows notifications. Phone Link does not support replying to group messages or sending media in messages.

By inputting your account information and clicking the "Continue" button, you provide consent to CenturyLink to access your account information, including the services you subscribe to, to respond to your inquiry and inform you of CenturyLink's products and services. You may deny us permission by proceeding no further and your denial will have no affect on your current services. Under federal law, it is your right and our duty to protect your account information. Learn more or Close This Window

There may be more than one course catalog available from theElizabeth City State Universitysystem e-catalog Gateway at a time.If there is more than one, you will see a dropdown box toward the top of the page with the nameof the current course catalog. Clicking the dropdown box providesaccess to other available course catalogs. Selecting an alternatecourse catalog will load it into the Gateway.If you do not see the dropdown box, then only a single course catalogis currently published.

To use the Course Catalog Search, simply enter a search keyword or phrase and press ENTER. The search will find any matching content in the course catalog including courses, degree programs, school/colleges, departments or other narrative content.

Search options are available by clicking on the Advanced Search link below the regular search form or by clicking the Modify Search Options link after performing a search. The search options offer more precise searching of the course catalog content.

Check the "Whole Word/Phrase" check box to search for an exact match for a keyword or phrase. For instance, entering "bio" will only return hits in which the term "bio" stands alone; it will not return any instances of the term "biology". The same is true if you enter a phrase.

Click "Show Prefix List" to display a list of all course prefixes available in the course catalog. You may enter a keyword phrase that includes a course prefix and code (like "ENG 101") to better locate a specific course. The closest available matches will be returned first.

Some links may display pages about the course catalog or otherrelated information. Other links may display listings ofcoursesordegree programswithin the course catalog. These navigation links may display other informationthat is broken down by various methods such as byschool/colleges,bydepartments,or bydegree program,orcoursetypes.

Courseanddegree programtitles are almost always shown as links. Clicking on a coursetitle will display course information below the course title about thecourseand a link to Add toFavorites (course information may be shown in a pop up window if you have an older browser). Clicking on a degree programtitle will display all the related information for thedegree programas well as the Adddegree programtoFavorites link.

Someschool/colleges, departments, degree programs, and coursesmay have FlashPoint Links associated with them that may be a textlink or a click-able graphic. These FlashPoint Links are links toan additional digital resource. The digital resource may be another webpage, a text document, audio, video, or many other types of media andmay require a special browser plug-in.

To print a page click the print link. The "Print Friendly" version will open up withjust the content of the page in it (no navigation or header). If you click the print link on a"Print Friendly" page the browser will popup with the print dialog allowing you to print that page.

You may add items to your own personalFavoritesas you browse through the online course catalogs. TheFavorites featurewill retain a list ofcourses, degree programs,pages, divisions and saved searches that you have found interesting and wish to save for future visits tothe online Elizabeth City State University course catalogs.

Note: Itemssuffixed with the text [From Previous Course Catalog]are from older, outdated course catalogs that are no longer available. You willneed to search within newer course catalogs to find alternativeinformation to replace them.

TheFavorites featurewill store your favorite itemsusing a combination of temporary and permanent storage in a database.This method requires that you register an account and login to permanentlysave information in theFavorites. Itemsare still stored temporarily in the database until you login to yourFavorites.Once you login, any temporary information will be saved into your accountfor permanent storage.

If you have forgotten your password, just enter your e-mail address andclick the Reset Password button.An email will be sent to the email address you used to sign up for your My Favorites account with a link that will enable you to reset your password.

To change your password, click on the ChangePassword link. A pop up window will prompt you for a new password.Enter a new password and confirmation and click the Resetbutton. When you are finished, you may close the pop up window. e24fc04721

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